Worgen Heritage Armor Story could have been Better

I’m not sure why people are mad. Gilneas has been a kingdom much longer than the 7 or so years a few of its citizens were afflicted by a curse.

Because I’m fairly certain the brand of fantasy worgen are selling is more savage beastman than tophats and cockney accents. The Victorian angle is a bonus but if I was browsing the create a character screen I think I’d go with worgen because werewolf.

Being told point blank that’s not particularly relevant in your own heritage quest definitely rubs some the wrong way. Personally it has me worried for a Forsaken one. Is it going to be wholly Lordaeron centric? Because I came for the spooky stuff not winging about a fallen kingdom.


We are mad because the way Gilneans were introduced to WoW I that to be a Gilnean is to be a Worgen. Most of the Gilneans we see are Worgen. It has become a part of their identity.

For that identity to be thrown away as something that is just bad and needs to disappear after this generation of Gilneans die off is just horrible writing in my opinion.

I didn’t pick to play Gilneans because I wanted to be British Humans, I picked them because I wanted to be a werewolf. Being Worgen is their identity and the Heritage Quest throws that away.


Exactly this!

It’s like if they make the Forsaken heritage quest about their past lives in Lordaeron, and not about their lives as Forsaken.


And personally I wouldn’t mind it being explored in some detail. The Forsaken afterall made and maintained that Terenas Menethil memorial so at least a dedicated minority of them still very much identify with the kingdom.

But if the quest went “Yeah you’re Lordaeronians. That’s the main thing here. You know the whole undeath aspect that defines the fantasy this race offers? Not important” I’d be agog.

Now that I’ve said that out loud - Dear God that’s not how they’re going to weasel Calia in there is it?


I imagine giving Gilneas back to the Alliance would most definitely spur the Horde whiners everywhere (especially this forum) to cry and moan en masse, and we can’t have that now can we?

As usual, Blizzard was putting the Horde’s interests first when designing this questline, but if that’s news to you then I’m afraid you’re going to be in for a loooong ride.

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Nobody on the Horde cares about Gilneas. Outside the BG we see it briefly in ruins in part of the Silverpine questline. Some allege the Forsaken now control it but that’s news to me. That certainly isn’t reflected in the game by any metric.

Seriously the idea that Horde players would be bothered by them doing anything to Gilneas is hilarious. If anything I’d be happy for a new enemy territory to rampage through.

Granted if they did that while not updating anything north of Greymane’s Wall I’d throw some toys from the crib but just by itself? Yeah sure do something with Gilneas it’s just a pretty zone you never have any reason to go to. It’s also so heavily phased with quest content that you can’t even make your own fun with it.


Its not that just WoW that has this problem. There are still some loose plot threads from D3: RoS which seem to get unresolved since D4 has a massive time skip. Such as the scoundrels brother getting killed by his sister in law. To Shen’s arch nemesis escaping its prison. Blizzard could’ve easily made another expansion to D3 just using those two plot threads together.

It does annoy me when blizzard does that.

Not really. Prior to Cata, Gilneas’ coast was surrounded by Coral reefs, which make traveling by boat pretty hard to do, let alone enough in one spot to mount an invasion. Not to mention the greymane wall. Gilneas only had 1 real entry point and that was protected by a massive gate. Deathwing destroyed the coral reefs and the gate when he did the cataclysm. Allowing the horde to invade from land and by sea. Forcing Gilneas to fight a war on two fronts.

The reefs have always protected us from a coastal attack. The earthquakes must’ve opened a passage for the Forsaken ships.


Also Anduin was not involved at all with the Siege of the undercity during Wrath. That was led by Varian and Jaina. With Broll Bearmane and Valeera helping as support. Their target was Putress. However after killing Putress, Varian hears orc chants and chases after them. Which is where he finds Thrall, Vol’jin and Sylvanas in the latters throne room. Varian declares war on the horde for creating the blight in the first place. However, before he could charge in, Jaina iceblocks him and teleports the alliance forces out.

Anduin only started to get proper screentime with Cata (which said quest chain has been removed as of legion).

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I know absolutely nothing about Diablo/Diablo lore, but I get the gist: Blizzard sucks when it comes to conclusions.

Reread my post; it was a proposed revision.

A proposed revision about an event that never involved a character you wanted replaced at the time in question…

That is what i’m getting at. I think you are confusing the BFA attack on the undercity with the Wrath one. The wrath one was due to the wrathgate. The BFA one was due to Teldrassil burning. In your post you mentioned because of the wrathgate, Varian and Genn would attack the undercity (since the attack on Gilneas by the horde would happen prior to wrath), instead of Varian and Anduin (since varian was there anyway in the wrath one). However Anduin was not involved in the wrath one at all. So how can you replace a character that was never involved with the event in question?

Now if you meant replace Anduin with Varian, the same problem arises. For starters, Varian was already involved with the Wrath siege of the undercity, he was leading it alongside Jaina. Anduin was never involved period. So again, you can’t replace Anduin with another character for the event, because Anduin was never involved in the first place.

The point of a revision is to change the established events to better fit a narrative you feel works best. However it is important to make sure the changes you make actually make sense.

No, lol. What I was saying is that I wrote a complete revision of all of the narrative, not just BFA/Wrath. I’m not confusing the two - I know they are separate.

You may have misunderstood the post; it’s no worry.

Reread just this part here.

Just saying “reread” doesn’t do anything.

Anduin had no involvement with the battle for the undercity during wrath. So you can’t replace him with Genn. Instead you should replace Jaina with Genn. As it was Jaina that stopped Varian and the horde going at it after Putress and Vari died.

I’ve never once disputed this fact.

What I was saying is that in my proposed revision to the entire sequencing of WoW’s narrative (entirely non-canon, just my own personal wish list), I rearranged things so that:
A) Sylvanas invades Gilneas during BC, forcing the Worgen to join the Alliance at that point in time, rather than in Cata
B) during the Wrath era Battle for the Undercity, Genn and Varian would lay siege to the Undercity (not Anduin and Genn, as is the case in BFA)
C) And that Sylvanas would then blight the Undercity to destroy it, preventing the Alliance from claiming it.

You seem to keep ignoring the part where I say it’s a proposed revision, and not just me mistaking when lore events actually happen.

Yeah, I think you need to reread your original post and learn how to structure sentences.

Since this is all the one sentence, you are basically saying

After the wrathgate, we have the battle of the undercity, however instead of Anduin leading it, we have Varian and Genn.

There is one small problem, Anduin was not involved in the wrath version.

That is not an excuse to get something wrong like saying “I will replace X character, even though they were not involved in the original event”.

Correct… I’m not saying Anduin would be involved? Where are you getting that?

By saying you are having Varian and Genn, and not Anduin, you are implying that Anduin was involved in the wrath version. Hence why you are replacing him with another character. In this case, Genn.

But how can you replace someone who was never involved in the original, canon event?

I’m saying that instead of the scenario where Genn and Anduin lead it in BFA, we would have Genn and Varian leading it during the Wrath event. Anduin is not involved. I’m saying the event would not happen in BFA. At all. Entirely removed.

It won’t make sense out context, clearly, and this isn’t a thread to re-explain it - so we can move on from this lol.

Gotta work on your reading comprehension, he is talking about the events of the Siege of Undercity and the Battle for Lordaeron.

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I’m guessing you ignored the original post then. Where he made no such comment. I think you need to work on your reading comprehension.

I presumed most people would understand, and make the connection that I was referring to BFA, which is the one and only battle Anduin has ever led in game.

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