Worgen Customization Mega Thread

Says the one who uses the report discord to burry anyone you don’t like.


I highly doubt there is a report Discord, and even if there was I could show you every single server I’m in to show I’m not in one. Of course, not like proof would matter since it’s just ignored to continue the false narrative :man_shrugging:

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Unlearn your trolling and learn to READ. Once again if I was a bigot wouldn’t I be against things like humans getting faces for black and asian? But that’s too much logic for you and these forums. You also have ZERO idea whatsoever of my race, gender, sexuality or anything else irl, but keep making assumptions. lmao

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You’re probably one of the people who reported my post.

Honestly, while we may disagree with some folk here (Lore comes to mind) I’m not sure either they or Kuwu have actually violated the coc…

As for a report discord? While I think someone is being targeted here off and on I get the impression that any such efforts are singular and separate.


What is a report discord?

Again you could have multiple accounts? Like you come up with easy “look I can prove it” scenarios that don’t prove anything. All it does is prove your guilt.

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Literally none of that stops you from being a bigot tho? a bisexual black woman can still be a bigot. So I don’t know why you keep bringing it up like it would grant some kind of immunity to accountability.

Though the fact that you think it does suggests to me that you’re a majority.

Mmm came close perhaps. But we’ve been getting reported for doing nothing wrong either.

Perhaps. It’s still abusing the report function to hop on all your alts to report someone.

Turnabout is fair play far as I am concerned.

Mods will sort it out one way or another.

While I do not think they’ve broken the coc particularly, I do agree they’ve been on the edge of breaking it.

Definitely. Also something the mods will tend to notice and punish one for.

There has been plenty of “How did that get flagged” moments in this and the other Worgen thread. I have no doubt that someone here is being targeted by one or several individuals.

I just get the impression that its not Lore for all their annoying traits. Or maybe it is.

Like I said. Mods should be able to sort it out one way or another.


You keep calling others a bigot without any real proof of such a thing. Seems you’re the one who thinks they aren’t going to have to deal with accountability. Pretty sure accusing others of such a thing without real solid proof is against ToS. And no, I’ve not “come close”, You and others accusing others of being a bigot or white supremacy have come far closer, if not over the line.

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Can we just stay on topic for once? Seems like the past couple of days has been nothing but arguments over the most pointless reasons. If you feel the need to want to gas light every one you see then just stay off the internet for a couple of days, go out for a walk, watch a netflix series or something and cool your head. At this point people are just throwing around baseless claims, pointless arguments, and toxic statements just to rile people up.

This is a thread simply about things we would like to see added in for worgens. Heck someone can go in and say they want to see a worgen with two head options if they want to. If someone says they want to see a tail, let them request a tail freely. If they want actual hair styless, why argue against it? It’s just options. OPTIONS, that’s the word of the day. You have the option to post or leave people alone in this thread.


Why the idea of optional things for Worgen offends some players us just silly. We don’t attack your race you choose to play so would you kindly leave our threads alone. We don’t care that you don’t want us to have opinions you don’t pay for our accounts.


Oh neat a furry thread!

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Oh neat an airhead.


Well that’s just rude



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Give worgen tails!

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Nope. Not against the ToS to point out your behavior.


Yes it is to name call like that. My “behavior”, all the while ignoring your own. We’ll see wont we?

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Calling someone a bigot isn’t “name calling” It’s “Calling out” very different concepts. Name calling is usually a slur or derogatory remark of some kind.