Worgen severely lack character customisation

All we got was eye colors. Which sure is nice but if you’re a DK you don’t even get that. And white fur tone. Which is nice. But we’re still majorly lacking.

Would love for us to get a passover in dragonflight.

Maybe look at DiD, and KT humans, and vulpera while you’re at it. These races pale in comparison to most other races. Particularly humans and orcs and elves.


For an RPG, WoW just lacks customization in general, I blame the penny pinchers in charge in corporate… who prefer short term cheap cash grabs over long term investments.


Because it creeps people out how similar it is to Furry-suits

That’s why they wont give them tails.

Nah, no. Let’s talk about the allied rwces before all else.

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No worgen are not getting tails.

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Too late, I found some in Goldshire…

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They’re like Dark Iron Dwarves. Don’t have much but what they do have is amazing.

At least the females arent snarling in an anatomically impossible way while staring in two different directions anymore.

As a female irl who just wanted to be a werewolf I put up with that trash for a decade.


They can’t even change their hair colour.
That’s not even close to amazing.


Give Worgen tails!



Both races can change their hair color. What are you talking about?

I’d pull their tails but alas they have none.

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A compiled list of the most common suggestions.

It would be nice if Worgen could get more than a few basic options.


I hope they never give in to that but I have a feeling they will eventually because Blizzard is full of furries and wokeness.

This is why if you ever make a company do not do the following:

Open yourself to public shareholders.

Sell yourself to big companies.

Blizzard did not need either to be succesful.


i swear, you people don’t have an inkling of a clue what that word means, you just spew it at anything you personally dislike.


I know exactly what it means and it disgusts me. It’s pandering to the extreme and people who call themselves woke are one sided selfish individuals who will scream obscenities at you and degrade you when you don’t agree with them.

The woke talk about acceptance and the practice of love for all, yet they are the most unaccepting and judgemental ever.

It’s like that gym planet fitness. If you work out too hard the lunk alarm is turned on and yet they say it’s a “judgemental free zone”.

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Don’t feed the trolls, just give Worgen more customization - all furred races definitely need them.


There are adult humans “creeped out” over furries? That’s a little… silly.


I feel this. Though our running animation is still kinda derpy our faces are awesome.

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