World of BotsCraft

sometimes i wonder if blizzard is leaving bots on purpose otherwise game would be dead? I mean
-bg’s is filled with bots, without those bots Queue will be dead most of the day
-AH filled with material, without those bots people would struggle to find anything on AH
-24/7 bots playing the AH to snipe items and re-add them for market monopoly
-bots that farm 24/7 raw gold which cause inflation and then newcomers are forced to buy gold or token.

report them? months of reporting with evidence / fraped videos and bots still alive and kicking…like wth? If BOTS are banned on instant then their existence will vanish.

Also will dead blizzard ever ban real money traders in this game? too many players are selling gold on black markets aka famous sites like g** / playerA****** and more.


Blizz doesn’t see a bot. Blizz sees $15/month.

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They see a loss in revenue, actually.

so hundreds of thousands of bots are using stolen wow accounts / credit cards, what the hell the real owners for those CC’s/accounts are doing?

but even if blizzard noticed a bot and are afraid to ban him cus it’s stolen account from a legitimate account, then they should temporary suspend it till the real owner contact them,.
if it’s bot that used stolen card…instant ban the bot and reject the payment asap.

If they haven’t banned all the bots by now I’m sure it will never happen, I agree with the person that said they see it as an extra 15$ sub a month.

Then again with the wow token if those bot accounts are buying time with gold via token then I really have no idea what’s going on.

I wish they would just return to their old ways and hire a bunch of GM’s to take care of things, although it would cost them money, it would make the game better. It’s something we know now is in the past and won’t happen.


That Blue post is laughable. It was true years ago, but not now. The sub investment is well worth it for bots. Not even a small dent in their profits. And with the Token it’s not even that. They’re playing for free. Blizz recently made a change so bots have to actually pay for a sub a single time. Big whoop.

Blizz’s sporadic ban waves are for show. They can’t do them too often, since they have to keep up profitable for the bots.

This isn’t some conspiracy theory. If you think they truly want to eradicate bots, then you’re a fool. People see the same fly hacking bots for months. Right out in the open for all to see. Ban waves come and go, but the same bots are there. It’s all BS.


This take seems hyperbolic to me, but it does seem obvious from the token price that WoW Tokens are incredibly popular in Wrath Classic. It might be interesting to have insight into the data as to whether there are small numbers of players buying large amounts of tokens, or large amounts of players buying them periodically, both, and/or other insights we might garnish…

In any case though, while I think some people will think that new players “have to” whatever, the fact is that a new level 80 is going to have a hard time getting in to a cutting edge progression raid if they don’t have any gear, but is much more likely to find their way into a group that is around their own level.

Gearing takes time, and effort, and obviously guild raid groups will prioritize players who have consistently been showing up to raids and as a result are geared in current items over those who have just dinged 80, and have not shown any sort of commitment to a raiding schedule, nor do they have gear that would allow them to be of much contribution to the group… of course, there are many catch-up mechanics in place to help players gear, without the need to purchase gold or tokens to sell for gold, and personally, that’s probably the path that I would take, though if I had less time to spend on the game and more money to throw at it that I didn’t care about, I might take a different approach.


It absolutely is.

Ahh yes, the old ways of, checks notes

Tracking and observing bots for months - instead of pouncing immediately.


making assumptions without knowing how the system works. let’s be honest and admit how clueless you are on this

Man people are on fire with the evidence today.

Whenever i see a player in lfg / trade buying icc 10h ticket i whisper them to ask “why are you buying ticket” and to have a friendly chat with him/her, and every single conversation proved to me that those players are forced to do that in-order to have a good start in finding groups/guild without so much time consume on farming gamma where the loot isn’t even good compared to icc 10hc gear.
those icc10h ticket sell for half million, some ticket buyers said that they’re re-rolling and want to save time while some said they’re new and game is gear dependent so they’re buying ticket to survive the cruel reality of being on fearlina where everyone will reject you if you’re not XX GS

on a side note…2 of my irl friends who came to wow to level and play for fun…Bought shop tokens to obtain gold to not struggle in getting epic fly/random gear or anything and i don’t blame them because i know that a total new player coming now to wow will waste so much time if he/she doesn’t buy gold.

about the ah filled with material because of bots…you can easily check that same names are selling thousands of things everyday especially ores and herbs, i doubt that a real player will farm 10k herb daily or maybe he can if no lifer? gg

about the BG queue i’m talking about the non-peak time like from 4AM to 2PM Server time, where i find 5~8 bots in every bg’s if i played during that time so if those bots are banned will queue be slower?

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No, that blue propaganda text is for fools. There’s no way they’d have this many stolen accounts/cards. It also seems to silly to think they’d spend far more time/effort doing that than simply making their own and buying a boost on it. The cost of a sub/boost is nothing compared to what they make before Blizzard hits the account, assuming it’s hit AT ALL.

They didn’t care about the problem in the first place until the backlash got too big to ignore. They then had to cull the herd and pretend to give a crap about the problem. But in the end, botters are paying for subs/boosts. Blizzard also put in a new 80 boost, knowing full well botters would be its main market, not normal players.

We told em up front it’d be abused by bots. Blizzard and other fools didn’t listen. The game was soon filling with DK bots. Blizzard then realized that botters would happily pay for a boost, so why give them one for free?


They provided an instant 55 dk farming bot for what…a year?

Anyone who falls for these Blue posts must have their head buried so deep in the sand. Blizz doesn’t care. Botting and gold selling is a HUGE business. And it benefits Blizzard.

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Another lie.

i mean its pretty damn easy to make gold in wotlk classic even if you’re a new player. You should be able to get gold for mounts just by questing naturally. The problem is gamers these days are lazy and want the fastest way to do ANYTHING. Gold buyers buy gold because they’re lazy and don’t want to farm it. A friend of mine needs gold but refuses to actually play the game. When i ask him there’s a ton of dailys that will net you 300 gold a day he says yeah but that takes too long. Im not sure what it is but people these days need instant gratification

I remember this gem:

Blizzard president stating they do not make money on the wow token and its the only thing stopping real money trading. The token is just another option for players to play the game by letting others pay. There is no way there are less subs because of the token. Additionally buying the token costs actually more than buying the sub directly. It is impossible for Blizzard to not make money from the token.
Regaring real money trading, it actually gives players more options to get into RMT. Its just that Bliizard introduced a form of legal RMT. I would even argue that making RMT legal, fuelled boosts/gdkp culture and overall increased RMT by a lot, legal and illegal.

TLDR: Its common for Blizzard to gaslight their customers. Works on some, but most simply know that what they say is often completely untrue and easily disproven.


You take one clip of the Blizzard President misspeaking while he’s also actively playing the game and take it as Blizzard is always wrong? Ok champ. He probably thought the token was $15 instead of $20 so it broke even with subs.

Prove it’s propaganda. Blizzard is more likely to know what’s going on than you, since, y’know, they’re the ones who have to deal with this. Unless you can show proof, you can’t disregard it just because you THINK it’s false and it doesn’t match your narrative.

I wont gonna make a full list of things Blizzard stated wrong, it would take weeks. Just a few examples that came to my mind first: RDF released in “3.3.5”, which is factually wrong. “We listened to our community” (e.g. when it came to RDF) several times, while actual playerbase was never asked and any poll stated otherwise. All the custom changes with custom difficulties when they stated “World of Warcraft Classic provides players the opportunity to delve into a faithful recreation of the original WoW® experience”. What kind of faithful recreation and original experience do we have with all custom content and RMT being legal, pushing gdkps even further? Lets not get too deep with statements about botting, that their team of agents best solution is adding the wow token, with the result of Blizzard making more profit, while the botting situation has not visibly changed.

There are hundres of issues with statements of Blizzard, which are either questionable or facutally wrong. Assuming the president of the game company does not know about the token, one of the the two main payment methods of the game and was added to make more profit AND increase the sub numbers, is naive. If it was true, it would be even scarier, that even the president has no idea what is going on.


people who believe blizzard are either 13years old or very naive adults

also 1.5years ago when i saw millions of gold being sold on 3rd party sites and as i personally knew some who keep buying gold in guild’s i’ve been in / friends from game without anyone of them being banned So i posted

and same thing for tbc boosts, they didn’t touch any of those mages&hackers boosting 24/7 which created an environment for “buy boost meta” then blizzard released" shop boost" and prevented the ability of players boosting.

Blizzard don’t care about Real money trades…they only want to have share of it.

Tbh I will not be surprised if they started to sell “loot boxes” / “certain equipment” on classic shop because why not? tons of people already swipe their CreditCards to go Gdkp’s and blizzard is very aware of that and for sure they will try to get the cash instead of letting the players have it.

… Or Blizzard has more sensible arguments than a bunch of tin foiler hatters who can barely form coherent sentences on the internet.