Which furball will reign supreme?
It is basically Power vs. Speed. Since Worgen are very strong and Vulpera are very quick.
Vulpera by a nose a cute little fox nose plus we don’t drool and slobber.
Fur the Horde
As soon as I get home from work, my Hunter will become a Vulpera and proudly wield his Wolfslayer Sniper rifle.
I am ready for the Furry Wars. I have chosen a side.
You don’t do much of anything, from the looks of your profile picture.
Vulpera will win in popularity, worgen would win in a fight and it’s not even close.
Worgen are quick too, literally it’s their racials.
Worgen have reach, vulpera have flexibility…
Big Dogs vs Small Dogs
I love you, but you already knew that.
Pretty sure Worgen will just eat the Vulpera.
I thought it was funny, the Vulpera’s reason for joining the Horde is to explore the world. They are going to discover the world is full of big animals that will see them as food.
I think one of their emotes says something about hating the worgen. Something about getting revenge for all the fox hunts.
Which is funny cause don’t Nightborne have fox hunts as well?
They should hate the nightborne for that, we literally had a quest of saving a fox from nightborne abuse back in legion.
I so want you in my fox hole
Also it’s like humans flipping out when you have to kill monkeys…
Wait… .wait… is anyone else seeing this? Are vulpera literally too short for the profile picture camera!!!
This is hilarious.
Victory to the worgen!
Let’s see… I see Worgen everywhere on this server.
Blue post and hotfix inc.
Horde races tend to be very dumb. Draenei’s favorite dish is literally listed as smoked talbuk lol.
I’m going to literally gank every small vulpera I see with my big superior Worgen-ness