World First Naxx 25 Shaman Tank (Warden)

This response is one of the funniest I’ve ever seen.

What you are attempting to do (and most people are not having it) is marginalizing the entire effort of the team, especially the healers.

I totally understand the “underlying system” of the game and how it works and how groups work, but apparently you don’t. There is no such thing as a Shaman Tank and never will be. A main tank can die and a DPS DK, DPS Pally, etc can just as easily take over. Whom do you think is keeping that “Shaman Tank” alive, it sure ain’t your earth shield and your healing stream totem. Whom do you think is killing the boss? It sure ain’t your little shield and mace - it is called the DPS.

What I find even more insightful is, a tank dies in a fight and you automatically put them into the “being bad category” (your words). Almost every 2 or 3 postings of yours is you saying how bad everyone is compared to you, how you are better because people don’t agree with you and then add being xenophobic on top of it.

I am not wasting any more of my time, energy or effort so I’m done w/this convo. I won’t read anything further or respond further.


This comment section is the most miserable people I’ve ever seen. Some of them probably need to be put on watch.

There objectively is. The only way your statement could be true is to redefine what a tank is, making the definition much narrower / more specific.

This is also objectively false. A Shaman that is properly geared to maximize their defensive stats is actually significantly more “tanky” than any typical plate dps spec.

These statements/questions could also be applied to any tank. I don’t think a point was made here.

Shaman Tanks are pretty bad, compared to a conventional tank. But I’m not sure that fact has any relevance to the post


A shaman breaks the mold and you guys go absolutely berserk.

So much malding over nothing.

I will give the shaman credit where it is due, since he deserves it, and none of you naysayers can do a thing about it.

As for the shaman, keep doing your thing.

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What mold? A shaman who out geared the content was healed by healers who out geared the content.

No one ever doubted this was possible.


Everyone in this thread wants the shaman to “stay in the assigned lane” or not give credit where it’s due. I’d say that’s breaking mold.

Is there a gear advantage? Sure. But it’s still noteworthy nonetheless. And I’d disagree that everyone could see it coming: the salt is coming from somewhere.

I would just like to see more gimmicks like this.

Let’s see how far the healers can go, lets see the rogue tank or the mage or warlock tank.

Or they don’t want to do it because why? Cringe.

Came back after three days to taste some fresh salt, would you look at that half a dozen posts by butthurt shirters who are so bad at the game they can’t even tank as a shaman lmao

And the most lol and most butthurt and definitely the baddest

I would like this. Unfortunately, I feel as if you would somehow dismiss the rogue, mage, or warlock though as if they did nothing.

I didn’t think it could be done but this thread has devolved even further than when I last came here.

That isn’t true. Virtually nobody thought it was possible. Even shaman tanks themselves weren’t sure it could be done. The speculation was that shamans wouldn’t be able to produce enough threat to hold aggro in wotlk because they didn’t get buffed threat like all other tanks. Turns out though that TotT and misdirect were more than sufficient to make threat a nonissue.

I’d like to see more gimmicks too. Anything to make boring naxx interesting.
What makes me skeptical is that other classes simply don’t have the capability to stack the necessary armor value. It wouldn’t reflect on the healer in any way if a mage attempted to tank but got 1-shot for 5k overkill.

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Guess the shamans aren’t aware of the strategy for 25H Lady Deathwhisper in ICC. There’s a debuff that eventually causes the MT to generate literally 0% threat. It’s easier to just pump MDs & TotTs into the MT than it is to have another tank to build secondary threat.

Nah I’d say the exact same thing about those gimmicks, props to the healers.

Cool. Do you say props to healers just in general? Fairly certain their competence is required for any raid content.

Yes, Its sad how toxic the OP is and everyone who defends him.

I do. And with gimmicks like these the healers are really the only ones that have to work harder so extra props to the healers :slight_smile:


Why is it that someone not playing within the meta makes you so upset?

Right, they can and need the entire rest of the raid to do all the work