Worgen Monks

Actually you’re 100% wrong. The quest text literally says “Make Peace with yourself”.

I linked everything in my original post for worgen monks. Which I’ve copied here.

Worgen Monks


With patch 8.25 Worgen are getting model updates. And this is an opportunity to also correct a mistake from the past. That mistake is, not having worgen monks.


Much like how worgen druids start as harvest witches and then become druids, I feel worgens can start as brawlers (after all Queens rules boxing aka modern boxing was invented in England) and become monks via the wall collapse and meeting a pandaren (just a random trainer in the second village players enter). This is also supported by Darius Crowley being a brawler during the prison break. He literally beats down alpha worgen with his hands and a stick.

Counter Claims:

Time Locked Zone, This has never made sense due to both Bloodelf and Draenei starting zone also being time locked but their monk trainers have been added after the fact. Some people falsely claim those zones have been updated but this is sadly not true. In the Draenei zone for instance the monk trainer “Mojo Stormstout” is quoted as saying “I’m just walking along, when suddenly…BAM mimcks and explosion with his hands when the exodar crashed”. Monks officially have be retconned into Draenei lore from the start.

h ttps://wow.gamepedia.com/Mojo_Stormstout

The same thing occurs with “Pao” for the blood elf’s. A retcon to make monks possible for those time locked zones.

The monk animations do not work on worgen models. The thing is anyone who knows about rigging a model can quickly tell you that 8 bit Mario can even be set up to do monk animations. Besides the work is already done in game. Just us an image swap or a potion of illusion into a worgen and see for yourself. Not to mention anyone can use in game file model viewer to see for themselves.

h ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x3j_KObvj18

Monks are all about peace and the light/good side can’t be rage/cursed.

This is countered by the quests for becoming a worgen. You literally have to finish the quest that makes you at peace with yourself. You control the beast. The only reason in lore that you turn into a worgen is because the form is superior in combat vs a human body. This is to make you (the worgen) more combat effective.

The quest “neither human nor beast” literally says “Drink from the waters of Tal’doren and make peace with yourself” as a reward you gain mastery over the beast and change on command. No longer a raging beast.

h ttps://www.wowhead.com/quest=24593/neither-human-nor-beast

Monks are only good and worgen are cursed evil.

Again this is not true. Monks are balanced. They are both good and bad. Light and Dark. Good and Evil. And in equal parts. In the closed testing for MoP monks we had 2 dark chi and 2 light chi and we had to maintain balance with them to use our moves. Black out kick (dark chi) Rising Sun kick (light chi) etc. This was dropped for a more practical system we have today but the names where kept to remind all monks we are both dark and light chi… we are balance.

Fast forward to 35minutes and 22 seconds

h ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iVSiFXI0FH0

In closing we can all agree this is an opportunity for more player choice. Wrogen and Goblin monks should have always been possible and this new update with heritage armour is a chance to make that happen.


In that case, orcs shouldn’t be Monks.


Very compelling arguments!

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I mentioned it in another thread, but I’d like to point out for anyone else looking to argue the ‘inner peace’ angle that the Way of the Monk was originally developed as a tool of rebellion to circumvent weapon prohibition. The spiritual aspects lorewise didn’t come until later. Also such themes are already present to some extent in classes Worgen can already be, such as Druids.


Even DBS has “worgen” monks:

and another

and another

These would definitely be the rule of cool! I’m surprised that they don’t already have them now if the animations were updated, which they apparently were at some point.


Hate to say it, but yes. This. Blizzard. If you want my moola. Worgen and goblin monks, please.


There will be Vol’dunal monks before Worgen monks, just saying.

What does the fox say ?

Monks in general disappoint me, so many badass fist weapons and you never see them unless you’re auto attacking.

If I were to play a Worgen Monk, I would transmog my weapons to the transparent fist weapons from Pandaria. They would just fight with claws.


To be fair, the whole point of Monks is the unarmed combat style. It’s a feature, not a bug lol


honestly i dislike monks, never got interest in playing them, and going against them is a constant pain and bother…

they should re do worgen racials like while in worgen form you stats a buffed by 15% or something cool like that.

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Shoot. 25 for Worgen Tail Options alone… i know we should’t be tempting them with more micro transactions but… if that’s what it takes so be it~

Also, we need Worgen Monks. the animation files already exist for it so it wouldn’t take much outside of the stater zone quests. I would say either let players deal with no class trainer (they don’t do anything any how) or plop them in the human starter area.


I never knew this was a thing until now. Thanks for the heads up!

Worgen Monks? They’ve been around for years