Worgen vs Vulpera

Gonna boop ya. Cmere.

I have a tail.

I win.

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ill slap any mangy Worgen who attempts to take the fur title from me. yea I said it any worgen come get at me. called every one of u mangy flea bitten monstrosities out. for my vulpera peoples.

and we don’t lick our behind either, so double win. also we have kiro that leads us, not some washed up old man who cant even stop licking anduin’s crackside.

Some people might think the Worgen have the advantage in mass and reach. I’ll bet those same people have never heard of the land piranha known as the chihuahua.

So, uh.
Why aren’t Tauren, Pandaren, Highmoosen, Taunka, Gnolls, Satyr, Tol’vir, Kobold, and Wolvar not also in on the Furball Royal Rumble?

Death to the Vulpera.

Vulpera win by a tail~

unless its vs a Worgen Druid, then its a tie.

I think the scenario was based on a "dog"fight :slight_smile:

In terms of popularity vulpera would win. in terms of combat abilities worgen.

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Fair enough, I’m more interested in catfights, normally.

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Got a specific flavor? Different flavors require slight changes to the conjuring spell.

In an intimate setting a vulpera would be nice and smol and sensual, but I feel like a worgen lass would probably dominate you and rip your soul out through your loins.

So the correct answer here is… why not both?

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Nah, small folk try harder, they have more to prove. The worgen are more likely to be cuddly and loving.
The vulpera’ll cover you in little scars and be like ‘yeah, I did that’.


Easy… It’s Wei Shen.

Impossible to choose sides, at least for me. I love both way too much and hate that they have made me find furries aesthetically pleasing. Now to find ones that are actually on a roleplay server, they are so rare it seems.

I could see it playing out like the old Loonytunes skits.

(Commentary): Give male worgen straight backs and better casting animations and I would pick them every time.

in terms of lore, Worgen have them beat in strength and speed, it’d be a slaughter. Vulpera wouldn’t stand a chance, but game mechanics makes everyone about equil.

I believe you used the wrong icon there.

It’s either
:wolf: :fox_face:

:dog: :cat: