Worgen Customization Mega Thread

One of the images I have in my mind about worgens and more customizations.

https ://m.vk.com/photo-67030284_456245489?epik=dj0yJnU9OWU1VE1NWjJIUjZ4OXR0OWEwbTNqOWJUeVNJUDNfdUImcD0wJm49WGZaQy03SlBBbUVaMzEyWjBNRWc2dyZ0PUFBQUFBR0FZamtZ


Tried to get it to post with TL3 but it wouldn’t work. Just gonna repost the link without the break in it.


Nice picture though.

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Took a bit but here you go Albien:



Appreciate it.

Felt bad I couldn’t get it to work for Grayphus.

Real nice Worgen.

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I used to use html so I had to go threw the code to bypass the stuff not letting you access the original image and find where they had it hidden. But ya reminds me of alpha Worgen as the concept art depicted em.

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Oh hey I didn’t think about going through the Html code… respect.

I really like those designs for Worgen.

I keep going back to this concept art…


Thats the sort of Worgen I want to play.

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I’m still on the boat of wanting actual hair styles.


Losing these - and actual hair colours - was brutal.
There’s little appeal to a rats nest + braids with absolutely no colour customization outside white if you pick the all white fur option.

My alpha worgen was black furred, magenta eyes, with a white hair style.
I just want to play something close to what I wanted back in the day.

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At 15 min in the video she makes a good point that the blood elf darker skin tones are lore breaking yet we still get people saying its not.

Not lore breaking though…

It’s lore expanding. It’s also inconsequential to high/blood elves.

No lore or stories broke. They just get access to skin tones. Big whoop.



Did you even watch the video…of course not. Its lore breaking. Its been said in books that blood elves are fair skinned. Its quite obvious you didn’t watch the video.

And in the books recently they discuss a dark skinned high/blood elf, so…


I also pointed it in one of the thread about this skin tone last month, look at what kind of answer i got:

I hope this not the average level of debate, otherwise no wonder that Blizzard is listening to these idiots.

Lore can be expanded with two lines of text: Just tell us in what magic they are drawning to become black.

Regarding worgens with a tail, we are told that it’s lore breaking but we can expand the lore by saying that’s an evolution for those who chose to completely embrace the curse.

It’s certainly Devi, they are using her to say: “Look, it’s the evidence that black elves are not lore breaking”

Except that they are forgetting two things:

  • First she is in an alternate reality that no longer exist.
    Alternate reality = Possibly different rules than the main universe.
    We could have the high elves becoming black when using the Sun well instead of fair skin in one of them.
  • Second: Dark doesn’t necessarly mean black, it could be a darker shade of white meaning grey/ dark grey.

I want to play a badass worgen like her badly :sob:

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Its not lore breaking. Its lore expanding. Nothing is broken.

Not unlike what tails for worgen would be.

Also keep in mind that Chronicle is not the be all end all lore text… They very recently said it was only from the Titan perspective… so its all biased anyways.

Also these customizations are not the first mention of a dark skinned Thalassian.

Folk who see it as a problem or Lore breaking at all need to take a step back.

Lore breaking is when you completely change how the biggest bad guy of the time whose attacked the world several times by then fell to darkness and became the lord of a fel army.


And honestly even that wasn’t worth a kerfuffle.

Nothing fundamentally changes, its just lore expansion or minor unreliable narrator stuff.

And of course in the end. If blizzard says they’re there. They’re there. shrug


It’s 2021.
It’s time to stop using “it breaks the lore” as an excuse for anything in this game, when they’ve retconned and added stuff pretty much every expansion that contradicts things.

This game doesn’t take it’s own lore that seriously, and that’s part of the charm.


Folk need to get the sticks outa their butts and stop calling it lore breaking every time Blizzard adds something to the game…

Lore breaking breaks actual lore and causes issues.

Your elf being able to be a naturally occurring color of skin to the already real world pallete they had doesn’t break nothing.

You keep that stick up there thats how you end up like our good friend Lore who comes in and says we can’t have tails cause reasons. lol


This a hundred times.

It’s pretty sus when people are using lore to gatekeep brown people out of fantasy.

Also, all good doggos deserve tails to wag.


i just want my favorite set of gears boots to actually have a model on my worgen…


The elves only having pale natural skin colours comes from a time before inclusion was at the forefront of the devs minds. Blood Elves are pretty much the sexy humans of the Horde, and thus they’ve been adjusted to be as such; people deserve to see themselves in their characters. Humanoid races should have the full range of human skin tones.

Something like that cannot be compared to most other customization requests. It’s on an entirely different league.

But yeah, give worgen tails and new 3D assets.


Tails for doggos!

