Worgen Customization Mega Thread

There are no lines. Lol

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Yes, yes it would break the lore. Just retro shoehorning in things is bad writing and then you making excuses for it is worse.

Wrong. If I were a racist wouldn’t I have a problem with Dark Iron Dwarves? Nightborne? Humans getting actual black people and not just dark skin tone? You’re just a troll who is reaching. “lol”

What is broken specifically?


It was supposed to be dk customization but gave it to all pandas which is nice. Wish they did that for all races though >_>

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So? Wow’s writing never been consistent. Why do you expect it to be now. “retro shoehorning” oh my goodness its ruined everything!!! rolls eyes I bet you complained about MJ being a PoC in the new spiderman films. sigh

So you’re ok with dark skin tones for humans but blood elves are drawing the line? lol? do you see how ridiculous you are being. Just because something wasn’t seen before a specific time doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.


Blizzard followed a specific rule regarding skin tones for elves: Their skin color or eyes color is depending on the magic source they are utilizing.
They still followed this pattern with the Nightborns and Void elves in the most recent entries.

So Black elves without explanations can be lore breaking as its a radical color change.
The only one i can think of is Blood elves who are drowning in blood magic.
We have the San’layns who are darker elves (even if not black) using the blood magic mostly.

I remember to have seen in Nazmir that some Blood elves were studying the blood magic during an invasion.
So if we consider that using blood magic will darkened the skin like a San’layn (i know, they are undead), then we could have a good explanation for the Blood elves to have a black skin.

Now that i think about it, black Mechagnomes is also a non sense because… they simply hardly see the sun to have a black skin! They should be even paler than a normal gnome.

By the way, i wish to remind you that some people are using lore as an excuse to prevent us to have a tail for the worgens.
I pointed two lore breaking customization options already existing as a choice so…
Give us, the worgen community, what we want too!
Give worgen tail and all the customization options we suggested!

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Their skin tones became “fleshy” with the sunwell which was already addressed in lore. Fleshy tones include brown to pink.

This is bunk.

The Eye and the skin colors are not related nor have ever been stated to be related.

The Skin tone has never been linked to magic.

Regardless no lore was broken in the addition of darker skin tones.

Again though doesn’t break any lore. At all.

And they’re wrong to do so.

Worgen with tails will not change any lore or break any lore. Just like how the skin tones doesn’t change any lore or break any lore.

Its just adding skin tones to the races… Big deal.

You are wrong.

Chronicle is the current end all be all. It does not include any indication that their skin tones were only pale.


give worgens tails

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Won’t happen, it goes against established lore.

wrong, goes against established lore by not having tails

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It’s directly stated that worgen don’t have tails.

all the more current worgen art pieces across official blizz artwork show otherwise


Hmm… that’s weird, Goblins got the heritage armor, a new model, and new customization EXACT SAME TIME as us, yet got more than double the customization than us… something doesn’t add up. :thinking:

I’m starting to think you just hate worgens. Literally just asking for more options yet you argue against it. Not asking em to rush it or anything, just giving out ideas lmao.


Worgen deserve to get at least as much as Goblins got :slight_smile:
Since goblins got some facial shape options, Worgens could get muzzle shapes like Vulpera.
And again, accessories please!

One of mine is a DK and the new options were depressing. All I got to change was to white fur. So underwhelming.


You could say we all at least deserve as much as orcs/humans have, but that’s of course isn’t gonna happen over night. We’ll all get batches of customization each patch here and there until we all eventually catch up, even up till next expansion if we have to. That includes allied races once they get to them.

This whole customization stuff is brand new to em, and I’m sure their art team is working pretty hard with it to give out every race new stuff. It’s thread like these that helps em out and gives em ideas on what to add in or potentially bring in to the table. They even said it themselves way back in Blizzcon when they revealed Shadowlands. Give em feedback on what to add in, and that’s exactly what this thread is doing. :smiley:


Established lore is constantly changing. Once it’s added it will no longer be against established lore because established lore will be changed to accommodate. :smiley: thanks for coming to my ted talks.


Well there is the mass report discord again. Looks like Lore thinks he’s won. Pity he will never win nor be right in his assumptions that he understands what the lore of the game really is.

Bring it on mass report discord. You haven’t gotten me permanently banned yet cause you fail at the one thing you think your good at. Funny how you guys are the ones breaking the forums Code of Conduct.


It’s not about the lore either at this point. Just look at the post he made before when he’s never even posted in this thread before.

Literally no one at all mentioned anything about rushing Blizzard or telling Blizzard to add in these options before anyone else. He’s literally just trying to troll and instigate fights. At this point just ignore him.


And now you’re creating a conspiracy about a mass report discord? You’re being incredibly rude by insulting me and demanding I leave a thread. I’ve been civil, and haven’t one done what you’ve been doing.