Worgen form is not working, I am stuck in human form no matter what i do. I have tried everything.
What level is the worgen character?
Have you tried getting into combat to force into worgen form?
I’m starting a new worgen character to see if I can recreate what’s going on.
Is the character level 1?
Creating the character, it is just like the olden days. You have to do the questline for the starting area to unlock the worgen form etc. It comes later.
39 now, I have been playing him the last 2 days and gotten 10 levels since I noticed the problem. I hadnt played him in a long time and did the gear update and it has been messed up ever since
Sometimes when I’m playing my worgen (with the new toggle on), and my sat internet hiccups, my character will be stuck as a human client side. Everyone else can see I’m a Worgen. May be similar to the entropic embrace visual bug that behaves in a similar way.
There are many bug report threads on this, it’s been an issue for a while now. Here’s one of the threads:
This was a character I made a few years ago and got to level 28 and stopped playing because of reasons and now back to playing him in some free time I have and noticed it after I did the gear update a couple days ago.
Ah got you. Yeah the gear update Syndryn linked a bug report thingy from before.
I’m not sure how to fix it.
Weird question, but I sometimes try weird fixes, also no guarantees, but did you try maybe changing charaters appearance in the barber shop? Maybe changing both forms could trigger whatever has it stuck, you can always put the appearances back later.
Are you sure its a worgen, maybe you made a human lol
Can they just force this feature out for everyone?
Use Running Wild and post a screenshot of the abomination.
For science.
I hate to say this but i just paied to switch races… If blizzard cant be bothered to fix their bugs… then F— playing a worgen… an i half expect this bug to repeat it self next update again, that is if microsoft even keeps WoW alive.
That honestly sounds really cool. Can he go into travel form as a human? I’m just imaging some dude on all 4’s running really fast lol.
A human on 4’s. Not a pretty mental image.
I had this bug back in WoD, and yes.
imgur. com/oFd0oMf
OP some people would KILL to have that.
Try doing “Running Wild” see if that pushes you into Worgen Form. If not tell me what it looks like if you stay in human form XD