Worgen Customization Mega Thread

When you see the customization options in FF14, WoW is really, well sparse. We don’t even have height sliders.

The more customization options we have the better the game is.


I mean even if they did who cares about what “perv types do” also I doubt tails will make or break em.


Have you seen the art people make of Blood Elves and Draenei?

A tail ain’t gonna make or break anything pervy. People are gonna just do it to whatever they like no matter what.


Disagree. /10char

Can’t disagree with object facts bro.

Rule 34 exists for a reason.

Yeah, eons ago! It was my first post on worgen models back in the day. I am surprised it spread like it did TBH.

Got that right! When they announced the rework at the one BlizzCon, I made a TON and I mean a TON of photoshops with suggestions and feedback.

That’s just it! They were so incredibly unique and they could still very well put them into the game.

This is literally Blizzard’s chance to finally right the wrong they did. The alpha models were so damn good and it got scrapped 100%. Adding mane hairstyles among all the other things I’ve suggested could make worgen to really stand out.

Let’s hope we hear something in February about this.


Something to show that Blizzard can make worgens look so unique looking with just a simple hair options alone. Check out these Hearthstone cards that depict worgens with having a pony tail and actual straight hair. :smiley:


With luck blizzard will take heed.

Also paladin…


Lot of stuff to have custom on this game…
It’s a shame we got SO LITTLE ingame


When I look at the options for FF14, ESO and other games, I get discouraged and see how easygoing Blizzard has been with worgen (and other races) in that regard over 10 years, in elements that improve the game in such important details as good gameplay and story.

Customization allows our character to be unique and special to us.

Erect posture, true black color, tattoos, customization options for ears, earrings, jewelry, hairstyles and more evident height, are things that other races are receiving.

I think everyone saw how the hood of the Vulperas was made especially with their ears in mind, with openings for their ears.

I think everyone deserves the same kind of care for their favorite breeds.

These are options that allow races to be more characteristic for each player and for each race in relation to the others.

I hope that many of the suggestions we are seeing being shared here, can be considered by Blizzard for optional customizations for worgen.

None of them will benefit the dps or gameplay of those who use this race and will help to value something of the alliance for something that exists in the alliance.

I hope Blizzard will not forget to forget us for some other project, for the next 10 years.

I always sigh (in worgen) for something like that for our gilneas.
We worgen, we need something like that.

Paladins of Eluna or Goldrinn would be very welcome.
If LIGHT is not interested in worgen, and trolls can be paladins worshiping Loas, why can’t worgen be paladins, worshiping other powers and gods?

Please Blizzard.
Make Worgen Great Again :wolf:


Tail, posture option for males, and actual hairstyles. That isn’t too much to ask for. It’s really just bringing Worgen in-line with the other races.


Every worgen pretty much looks the same when you look at them from behind. Best way to distinguish em from each other would 100% be what you listed. A tail, straight back posture, and actual hair styles. Suddenly, you can tell us all apart if you see us from behind, no one will look exactly the same!


Vulperas can at least modify their snouts perceptibly.

It would be good if worgen could do the same, even with our teeth, or at least we had hairstyles to make a more customizable look.


Not only that, but you can achieve so much more than you think with a snout/face shape option. Think about it, they are rare, but you have people that actually genuinely liked the old chihuahua faced worgen. Well, give us that snout option along with a perma snarl option, and make that group happy. Now here’s the fun one. There are people much like me who would love to have the alpha model. Well you can do that by giving us a narrow snout/smaller face option. A snout option would do a hell of a lot. I for one liked the previous male worgen look, so seeing those run around with a more updated look would be great.

A tail, a snout option, and actual hair style option, solid fur color options, you would satisfy the need for pretty much every worgen player and former worgen players alike if you add in those 4 options in. Every other new option would be a added bonus.


As someone who loves the worgen I support this. BUUUUT I Feel the same pain on my Kul’tiran and even to some extent on my night elf (Let me explain)

Why the heck can night elves not have antlers? Why can’t we have stuff like malfurion? We SHOULD be able to look kinda like him, or at the very least have the different appearances from WC3 (The bear druids look… neat) As for my Kul’tiran we need to have drust options.

But yes gimme a werewolf, a real werewolf. I still to this day would of preferred if worgen had ended up a class, all about being a werewolf than a race if it meant they’d of done it justice.


Kul’tirans don’t quite look like muscle men. They’re a bit too soft looking.

Most of the muscle men I’ve seen are big fellows (muscular wise and chonk wise) but most of them have held it differently.

I chalked it up as an artstyle thing but I wish they were built a bit differently.

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I made a male worgen fury warrior in the past, i though the animation, how they alway look pissed and how they keep screaming, i thought it was perfect for the spec.

Looks like em to me.

Nothing wrong with that.

Look up the mountain’s actor. He’s an actual strongman. The look is a bit different.

Same with Eddie Hall (except for that one time he got really chonkers and DID resemble the Kul’tiran. :laughing:)

Still… nothing wrong with how they look they’re just big fellows. lol