World first is over you can nerf everything now

Who knows. Makes no difference to me.

If you talk to people clearing Mythic, they don’t want nerfs, they want time to learn the fights.

The stacking buff is probably more for pugs and stuff on Normal/Heroic.

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I’d like to say I watched Liquid beat Ansurek, but it was like 2am, 3 hours ago I had bet like 7k bread in total out of my 67k on the channel. And the family and I were watching the Harry Potter movies since the Actress for McGonigal Died recently. I missed it by thirty minutes, watched them cheer a bit, and fell asleep on the couch.

Why are everyone calling for m+ nerfs?
It’s a loot trough it basically rains down gear onto you. Why would they want to make it easier? Doesn’t that cheapen the game?

Mythic and LFR are the most recent two. So, you’d be stuck with Normal and Heroic, not Mythic.

Heroic started in WotLK and Cata brought in LFR with Dragon Soul. Mythic didn’t pop in all the way until the last MoP raid with SoO being the first raid to give us flex raiding and Mythic difficulty.

I personally do not want to go back to the days of strict 10 and 25 man raid comps. They weren’t fun back then, and flexibility now is infinitely better.

LFR also works to help people ease into being comfortable with the idea of raiding, as much of a cluster truck as the whole experience can be. The only thing you’d effectively be doing by removing the two is making things harder on new players, and making the top-end players complain even more about not having “hard enough” content for the millionth time.

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This is just wrong.

Less than 2.5% of the games population runs mythic raids (according to raider .io and thats not including all players that dont run M+) I think you’re thinking more ppl care than really do.

Less than 20% of the games total playerbase that are caught in an LFR log (yes, more LFR logs are uploaded than any other difficulty) from warcraftlogs even raid normal. That means more than 80% of the playerbase doesn’t run M+ or Normal raid or higher.

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  • Patch 4.3.0 (2011-11-29):* Added.

Before Patch 3.2.0, Heroic mode raids, unlike their instance counterparts, did not dictate difficulty. Instead 10-player raids were considered “normal” mode, and 25-player raids to be “heroic”.

This section concerns content related to Mists of Pandaria.

  • Siege of Orgrimmar

No, it literally isn’t.

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Blizzard really messed with some peoples’ heads when they renamed everything ten years ago, huh?


Technically Mythic replaced the old heroic version of the game, and heroic replaced the old normal from a difficulty standpoint.

Well yeah the most popular raid difficulty is LFR even a dev confirmed this.

And what was then “normal” (and is now called “heroic”) was slotted in as an easier difficulty at the start of Wrath.

The oldest, and original, raid difficulty is what is currently called Mythic.

It’s not, and they said no such thing. Although that’s a popular lie that gets told over and over again on this forum.

They did as I think Morgan Day was the one who said it but I can’t remember the Classic video that mentioned this. I think this was back during Wrath classic dev youtube videos.

Still haven’t had the world’s first LFR kill yet. The server will be down for a few hours Tuesday so I bet we’d see lots of LFR fans storming the queue when the server gets back up (9 am PDT, noon EDT)

Actually it is a fact, and raider io and warcraftlogs confirm the same data. Please arrue points with facts not feelings.

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We know from achivement API data that about 40% of the playerbase reliably clears the raid on Heroic.

The total number of people getting the “cleared the raid” achievement at all is 60%.

So 2/3 of those clearing the raid are doing Heroic fully, while half that number are doing LFR + Normal combined (there’s no way to distinguish LFR vs. Normal from achievements, so we have to lump them together).

I’m talking primary difficulty. People who run Heroic or Mythic as their main content might do LFR once at the start of the tier (although many of us avoid it), but doing it once doesn’t make it their main activity, especially when they’re running it on their primary difficulty for months afterwards.

The number of people who use LFR as their main activity is incredibly small, which is why Blizzard - as they’ve admitted - bribes people who do higher difficulties into running it. In order to (and these are Blizzard’s words, which i’ll never forget) “smooth out the runs”. :poop:

LFR has the most accessibility to players, that’s hard to deny. But that difficulty is just painful to run, half the raid is semi-afk or too incompetent to pull enough dps to kill the bosses in a reasonable amount of time, making boss fights take longer than other difficulties despite being mechanically easier.

They’re counting people who do LFR once during the initial gear rush and then never again.

It’s like saying I like carrots because my mom fed me carrot babyfood 50 years ago.

(I hate carrots.)

This is a total fabrication of data, site your source, since as of end of S3 in DF less than 5% of total playerbase had a single AoTC achievement from any of the 3 raids in DF.

Source: wowhead end of S3 article reviewing warcraftlogs data.

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All the sites that used to gather achievement data before the API change in BfA. It’s outdated, but was very consistent for years, and we don’t have anything more reliable, now.