Worgen Customization Mega Thread

So fluffy.

Could Worgen have that option for hairstyle? Like a mane?

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give worgen tails.

I agree with OP also worgen racials need a buff in pvp. Their racials have been neglected for too long

Agreed. At least make Darkflight more interesting. As it stands it’s not a bad ability, it’s just incredibly boring to use. One idea I’ve seen is to make Darkflight a leaping attack. Would be a lot more fun and dynamic to use.

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I like this idea… not the least because I keep suggesting it.

Either a heroic leap or a grappling hook like ability.

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They could at least lower the cd to 1.5 min or keep it at 2min and slightly reduce the effects of snares

Or gives us another passive bonus. Something, anything

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PSST…you’re Alliance, you don’t get nice things.

We got Void Elves with High Elf options.

That was nice.

And while I know I’m often chastised for it I rather enjoy my mechagnomes.

Kul’tirans were neat.

You’re just an apologist. Blizz slapped the Alliance by giving us close to what we want but never what we want.

Seriously, if we gave the horde fat Trolls, do you think they’d like it?

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Passionate, detailed and above expectations.

Love your OP and it’s got my endorsement.

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You mean like this guy?


Oh. You’re one of those.

Blizzard can only do harm and never gives you anything. Boo hoo.

Blah blah blah.

We’ve been asking for the Troll brutes for years.

I’m sure in the end you’d call em fat all the same.



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I would die to play as the female troll brutes we saw from the blood trolls. the “dire” troll customisation. Live and die for it. Could also use that model for female ogres it looks so good.


I personally would like to see our crit raised to 2% to be on par with other races, dark flights speed to be increased or changed to some sort of leap, and some sort of passive stealth detection.

Two forms as one of our racials is for RP purposes only and just like the customization tax for being able to change our human look isn’t a good feeling as most Worgen players don’t use that at all.

That would be good. Flayer could be both a racial for leatherworking and doing at least some damage when worgen fought without weapons.

Both suggestions would be welcome.
I have a preference for wannabe “sprint”, but a skill that allows jumping distance would be very good.

Sometimes I imagine giving the worgen a howl that would cause fear, it would be very abusive.

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A racial fear would be too powerful and Worgen racials are in place already so something like a howl that would make you do less dmg to the Worgen would be better but what would we have to give up for it?


That’s not a fat troll.

Let Blizz give you a whole race of these guys. You can kiss their butt in thanks.



Your view on Kul’tirans is skewed and you need to let it go. lol