World First Clear of Molten Core on Heat 3

Why do I feel 75% of the replies here are from the same guy cycling his alts with 0 post all of them and talking to himself?

I highly doubt any rational human being suddenly feel the urge to come post here in this particular thread.

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“everything I don’t agree with on the internet is a bot - Karzuo’s guide to communication”

you mean buying gold? sod has been a RMT swipe fest since launch. the devs on this game are truly a work of art.

this: we watch sports on TV but we can play the game ourselves.

Youre close. Its actually less than a dozen people coordinating via discord. Cycling their alts.

Their discord used to be for GDKPs and gold buying/selling. Theyve been here at this since the ban was put in place and enforced.

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I hope the BWL boss will be another ball of lava. Maybe make it a tradition for all coming raids.

After we defeat all 7 balls of Lava we can summon the green dragon which will grant us classic+

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How long would it take you to program and create all new stuff for wow? Sounds like you could do it fairly fast

Smooth brain response, and this is coming from somebody that doesnt mind the new boss in the slightest.

Youre like those people that when somebody calls a song bad you chime in with “oh yeah wheres your song with millions of views”

You know that just makes you sound goofy right

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nobody killed “the spicy meatball” 20 years ago :expressionless:

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if my job was taking the pyroblast model and scaling it up in size i could do that pretty fast, yes :expressionless:


No, but we saw you guys “Skipped” av weekend. PVP’rs are trash amirite?

There is 0.0000000000001% chance this team can do a true classic plus and it not be as bad as sod

the people that cleared it all used a trinket that they got from exalted waterlords, that gave you 20stam and 20 fire reist that gave everyone around you 50 fire resist for 30sec’s so they used a weakaura to rotate whos using it at what time.

the 50 fire resist barely mattered, they all wore over the 226 requirement, it was just a tiny bit of extra mitigation, that wowhead article is deliberately exaggerated for clicks

Of course those slobs abused something.

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That must be why you post on literally every thread which has a hint of negativity in it.

Misery loves company. Amirite?

Don’t you have some weird toe wiggling to do or something somewhere?

Neat, a literal ball of nothing. Makes it all worth it lmao.

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Thanks for sharing :expressionless:

Scaling up a pyroblast model, and giving it a summoning ability and an aoe is something that doesnt the very long to do at all, no.

The scripting for the hydraxis npcs likely took longer than the actual boss did. Remember? The entirety of Molten Core was done in one week.

Sharing is caring afterall.