Worgen Monks

With Shadow Lands bringing a new starter experience for level 1 players, I feel this is a great opportunity to fix a long ignored issue. The lack of Worgen and Goblin monks.

Worgen Monks


Much like how worgen druids start as harvest witches and then become druids, I feel worgens can start as brawlers (after all Queens rules boxing aka modern boxing was invented in England) and become monks via the wall collapse and meeting a pandaren (just a random trainer in the second village players enter). This is also supported by Darius Crowley being a brawler during the prison break. He literally beats down alpha worgen with his hands and a stick.

Counter Claims to common player reasons for not adding in worgen monks (blizzard’s official stance on this per Samwise Didier creator of the wow monk in WC3 is player population for worgen and goblin at the time of release):

Time Locked Zone,
This has never made sense due to both Bloodelf and Draenei starting zone also being time locked but their monk trainers have been added after the fact. Some people falsely claim those zones have been updated but this is sadly not true. In the Draenei zone for instance the monk trainer “Mojo Stormstout” is quoted as saying “I’m just walking along, when suddenly…BAM mimcks and explosion with his hands when the exodar crashed”. Monks officially have be retconned into Draenei lore from the start.

The same thing occurs with “Pao” for the blood elf’s. A retcon to make monks possible for those time locked zones.

Another player complaint: The monk animations do not work on worgen models .

The thing is anyone who knows about rigging a model can quickly tell you that 8 bit Mario can even be set up to do monk animations. Besides the work is already done in game. Just us an image swap or a potion of illusion into a worgen and see for yourself. Not to mention anyone can use in game file model viewer to see for themselves. And the same is true for goblin monks.

Monks are all about peace and can’t be rage/cursed.

This is countered by the quests for becoming a worgen. You literally have to finish the quest that makes you at peace with yourself . You control the beast. The only reason in lore that you turn into a worgen is because the form is superior in combat vs a human body. This is to make you (the worgen) more combat effective.

The quest “neither human nor beast” literally says “Drink from the waters of Tal’doren and make peace with yourself” as a reward you gain mastery over the beast and change on command. No longer a raging beast.

Final player reasons: Monks are only good and worgen are cursed evil.

Again this is not true. Monks are balanced.

They are both good and bad. Light and Dark. Good and Evil. And in equal parts. In the closed testing for MoP monks we had 2 dark chi and 2 light chi and we had to maintain balance with them to use our moves. Black out kick (dark chi) Rising Sun kick (light chi) etc. This was dropped for a more practical system we have today but the names where kept to remind all monks we are both dark and light chi… we are balance.

Fast forward to 35minutes and 22 seconds

In closing we can all agree this is an opportunity for more player choice.

Thank you for coming to my TED Talk on Worgen Monks.


I’m so glad people are still using my videos of those Goblin/Worgen Monk animations.

But yeah! I’d love to advocate for Goblin/Worgen Monks at any chance I can get.

I don’t recall where I heard this from. But one of the original arguments for the Cata races not being Monks was that Blizzard said that “They didn’t want the newest races introduced to get the newest classes because they felt there’d be a weird balance in statistics”

Again, I don’t recall where I heard that, or if it’s true. But I feel enough time has passed to kinda throw that argument out if it’s still roaming around.

Plus to add onto the “Worgen/Goblins can’t be Zen!” argument. For the Goblin side of it. There’s this Pandaren in the Horde side of Ashran who says that the sounds of the oil rigs are strangely meditative to him. You can find zen in a lot of things. Who’s to say Worgen and Goblin can’t do the same?

And that one Goblin Monk NPC in the Monk order hall who was based off of a Glitched Garrison follower who was supposed to be a mage, but ended up being the first Goblin Monk NPC. And that one Goblin in the Horde shrine in Pandaria who becomes a lore master and just chills out and reads about Pandaren history.

Sorry to hijack. But I feel like Worgen and Goblins at this point should become Monks, especially since most of the reasoning against it can be argued against with in-game NPC’s.


That is very true they do even have a goblin monk in the order hall.


i wanna be worgen monk


I know this is an old thread but damn I would race change instantly if this was a thing.


Funny how monks are both the most available (I think besides DK) and least played class. Almost every race can be a monk except gobbos, worgen and LFD. (I kinda think LFD are too bound to their light religion to want to convert to being a monk, rather than too angry to find zen)


Kinda similar to how I think belf rp works, I think they could use it to control their emotions. Kinda like how belves could rp controlling their mana addiction by studying monk ways.


It totally could work. The Worgen heritage armor questline was all about controlling their rage and making new Worgen. Even if they didnt want to affect the original zone timeline Worgen monks could always start in Exiles Reach. A gilnean who became a monk and then got the worgen curse. Pretty simple honestly. Ive always lived the idea of a werewolf monk/brawler and it being in WoW might actually get me to play Alliance


Bumping this back!

Let’s Go Worgen Monks


With their desire to look at new race class combos, hopefully this gets serious consideration.


Exactly, I think they’re really trying to let people play what they want to play, and realize the decisions they made long ago don’t need to be enforced forever. For whatever reason they didn’t allow worgen and goblins to be monks, it’s probably pretty easy to implement at this point.


New expansion new bump.

Bring the Worgen Monks.


Yes Worgen monks! I’d definitely play one


I’m not sold on the worgen being in perfect control of their beast form. as soon as they are threatened by any force, no matter how insignificant, they transform to defend themselves and are unable to return to human form until the threat is neutralized. Regular humans and Worgen-Form humans are equally powerful so i don’t see it as being the choice.

If worgen racial was adjusted to be a channeled “Furious Mauling” that forced worgen form, and otherwise allowed the choice of worgen vs human form, then i would see the argument. unleash the beast as a racial ability to put your training on hold while you go nuts? that’s control, and would fit with other classes too. Might be too powerful as a filler for energy starved classes to maintain their uptime, but i like the lore of it more as a justification for worgens learning the ways of the monk.

All in game and book lore state the only reason for the change is because a 7 foot werewolf is 4x strong and 4x as fast as a normal human. For game balance is the only reason the werewolf is same as a normal human… Same thing goes for orcs in lore, 1 orc can solo a squad of humans but we play a video game so balance is needed.

Just because you do not want believe that worgens are in control, and obviously never did the open quests or even the new heritage armor quest that all prove worgens change at will, doesn’t make your mistake the truth.


if they changed the gameplay to match official lore, you’d have a point; but as depicted in game, worgen form is just furry human form which happens whether they want it to or not. if anything, their worgen nature is a hinderance since with 4x strong and 4x fast they are still 1x effective, suggesting that they are making up for bad technique with raw power.

making assumptions about what races i’ve leveled or what achievements ive unlocked only suggests that your feelings are deeply hurt, and for that i am sorry

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Monk is definitely a class that should be opened up to all races. The only excuse Blizzard gave was Goblin, Worgen and LFD zones are time locked thus no pandaren could possibly be there to train them but this is easily solved for at least Worgen and Goblin with Exile’s Reach.

Also the whole “Inner Peace” argument for Worgen is completely fabricated.