Worgen severely lack character customisation

True. Though it’s better than it was, at least.

And speaking of runs our old Running Wild animation, omg. flop flop flop :rofl:

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yeah… it… it was bad… like… idk who designed it but… I can only assume they hadn’t slept in a week and looked at it and was like “that’s fine”

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That really doesn’t make sense when you consider that Vulpera and Pandas exist. Even Draenei are goat people with tails. People seeing everything as some fetish says more about them anyway, really.

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Yes, something about adults dressing up as childish furred, cartoonish animals is very creepy.

Ill say again - ADULTS.

like seriously?

How come?

I don’t find it creepy.

But I’m not bothered by what people do that is harmless. Cuz I am a mature adult.

Feel like only children could get upset over “cringe”.

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The thing I want most for my worgen is a dark black fur, not dark gray, dark black. /shrug


I couldn’t care less what they do in their personal time. The problem arises when they push for their creepy stuff in the media they consume.

Take a guess which race most furries are playing in WOW. Take a guess who makes up the majority of their various “add more worgen options” threads.

Do whatever you will in your private life, but expect resistance when you try to push it into media that others consume.

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I support more customization, especially for worgen and dwarves. They’re the only interesting Alliance races anyway.


This feels harmless though. Furries exist. So them existing in media is natural.

Ok? And the problem is?

Expect resistance to your resistance I guess :person_shrugging:


Tauren, if you were curious. Also druids in general.

Personally, I think it’s weirder for people to be so into violence, gore, etc. That’d be more problematic if you’re going off of what is pushed into media that is consumed, no? How about SA and that sort of violence which seems to be in so many games?

It’s ironic that you went to bat for Elvui so hard in another thread because someone called it trash but then you come into other threads (literally both Worgen related threads) to harass people over customization options. While you were spouting about how it’s wrong for someone to call something trash that someone worked so hard on (An addon, which is a hobby thing in the first place.)

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That actually made me start laughing, no joke lol

Hey, at least you can make people laugh. Dont let anyone ever take that away from you.

slowly waggles through, hypnotically swishing a long luxuriously jeweled tail


Who knew one crowd asking for the option for worgen to have tails was so triggering to some people.


Maybe you just have furry paranoia.


I would like tails, more fur color/fur options for skin and faces. Would love more hair options too and maybe be able to pick hair color separately.


Still waiting on those Allied Race DK skins…


This American thinking was always a problem with your country. Furries is a sexualized behavior coming from people. It has nothing to do with the art design and character fantasy.

Pandaren have tails, Tauren have tails, Vulpera have tails, Draenei have tails but Worgen is the hill you choose to die on. Interesting.


Ser, this is a wow forum

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Wait, did you have this video link saved and ready to go?

You seem to have a bit of a furry obsession yourself mate.

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