World of BotsCraft

How’s that been working out the past 15 years?

hahahaha you can’t be this Dumb.
So here is some advice…Quit wow & go study

paging bloomsday and zachaios. OP believes bots are real

Nah, OP believes bots don’t get banned. Which is so false its hilarious.

They do get banned. They just get back up and running just as fast.

StOp BuLlYiNg ThE mUlTi-BiLlIoN dOlLaR cOmPaNy

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i lol’d

apparently you never played wow during the honorbuddy meta…my guild/my 100friends on battle net/everyone i know was using that bot and NONE of them got any ban at all.
that bot had millions of down-loaders & subscribers and for many years as bot was playing pvp better than real players and was used for perfect rotation in raids by everyone, blizzard only ban if the bot is running 24/7 and collecting insane amount of gold but other than that bots doesn’t get banned and if you think that botters get banned then you’re so ignorant.

P.S and it’s not for wow…bot-users in diablo3 and hearthstone are massive and non gets banned…i have irl in d3 with very high paragon level who’s been botting for 4years non stop.

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This is actually not true. They just nuked my launch day account for gold buying.

Perma-ban, no appeal.

To be fair, I’ve done it before years ago without repercussion, but I guess their token is more valuable these days than my $15/mo x 5 accounts.

Oh well. It was fun while it lasted. Everyone out there enjoy yourself and know they are permanently nuking accounts for gold buying.

I have still never seen a bot

If true, good to hear.

if you’re crippled and shut-in and saying " I have never seen the sun" that doesn’t mean that sun doesn’t exist, it does appear on daily basis everywhere in the world.

but really? you have never seen a bot? wow…you must be trolling because if not then you need to go visit Optometrist or wait…visit a Neurologist to check your Neurons

No really the bots generate 20$ a month if they use tokens to cover the sub cost. And well the whales do need someone to pay gold for the wow token and really can’t say I didn’t benefit from the token but given the amount of gdkp in tbc I was honestly surprized we didn’t see token in tbc era given how much dst, glaives, and other cool things went for.

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