Worgen Customization Mega Thread

First you say you’re afraid of a sitting woman, then that she’s hot in the pose… Of sitting.

Seems a weird way to talk about it.

To each their own I guess.

I am weird. What you expect from demon hunters ?? Our fel blood makes us…weirdos

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Good point what else should I expect from Illidans ilk.

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I don’t know Illidan’s taste is Tyrande which is pretty basic.

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There were dozens of ideas floating around the forums… and the biggest one that Blizzard really can’t say “we didn’t know it was wanted” is tails…

Sometimes it really does feel like there is a legit horde bias… the fan base on the alliance constantly gets ignored, while nearly every wish from the horde fan base gets granted… The Alliance High Elf fan base and Worgen fan base have been consistently ignored for a very long time…

our voices were hardly even heard with the HD model, about the only thing they actually listened on was “remove the perma snarl and make it look like a wolf not a chihuahua” the thousands of other complaints were straight up ignored… did we get our posture returned to Alpha Worgen status? Nope… did we get integration of Alpha Worgen style hair options? Nope… did they even look back at the Alpha Worgen model at all when considering the HD model? Nope… granted many of us expected them to just “update the existing model to HD quality” so we knew already we weren’t getting the overhaul The Worgen really needed…


Waggles her poofy tail and winks


I know I was consistently on the forums both just after the worgen rework announcement from Blizzcon and the 8.2.5 PTR campaigning for changes such as these. I remember both seeing and making Reddit posts with reference sheet suggestions and all of that got completely ignored. I also made a 24 minute video back then as well…

In fact, here is the reference sheet I personally made:

And here was the one on Reddit that got SUPER popular:

I think part of the reason it did get ignored is so Blizzard had “SOMETHING” for worgen changes with their character customization options coming for Shadowlands. A cop out in my eyes. If they wanted to do things right for worgen players, they should have given us a bit more than the four faces (2 for each gender respectively) in our rework, say… add posture the options to male and female, something to add to the base of worgen with Blizzard communicating to the fan base that there is more coming. Then when Shadowlands came out with all the customization options, top it off with tails, the new feral eyes and the ability to customize eyes separate from face, the new fur options, and anything else they wanted to add… but they didn’t so here we are. Not only did we get taxed because of the ability to have our human forms customized separately, we’re taxed because of our VERY LATE rework as well.


The “options”, that are being given to Forsaken, are simply ripped from NPC’s that used the Forsaken skeleton as a model. This has been in game for years, and we’re just now getting them. On top of that, after we get ALL THOSE OPTIONS… we still have the least.

I don’t care about you wanting tails or scars, you are getting options in SL. They split the human and worgen options being tied together. On top of that heterochromia options, fur options, face options, ear options, 30 eye options.

Forsakens big new thing is something that has been on NPC’s for YEARS. Big freaking deal. Oh, my armor transmogs aren’t completely ruined because my armor is torn up for no reason, GOOD GOD, THANK YOU BLIZZARD! Seems like this should have been in the game a decade ago, instead of a “new” option in SL.

Are you talking about the Chinese version of Forsaken where they cant have bones showing? Maybe just maybe if you make a thread to talk about what you want for your own race rather than coming in and telling other players you don’t want them having options. So ya… Also saying Worgen getting to customize our human form separately while something that has been requested for years, should not count as this is World of Warcraft and 95% of the time we are in combat where the human shape shift form isn’t even an option as we can’t be out of Worgen form in combat.

Also just for the record:

Male: 8 categories, 110 options
Female: 8 categories, 101 options

Male: 6 categories, 85 options
Female: 5 categories, 89 options

You’re welcome.


Where are you getting these numbers? Also, don’t say “you’re welcome”, it’s incredibly childish. Though you play a Worgen, so I assume you’re a teenager either way.

You’re welcome euuurrrrruuuughghhhhhh

This doesn’t change what is happening. Also, you get to turn into a wolf or a human, you have that option, I don’t. You’re complaining because you have more options, while complaining that you don’t have enough options.


This is exactly the same thing. They split options, so it’s like totally new… or something.

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I am 38 so you assume wrong. I said You’re welcome because you have are incorrect in your statement that Forsaken have less options than Worgen. And like I said why do you consider customization of a shape shift form that can’t be used in combat as options for a race? We are asking for options for our core look which is what most Worgen see all the time. Go make your own post about Forsaken I’ll be the first to like it if it helps you but don’t come here and complain that you want another race to get nothing because you think they have more than you do when you are wrong.


yeah this looks cool

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Our big news was human form being able to be customized seperately.

Something thats been in game for years. They just gave us the option.

Big whoop.

We got some eye colors redone and added to females.

Couple modified faces and hair separated.

Like… Our Worgen form got rather little.

If you’re feeling like Forsaken are lacking, rather than yelling at others for requesting things for their characters it might do you more favors to make a Forsaken thread about what you want to see…

Don’t really know what you’re looking for here. Or how it will help you to tell us that you don’t think we deserve things.

What is the benefit of it?


Yes, hi, I am actually the one who got those numbers. I had been curious to see how many options each race will have come Shadowlands, so I hopped onto Wowhead’s Dressing Room and manually counted all of the options in each category for each race.
However, there are a couple of races that I believe have inflated numbers, due to the way options were numbered. Undead are one of those races. So their option numbers would probably be more accurate if you removed 10 or so. This would put them, at least the females, on the same level as Worgen and male Blood Elves. Though, I would argue that Undead is in a slightly better position than Worgen, as they have more categories to choose from, but you’d probably disagree.

Anyway, the point of this thread is to ask for more customization options for Worgen, because that’s the race we enjoy playing and we are disappointed with how little actual customization we’re getting (all those eye colors, which is probably half our new options? Yeah, DK can’t use them). However, even though our focus is on Worgen, we still support all races getting more options and evening out the customization between them. It also isn’t fair to say “you shouldn’t be able to get more options because my race needs them more!” Night Elves are one of the races with the best options coming in Shadowlands, but I am still supportive of them recieving new options, like Highborne jewelry. Why? Because that’s what players want, and more is always better.


In regards to other races.

This thread is specifically addressing worgen and worgen only. I know that there are some races that also kind of got the shaft on new options too.

Perhaps instead of trying to bring down one player base, why not create threads, video, and feedback expressing your own views on your favorite race instead-try to bring attention to your grievances in its own light? It is a much healthier method than to try to bring down another.

I can see you all love the races you play and that you want Blizzard to do better for them. It does no good at all to come to other threads which aren’t about your particular race to voice your concerns about them. It’ll simply be drowned out about those who want to discuss the actual topic at hand.

So… what’s stopping you from doing this?


Thank you for this clarification, also it’s worth noting that Worgen have customization options for Death Knights, while Forsaken do not. So, you can shift the numbers yet again in favor of the Worgen.

Which, for Forsaken, the class with the least options, make up the bulk of our new options as well.

Also, I never said you shouldn’t get new options, I said that I don’t care about your needs and that they should come after Forsaken get there options.

This is my point though.

Whats that gain you? Why even post it?

I get its your opinion, but we’re not the ones who decide any of this. You’d be better off making a thread about what you want to see added then making such post in a thread about another races customization.


Comments like that are just selfish and serve no purpose. We as players have no right to say what order things should be developed in. And saying that “my thing should be done before yours” is hardly any different than saying “my thing is more important, yours isn’t needed”



If they want to take that route, us worgen players can easily turn around and just say, “Yeah, well at least you weren’t stuck with a hideous model for almost ten years despite constant feedback asking for change and when change did come, almost all feedback was ignored.”

I mean, that is kind of what’s going on here considering. Not to mention us having to wait two more expansions when everyone else got their update.

Thing is, this thread is about worgen, as I said in my last post. There is nothing stopping players who are passionate about other races posting their own threads in hopes Blizzard sees their issues.

To say one race is more deserving of another… well… that’s just absurd. We pay money to play this game therefore our voices are just as valid and on equal standing.


We have every right. Blizzard has no obligation to listen.

One of our “new” haircuts has been in the game files for many years. Our new skin options were in game for years… The Forsaken have been waiting because Blizzard thought it would have been better to dump all the options for all the races at once. So, our broken looking race had to wait for you. You had to wait for your visual update because you’re an expansion race. Besides, I don’t think ANYONE thinks the Goblins look better after the update.