Worgen progress

They are looking amazing at this early stage, but *sniff * please *sniff * tone *sniff * down *sniff * the *sniff * sniffing when standing! Seriously, it’s way too frequent. Maybe once a minute for a bit of racial flavour.

Also if you could let us customise their human and worgen forms separately that would be grand. I’m already set on that scarred worgen face, but I don’t want whatever random human that corresponds with.


I’m one of those Worgen that couldn’t care less what my boring human aspect looks like. I never see it.

Still, there are those that do still pine for that pathetically weak, run-of-the-mill side of themselves. For them, it would be nice to have better choices.


Even the Hulk needs to be Bruce Banner when he wants a cup of tea.

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Tea. Pah!

My talon’d mittts can grasp a pewter mug of mead just fine, thank you.

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n e w w o r g e n m o d e l g l o r y b e

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Just half the playerbase of worgens won’t get to admire their body under full armor.

Some of the animations got refined for worgen which looks really great

So… Pandaren update when?


I don’t imagine there’ll be an update for pandarens. They were the first with the more modern character models and facial rigging and all that good stuff. The updates for the others are to bring them up to the pandarens’ level.

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I’d post a certain sand spider gif but it has a curse word in it so I dunno how Blizzard staff would handle that. I’d be more worried about their lack of a tail. That still boggles my mind.

Worgen didn’t have tails in Vanilla, don’t see why they should have tails now.

Far as I see it, all they need is the split in customisation between human and worgen and then they’re perfect. Also the glowy eyes for the women

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Worgens literally never had tails.


I actually made my human form how I wanted and ran with whatever my worgen form ended up being. I figured if it’s a curse than you wouldn’t exactly get to choose how it looks. I can understand people wanting to be able to have control over both, though.

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The offical concept art for female worgen images had tails. Digi grade legs look better with tails as they help with balance. The rigging is already there for a tail so it should be an option. Let people choose if they want a tail or not. Some will and some will keep to no tail. Stop thinking that it makes worgen furrys to have a tail

I made a worgen for the first time a while back, never knowing they didn’t have tails. I was shocked when I found out they didn’t, and then a disappointment instantly set in. As my character walked or ran and moved, his animations looked as though he should have a tail. He looks incomplete without. A bristly or spiky tail option would be all that’s needed for players who want to complete their wolfish look and feel. Goldrinn has a tail, so not only do I think it would be fine lore-wise to include some worgen with tails, I think it would be more appropriate. Perhaps a bushy / mangy one and a bristly / spiky one, and a battle-torn one for the more ruff-n-tumble - with bits of missing fur. I can only see this enhancing the models, encouraging the happiness of the playerbase who would prefer for their worgen to have a tail, and add to the customization options which all races could use improvements in. Here’s hoping! Thank you!

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Which art? I don’t recall seeing any. Certainly not official at least. Actually I’m gonna bust out my cataclysm art book and double check that.

They’re starting to add them in the WoWHead customization, they’re incomplete, but you can start to see faces with the glow affects.

There were two concept arts for Worgen ladies. One with a tail.

One without.

Salty we don’t have the ponytail option on Worgen women.


well unless. spoiler alert they become some mixed version like in the Avengers movie.

Well fancy that! And that one actually is in the CE art book as well.

Hot damn, I’d forgotten how good their concept art is! Now I’m annoyed all over again that they didn’t include one in the BFA collector edition. The kul tiran and drustvar concept art would have been amazing!

In that second image, that fluffy thing inbetween her two swords looks suspiciously like a tail in motion.

Pretty sure they have tails in both of those images. Same artist, yeah?

Anyway, they don’t necessarily need tails. I am stoked about these models regardless.

LOL yeah i can agree with that. Way to much sniffing going on! Currently leveling My Worgen Mage since updates to looks are coming and possible heritage armor!

I’d be more interested to know if they fixed the geometry deletion for them. E.g. ToS set has no feet for worgen because…reasons?