World First Naxx 25 Shaman Tank (Warden)

I hope you realize that there is almost no noticeable difference between healing a shaman tank and healing a pally/DK tank in Naxx.

Well except for the part where the shaman takes a ton more damage and has no real mitigation abilities or taunts.


That’s not an accurate statement. If you’re suggesting that a hunter/rogue constitutes the “entire rest of the raid,” then you would be mistaken.

This isn’t accurate. A shaman actually does have mitigation abilities. They don’t have taunt. You got that part right, except taunt is irrelevant to how difficult they are to heal. The reality is, is that the increased damage they take is not to an extent that actually requires any real change in the healers’ output.

They have one mitigation ability every real tank has multiple. And yes there is a very big difference between healing someone who can survive 1 hit vs someone who can survive 2 or more.


You seem to be moving goal posts. First you were wrong about them having mitigation abilities, and now you’re inaccurately arguing they only have one. Your bizarre bias against shaman tanking is unwittingly building a case in support of them.

You are very good at making false statements that need to be corrected. I’ll grant you that on Patchwerk, a shaman cannot survive two consecutive hateful strikes, but on any other boss encounter in Naxx, a shaman tank can survive 2 hits from the boss. Typically at least 3.

When it comes to healing a tank, there is effectively no difference between a prot paladin taking a 7k hit and a shaman taking a 10k hit when a Holy Paladin’s heal hits them both for 15k.

What about the dps? Or the tank? Can you do a raid with only healers?

And whose actually working hard in Naxx right now?

I’m all for it!

What bias?

Go find a shaman who is tanking content that isn’t out geared and we’ll talk.

When someone displays a pattern of giving false information in order to slander something for no apparent reason, I assume that person is biased against it.

Talk about what? If a Shaman tanked fresh content that wasn’t outgeared by the raid, what relevance would that have to OP’s post?

It would have relevance to my statement that shaman(or any dps for that matter) tanking is more than just a gimmick for lols.

but it is a gimmick just for lols though.

Rich coming from a grey/green parser.

We did though? First kill on logs is dec 11, nerf happened on the 14th. is math not your strong suit? I was on my warrior for the KT kills since the shield is kind of important in that fight.

horray another shaman tank thread flame fest.

LMAO imagine saying this to mace/dagger spellhancer on a GKP server who won’t buy gold

I’d expect nothing less from someone as bad at the game as you are. Ignorance is expected :rofl: :rofl:

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