Worgen Customization Mega Thread

None of this makes sense.

What reason do you think Forsaken should get such special treatment as to be done first and foremost? Blizzard never gave any indication of anyone getting special treatment except in the case of AR’s who were told they would not have a major treatment done during the initial customization process.

And in either case why is that our problem? Go make your own thread to tell blizzard. We can do nothing to help you.

And all the other races being done at the same time… like everyone else.

I do not mind them myself. Mine certainly looks a lot better overall.


How do you become of the mindset that things are worked “in order”.

That has never been how things work, especially for core races.

Like yes Blizzard is an indie company but have faith, I’m sure they’re working on all races they can at the same time.


You are aware that this is the exact same case of the one new male ear option and the hairstyles for worgen as well, yes? This was an oversight on my part but yes, a couple hairstyles were unlocked for worgen but they had been in the files for YEARS as well. The ear option however, I knew about.

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I care not for all of these things, all I want is armor that actually looks good on worgen.

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You’d be surprised what upright posture can do for good looking armor on models.

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I mean I guess, but I do enjoy the hunched over feral posture of the worgen as it just fits the werewolf theme in my mind.

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A fact actually.

Being here in this thread does exactly 0 for whatever customization you want for whatever race, all you do is keep this on the front page, like it should be. :heart:

Unless of course you were not here for anything but Tro-

Yeah. Thought so. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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It’s pretty disappointing that some races got tons of love while the devs just did the bare minimum for others.


Yikes. And this is where I stop engaging. It’s clear you’re here to troll and actually not have an intellectual discussion.

You are entitled to your opinions but again, sitting here complaining on a worgen thread about your race does you no good.

Why not try and be more productive and make your own thread instead of bringing others down?

Best of luck.


Always love the forsaken throwing shade, makes world pvp against them a lot funner.

Yeah the feral aspect of it is neat but doesn’t do any favors for armor on the models, most of the chest pieces get lost under the head because of how indented it is into the model.

The claws and feet also don’t do a lot for gloves or boots since they just poke out of them.

Only thing that I think actually looks good on worgen is shoulders and some helms.

I think upright posture can help in bringing out pieces like the chest and cloak, so the chest is actually visible and the cloak isn’t just draped over their haunted back and can actually flow.

Then again some of the best transmogs for worgen males are without a lot of armor, claws showing…etc

If they made the shoulders a little smaller in most cases it might help.

All of this though.

I’d use the upright posture if they add it.

With the delay of Shadowland, maybe we could get few others new options





Pandaren and nightborne also got dunked on.

As cool as this would be, I’m scared it might only be a delay for core, endgame systems.

Like the maw and conduits.

You mean the things that make the game work?

That they did not specifically mention anything but endgame content has me thinking this too.

Who knows though maybe they’ll surprise us.

As someone who is in beta its conduits, balance and stuff like that. There are a few things that are kind of game breaking atm.

I only just got beta, so I have little to judge from yet, but do you think its likely they’ll add more customizations?