Worgen Monks

Because a Kung Fu Werewolf is the coolest thing ever and WoW is bound by the Rule of Cool, so it must happen!


Yes and a tail option


Na, I’ve seen my dog clean himself…
I don’t need to see that spinning around.


I’d play a Worgen Monk. $25 going Blizzard’s way if they make it happen.


Yes please. I would also like a little green goblin monk.



This would be the coolest possible class for worgen. Make it so!

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Worgen monks would be a great addition to the game. They fit so well with the story of inner peace that worgen achieve in their story.

I would love if they added a scarlet crusade monk as your class trainer as well. That would be very doable on the timeline-random noble offspring ran off to join the crusade as teenage rebellion, learned to monk, realized the crusade was a few cards short of a full deck and headed home and now is teaching the ways of the monk to their fellow humans. No pandas, no problem.


That’s true, they did have monks there prior to Cataclysm. I forgot all about that.

Sure would be nice. Personally I’d like it more, if they allowed feral druid with no shapeshift (into cat).

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Fun fact - all of the monk animations already work for a Worgen.

You can check it out for yourself: go to Duskwood with a monk, get into combat with a Worgen and get the curse that turns you into one temporarily.

Basically, just like Goblin monks, the only reason Worgen monks aren’t in the game is “because f*** you, that’s why.”


Um… except they don’t. Worgen never achieve inner peace, rather they’re always-- always– in a constant struggle with the Rage, keeping it in check. It’s part of why they cannot go into battle in human form-- inner peace goes baibai, and “eat da face” takes front.


And that’s why Jon Talbain trained martial arts. To obtain from kung fu the clarity and discipline he needed to control the beast within.


Sorry, but that’s not a new idea. I’ve played games like that lol

It’s not new but I’d make sure its creation and release was public knowledge, as wide as possible.

Draenei that haven’t seen a panda in 10,000 years can be Monks. I think it’s time for goblin and worgen Monks, right Blizz?


That made me so mad. The only reason they didn’t do it is because they didn’t want to work on the worgen or goblins models again so soon after release

If youre gonna do a job do the whole thing, don’t be lazy.

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All of those pictures are flashy and snazzy.

But the only thing I’m imagining is the cartoon Hong Kong Phooey.

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I’d love to play a worgen monk! I love monks and worgens, so it’s a great combo.

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They’ll probably find some excuse to throw out like “Worgen can’t be Monks because of inner turmoil” or because “We feel that Monks just don’t fit the lore we’ve got for Worgen.”

I’d like to see Worgen and Goblins get Monks, though.


That would just be the lazy, cop-out answer to avoid doing anymore work on them. And not because the lore is against it in any way.