Worgen vs Vulpera



Suplexes being handed out like directions.

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Vulpera are more yiffable tbh


High Gnomes kill both with their superior arcane magic and thick hips.

Not for nothing does the phrase ā€œNot the size of the dog in the fight, itā€™s the size of the fight in the dogā€ exist.

we need to fund alliance purification squads and unite horde&alliance under their banners

Well Worgen have Darkflight in their Racial which makes them faster. So Worgen win since they are both faster and stronger.

Vulpera seem like they would make a fine pet for a worgen such as myself!

If itā€™s anything like real life big dog vs small dogā€¦ I got my money on Vulpera.

Pit bulls are supposed to be so scary but Iā€™d walk up to pet a pitty before Iā€™d get near a chihuahua. Those little ankle biting bastards are vicious.

I would punt that chihuahua across the yard if it ran up trying to bite me. If a pit bull ran up to you trying to bite you i guarantee you are running for your life. Worgen win

I mean hey youā€™re not wrong. But Iā€™ve never been bitten by a big dog. My dads little rat terrier will bite you for trying to put on your socks though.

I can only judge on the life experience I have.

Buy them both drinks and talk it out?

Maā€™am this is an Arbyā€™s. We donā€™t do that here.

You do realize a worgen can keep up with a horse and cane probably lift it right?

Ive been bit by my big dog and small dog just from playing tug of war with both of them. Ill tell you now the bigger dogs bite hurts waay more and he wasnt even trying to bite me. But i see where you are coming from since you havent been bit by a bigger dog.

Oh, honey. The meals I can conjure are far better than some old roast beef slices on a hamburger bun.

@Vorawsoul Thereā€™s a Goldshire joke that can be made about Worgen and their physical endurance.

Can you make me some muffins? I love muffins.

Both, we can team up. :sunglasses:

Chihuahuas are just annoying tbh.

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