World buff meta is trash. That is all

Say whatever mental gymnastics you want in defense of it but just know that most of the community would be completely fine if these were gone or weren’t able to be brought into raids.


Don’t get them then, you’re not forced to.


They’re fun to get and they’re fun to use and they’re fun to protect and they’re fun to lose.


They are absolutly not fun to lose.

I would compare that feeling to accidently yanking earbuds you’re wearing out of the socket.


They’re super fun to lose. That punishing feeling is what makes them worth having in the first place.


it is indeed trash. Season of Mastery was right all along :expressionless:


Hay, i plan on making my gold selling dmt buffs, don’t take my gold farm from me. Already have a lock taxi service provider set up as well.

Worst part about world buffs and consumes is it masks skill issues. But ppl can’t do the content without it so its not going anywhere.

yup. then a wipe happens and all those bad players are exposed for how lousy they are :expressionless: everyone ends up having a bad time
so with world buffs, it’s either smooth sailing, or very very bad time.


It’s a game bro. If you don’t like it, don’t play it.

World buffs are a sort of interesting thing. It gives people something to do, either by themselves or with friends/guildies outside of raiding. It also can serve as a signal to willingness/ability to prepare for raids.

You could say something similar with regards to raid consumables, and even enchants or gear. And maybe you’re right. Maybe games that are not RPGs would be more your style.

For quite some time, I wondered if I would prefer WoW if there was no character progression. If all damage, healing, threat output, mitigation, avoidance, etc. were completely normalized such that every class played the roles it could play to the exact same extent that every other class that could play those roles could; complete equality of potential performance.

You could remove gear, which of course would remove enchants, remove talent points, remove skill training, etc. etc. so you have no choice but to be equally prepared for every situation as everyone else. Would you still have performance disparity?

Anyway, while I thought this for a long time, I played a game called APEX Legends, which is a PVP-centric, 20 groups of 3 battle royal FPS game. You build character power through acquiring better gear that you either find from picking it up, or from killing and looting other players, so in some ways, the better you play, the better you can play. The reason I bring this up is because I realized that I actually do enjoy building character power through items and buffs, and as it turns out, I also really like that game.


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I like having a couple easy to get world buffs.

No way I’m going to farm all of them.

World buffs should be stronger, last longer, and persist through death, so they’re more rewarding to get and use in the open world. But they should immediately fall off inside any type of instance, whether it’s a dungeon, raid, or battleground.

The best part of SoM was seeing if you could do the content rather than seeing if you could buff yourself up enough to just survive through it. Mechanics are trivialized in ST by the sheer amount of damage crit-scaling classes are capable of right now, in large part due to the insanely strong WBs available.


They’re just an extra step in the checklist to raiding. If you lose them it’s demoralizing, the amount of power they grant a group of 20 is significant

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just dont get them. you can clear 40% nerfed ST without them.

Capturable, sellable world buffs.

That’s sorta the point… You found a way to sneak a snide remark about the instance being nerfed but can’t acknowledge that WBs themselves serve to nerf the content?

Critical thinking is hard, I guess.

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so is playing at 96% optimal.

i remember being a toddler and throwing a fit when my sippy cup wasnt filled up to the line I liked it filled up to.

Aren’t you in another SOD thread saying you quit SOD?
It really seems like you’re lying in threads to make points.


I agree that the concept of waiting in a city for someone else to pop a world buff is not the best design. It’s fine, it works, but there could be better.

I think they should expand upon the ST mojo token system. You get tokens from trash in a raid you can exchange for up to 2 flasks you can pop at any time. No chronoboon, no sitting in towns or fighting for flower cooldowns and a single wipe does not completely jack you as you have a 2nd one to pop

Good to see you’ve had 0 character progression IRL, now you just throw fits when people don’t agree with you.