World Boss Mounts available for purchase in Mop Remix vendors

prior to december 2010, the mount was 100% drop rate.

if you killed it prior to that date, it would have been a guaranteed drop.

did you start farming the 100% drop rate mount prior to cataclysm release date? because if not, it has not yet been 14 years - it will be 14 years in december 2024…


how is earning 38,000 bronze getting it for free? You can buy a dozen of the mounts that aren’t even in the game for that. I am missing a couple of those mop mounts but they are the last thing I will buy if I have enough currency. So yes I will be still farming those mounts

38,000 bronze is currency you get for running a dungeon and disenchanting gear.

that sounds pretty free to me.

you have to run thousands of dungeons to earn that amount of bronze

you sure about that? it seems like you get alot of bronze for only one piece of gear.

20-30 bronze? you do the math

They couldn’t math their way out of a wet paper bag, so…


well the entire thread is a troll but at least they should try to put some effort into it

you also get bronze from earning any acheivement… you get bronze from finishing the dungeon… it’s not just from gear

but you can also get multiple pieces of gear in every raid meaning that you can easily walk away with thousands of bronze for one activity.

sounds pretty free to me.

They might be a terrible troll, but I do kind of admire their tenacity.

achievements are a one time gain but even with your math you would have to do 38 raids for one mount, still not free

people had to attempt sha of fear over 8000 times to get that mount.

38 dungeons is free.

You aren’t even trying.
Out of context quotes are out of context.

… Just not even trying…

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ok so when did u start farming heroic LK 25man?

Still waiting on your armory and unhidden profile.

Tick tock. Tick tock.

You want to quit playing the game to wait over a decade in the hopes that they add a determined reward through objectives, not rng, back in a limited time event where you have to farm other objectives to hypothetically get it?

good luck, have fun

… there’s other things to do in retail you realize that right?

Why was this flagged…
I kinda agree, add recolors to Remix, keep originals farmable with same drop chance.

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ok so let’s say you started farming heroic LK 25 man on the release date of cata, because if you farmed before that release date, then you would have gotten the mount because it was a 100% drop rate until that date.

so even if u started farming LK 25man on December 7, 2010, you still would not have spent 14 years farming it because 14 years have not passed yet.

is this correct?

The point was, the cost is so absurd, that it’s still going to be a chore to get them aaaaaaaand…
It’s mop content with a still silly low drop chance. It’s at least cool they added an alternative means to get it… hardly anyone will be using this means though due to cost.