Work Order Spamming with no mats

On public orders i always provide the mats at the highest quality and offer 5k gold.

If im doing a personal order, i still give all the mats at the highest quality, and give 10k gold. (More gold Because i specify that i want it at max rank)

I dont understand people that offer nothing for the services. And providing mats shouldnt even be optional, it should be mandatory.


then level it yourself. seems simple enough.

okay we get it you haven’t touched professions this expansion


They spent time and resources to be able to hit that button and to produce the results you are looking for. If you think it’s so easy, level the professions yourself and then you too can “push a button and make 5k”. If you can’t be arsed to do that then you can pay the 5k.


So, making this post to prove a point to Barachiel here, as well as everyone who might be siding with them.

This character has been a blacksmith since a few weeks the Ret Paladin Rework when I started playing him again.

I have played nearly every single day with this character, devoted all of my Dragon Shard of Knowledge to my Blacksmithing, done every weekly quest for knowledge, completed every single first craft for knowledge I can aside from professions requiring sparks and this is where I sit after ~5 months of active work.

257/800 - Blacksmithing Knowledge
0/390 - Armorsmithing
127/210 - WeaponSmithing
70/110 - Specialty Smithing
60/90 - Hammer Control

In addition to that I made sure to get the maximum inspiration from profession gear and spent quite a bit of time and gold getting the best blacksmithing equipment I could. One piece requiring a very low drop chance recipe that goes for a massive sum of gold on the AH which I painstakingly farmed. (Note: Recipe was closer to 1 million gold on my server when I farmed it but still going for ~300k right now.)

On top of actively farming recipes from dungeons, raids, rares, PvP crafted gear, etc and such.

I have probably sunk far more time and gold than I would like to admit into doing this and you are seriously going to sit there and say “5k is asking far too much, crafters are greedy and selfish!” when you can easily get more than that through world quests?
Keep in mind those dragon race pouches on this map always contain 500+ gold in them

5k gold is not a lot anymore, that is honestly pretty darn low for the service being provided to you by crafters who put in far more effort than “pushing one button”

Now, for all I know Barachiel is just a troll and I have fallen into his trolly web, but for all the Karens out there who seem to think professions just do themselves, think again. 5 months and quite a bit of time spent on this character and again, still only 257/800 on the blacksmithing knowledge and still spending time and money working my way up. You can part with a paltry 5-10k for a craft with how easy gold is to get.


Stop the whole thing and go back to selling on AH.


Nah, work orders are good for being a way to craft soulbound items for others. It has a purpose just Blizzard should have thought things through more.

Honestly, I argue they remove the ability to not post unless you provide all items that are not soulbound and increase the minimum tip based on item.


Blizzard needs to force a commission price on people providing no materials work orders, to encourage people to provide mats.

No mats, no problem - you pay a mandatory ~10kg commission that goes to the crafter. Provide all mats, then you can choose how much to gold to pay the crafter.


Crafting orders were cringe in their entirety. Should have kept it the way it was before with one on one. All they had to do was fix the trade window to allow for generated bops to be received.

Now you got every broke bum scrub and ego-inflated no-lifer clogging the whole thing.

I have literally capped my ignore list in an attempt to self-filter this spam and now I have no options left. So I just stopped looking.

The last dropped raid recipe I need is selling for 1 million gold…
You can do the math, but guess how many 5,000g tips it would take to recoup that investment.


This plus the weekly quest Are the “legit” reasons to do this. But most people probably are just playing the system

No it isnt a good way. What is a good way is allowing everything to be sold on the auction house and you can only buy the item on the auction house with gold + your soulbound item.

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I recently had a 437 cloak made for me. I asked about how I should go about it in trade and a tailor whispered me and explained the process and was super helpful. I ended up having them make the cloak for me and I tipped them 50,000g. I added the person to my friend list with a note that they are my go-to tailor. At some point in the future, I will have them make my two embellished pieces for my Shadowpriest.

The crafting system is too complicated for me, but it has made me appreciate my crafters more and because of that, I am pretty sure I am going to have better relationships with them.

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Its too complicated for the vast majority of people. Crafting, for the last 17+ years has been a side game that basically the entire playerbase partook in. Some folks pushed crafting hardcore, others just maxxed it out with gold and let it sit unused…but practically everyone partook in it.
With this update, so many people just dont raise their crafting or have abandoned tradeskills they have had for over a decade and went double gathering…because its too complicated for most people that play this game.
Its a complete failure of a rework, when people that used to spend time on an activity before the changes give up on it afterward. I hope the devs are paying attention to what they did to this system and address it. As it is, it looks like crafting has been abandoned by the devs (ie, no positive changes to the public work order system - which is completely broken, recipe drop rates so low that they auction for 1,000,000g and no knowledge catch-up system for returning players)

It should be as simple as a checkbox for “Work orders with all materials only”. Hell that should be the default.

I’ve only put in work order for my onyx annulet unstable elementium.

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

A filter would be nice for no mats work orders or like filtering by gold commissions. If it ain’t worth mat costs on the auction house no sense doing work orders for them.

Blizzard likes to experiment with new things each expansion. I hope this one… doesn’t come back.

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Agreed that the system is broken. Just a thought, but simply linking the work order system with the AH prices could fix this if they made the tip minimum the price of the missing mats +5-10% as a default minimum. This doesn’t solve all of it, but covers part of the missing mats problem.

As for the system, they should just make the profession world drop items more frequent after each major patch, similar to how some of the other catch-up systems work. As an example, 10.1.5 just released, so now each week maybe 1 more of each profession item may drop. Instead of 2, the 1st week drops 3, then 4, 5, etc. either increasing each week or allowing a certain amount per 0.5 patch as an example. That or maybe the profession quests could be done daily instead of weekly after a certain point.

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People don’t understand that apart from inscription, every 447 requires an insight to get, and that’s with max rank materials.

If you are giving 2 star materials, you won’t guarantee 447, period. The crafter will have to use their own money to hope for inspiration procs, which likely isn’t going to happen.

For some reason though, 447s for inscription can be done without insight. (See the below image of me crafting someone’s staff, even with rank 2 Cosmic Ink, I could 447 it without an insight. I think with rank 3 cosmic and an embellishment, it’s still 447?)

Meanwhile, there’s a couple 437s from Blacksmithing that require an insight as well, and can’t even guarantee 447.