Worgen shadowlands glaring issue!

… everything about thier biology points to why they cant have either.
they arnt as humanoid as the females which this is actually in the lore and one of the biggest complaints about the worgen which is why they had an entire patch to make them look more human on both ends.

i dont remember the lore reason exactly im sure its like right at the top of the worgen wiki though i can go look but they definatly cannot stand up straight for long due to thier more anamalistic body structure, female worgen have a human body structure with wolf features and males have the more wolflike body with human features… if that makes any sense


Worgen are wolf-like creatures who possess coarse hair, pointed ears, and long snouts. However, one will also immediately notice their differences from wolves, namely their powerful, two-legged bodies which sport long fangs and dagger-like claws. Females are on average around 8 feet tall, as are males when hunched over. Worgen are faster and stronger than humans, with better eyesight and an animal instinct inside them that courses through their veins. Due to their ties with the wilds, worgen can travel great distances by sprinting on four limbs at speeds rivaling even the swiftest horses, nightsabers, and mechanostriders. As though it satisfies some deep primal urge, worgen tend to prefer this mode of travel over using mounts like Azeroth’s other races.

Source: https://wow.gamepedia.com/Worgen#Appearance

Where are you getting these facts from? Where does it ever state that Females are more humanoid than Males? The reason for the model update was to update the model. And they didn’t do anything drastic. They still look feral.

lol. Nope. Again. Making a claim with nothing to back it up, and no drive to do the leg work to find proof.

Just stop while you’re down. Stop making it worse for yourself.

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so it wasnt very helpful so i guess ill keep looking although it doesn mention the males more animalistic apearance and nature in this bio about the male worgen beforee they are cured of thier uh what is itrage…? given back thier humanity. whatever it is the night elves do to make them not savages anymore

Resembling a cross between [human] and [dire wolf], the hunched over creature is roughly humanoid. Its body is covered in coarse, grayish-black fur with twitching claws and snarling teeth. The creature’s eyes are mottled yellow in color, unblinking and devoid of any discernible emotion other than hunger.[[28]](
The worgen are thoroughly evil, delighting in torturing and devouring intelligent creatures. They enjoy hearing the screams of their victims as they tear them apart piece by piece. Worgen never show mercy or remorse. They may seem savage, but they are fairly intelligent and possess a cruel bestial cunning that can come as a surprise to the unprepared. Worgen society is patriarchal, with the eldest male leading the pack. Worgen never challenge leadership; the patriarch leads until he is physically incapable of doing so any longer, at which point his younger kin devour him. The worgen see this not as cruelty, but a great honor — they consume the bodies of their fallen unlike that of their victim’s bodies. They believe the flesh and blood of their own kind improves their strength and cunning. Worgen look like humanoid wolves. They dwell in simple huts and usually wear cured leather scraps as rudimentary armor. Worgen do not use weapons, preferring to tear foes apart with their claws. They stand 6 feet tall, except when loping along on all fours, and weigh around 250 pounds. They speak their own [language](, made up of a variety of growls, barks, and howls.[[29]](

Most worgen keep their wolf-like forms at all times, but experiments by the [mage]) have resulted in human/worgen “hybrids” who only appear as worgen under the light of the moon. They carry with them a dark, corrupting malaise that grows wherever they infest, making the surrounding area dark and gloomy. Fiercely territorial creatures, they rarely stray from the general vicinity of the place in which they first appeared. Fearless beasts, they brazenly prowl near both villages and monster lairs. Although worgen display an apparent fondness for nighttime and its darkness, they can perform equally well in the daytime.[[28]]

Pure killing beasts, worgen tend to attack any creatures that they encounter, regardless of whether animal, humanoid, Scourge or something even more fearsome. Strangely, however, worgen refuse to feed on the remains of their victims, preferring to shred and tear the corpses and then to return immediately to prowling. Rumors suggest that worgen somehow receive sustenance continually from their native dimension… as well as guidance from a distant force.[[28]]28) Worgen are usually encountered in small packs near sites of recent intense magical activity.[[28]]28) A pack may contain four to twelve individuals.[[29]] A worgen tribe may contain between twenty and two hundred individuals.[[28]]The reason for the worgen refusing to devour most of their victims may be some lingering vestige of sanity in the worgen’s minds.

dude now your just trolling all you have to do is look at the male and females to know im right lol. however it is stated i just needa find it

is this the real life?

So I’m a troll for proving you wrong, and stating that you’re making stuff up? Ok then.

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Either way. If you want to have a discussion about Worgen’s lack of a tail in concept and lore, then maybe you need to go make your own thread about it, and stop hijacking other people’s threads that don’t have anything to do with Worgen tails.


What did any of this have to do with Worgen tails, or Worgen males being more feral/savage than females? It doesn’t. You just copy/pasted a section from Wowpedia on their culture.

Did you even read what you copied?

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you havnt prooved anything i said wrong im just to laxzy to fight back about it.
look up the male and female worgen models. the females were designed to be more human, while the males designed to be more like animals. also while trying to look this up i found and interestingthing you all will like
which is that at blizzcon they actually showed off an upright worgen aparently, i cant find the images of that but theres another thread similar to this one that talks about it
the image was actually posted earlier but aparently that image was from blizzcon
im not able to link anything so just pout the h infront of it

now your just being stupid lol

Funny, neither have you.
You’ve quoted a line about Arugal/Feral worgen that proves nothing about their physiology, but rather, their culture, instead.


anyways if they show it off there its probably going to be a thing right? sooo there you go you can now effectively hope for upright worgen since it was shown at blizzcon

only because thats all i could find rn, im not gonna bother arguing with somone who cant even look at 2 models and tell that ones obviously more human than the other

No. The females were designed to be more femanine, and the males more masculine.

I have though. I’ve given you concepts to look up that show that you’re wrong. And you’re too lazy to fight about it, and yet you keep posting nonsense. If you’re going to keep posting at least put the bare minimum effort into it.

So I’m stupid now… For proving you wrong. You clearly have a lot of growing up to do.

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this is to fun to put effort into it though

Gah. My thread got taken over by the tail brigade :rofl:. All I want is to fix the glaring back and shoulders geometry by giving them an upright option :frowning:

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let’s be real here

they should fix running wild animation so it doesn’t look so goofy

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Do i tell em?

okay i’ll tell em…

all fantasy races were made by humans

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  1. Worgen exist pretty much only in WoW. You mean Werewolves, which is much more varied and tends not to be a result of a druid curse.
  2. Werewolves are pretty divided on whether or not they have tails, but many folk stories, in fact, stipulate that the only way to discern a wolf from a werewolf is size and lack of tail.
  3. There is no compelling reason for them to have tails.


  • Russian folklore tells of Werewolves without tails.
  • Swedish folklore tells of Werewolves who run with three legs with the fourth outstretched to act like/look like a tail.

Wikipedia, not the best source but, says:

The appearance of a werewolf in its animal form varies from culture to culture, though it is most commonly portrayed as being indistinguishable from ordinary wolves save for the fact that it has no tail (a trait thought characteristic of witches in animal form), is often larger, and retains human eyes and a voice. "

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