Worgen Customization Mega Thread

Big strong orc like you can boop me all you want.


I don’t get why people consider the worgen’s human form as part of their customization. I never use it. I want my actual werewolf form that I play and fight in to look cooler and to have more options. Is it cool that we can customize them both now? Of course it is. But it does not count for the worgen’s true form that we must play in most of the time.

We want more fur colors, posture options, accessories, and tails as some things to help diversify our characters. The human form is just a fun side bonus mainly for RP.


Yeah, unless it’s been fixed, they don’t even match between forms or have all the options. The heterochromia options swap eyes, and humans were missing one of the two.

Really should be a facial option when customizing.

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Oh Hell! Yeah!

If worgen didn’t have the human form, as they are gilnean, we would be even more out of step with other races, but even so, they are improved forms of humans from SW.
They do not reflect anything related to the citizens of Gilneas.
And they do not reflect anything related to the worgen, making this extra in customization, something poor. A slap hole.
If only they came with new hairstyles, like the Alpha ones, that would be visible in worgen, it would have been something that would give the Gilneans a look while in human form and would share the value with the worgen for having their own hairstyle. But we only had one extra that added nothing to the worgen.

It just made a point of making us more like the citizens of Stormwind.
Lame. :unamused:


Please Blizzard. :pray:

Happy New Year to All You! :fireworks:


And isn’t it always the same empty conversation?

One thing that our colleague, who was happy as the human reles 101 that the worgen received and, does not reflect anything of value to the worgen forgot is that all the cosmetic including the improvements that the human model received, are a waste of resources, which also brought no improvement related to gameplay or lore to warcraft. But that left people satisfied with better customization options. Which, by the way, does not show that it was a waste, as it was with the camera photographed in WOD.

I just don’t know why anyone thinks it’s going to be “a waste of resources” that might stop Blizzard from doing a new raid or impoverish some new xpac.

And I understand even less why this wasted time trying to find hair in egg, can’t be used to suggest something they like for something that’s in their interests, since to create barriers, they show they have irrelevant arguments.

Paranoia and conspiracy theories are used to discredit the thread.




I often wonder at the gatekeeping mentality of some.

We’re requesting things for our race… It’s not hurting anyone. Blizz will either listen or won’t.

Will either put in the time and effort or won’t.

Arguing with us to stop is futile…


No tails for you :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

And that one guy wonders why I normally just post hash tags.


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snarls You want your death to be long and drawn out or quick? Choose you little furry rat. Oh and Im taking your tail. Im a tailor after all I can just attach it with some thread.


Still waiting for at least the tail toggle option.

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Leave the little fox alone.

Tiny teeth and claws can’t hurt you. Its just being feisty to make up for its short comings.


Oh fine…
Puts the Shrink Ray away


All of these look really nice. I would love to see more Worgen options. The Alpha ears really look rather nice actually.

I however want my rounded dog like nose back instead of the Triangle upside down pyramid nose. I want better nose options.

It doesn’t look so natural to have a pyramid nose. I want to revert my nose back to a more rounded.

I’ll trade you my tail for a rounded nose option like that of a dog/wolf.


Right now Worgen noses look like pyramids. I would like a rounded nose on my worgen that Is more wolf/dog like.

I want nose options.

Here is a video example of a dog/wolf like nose is supposed to look like. Again options.


Oh, can’t they? Come over here and discover just how painful my claws can get!

That said, give worgen more options. Tails, posture, solid colors, eye colors, they need more.

Allied races can wait their turn.


Will be the only way you could get a tail. :kissing:

Not all Vulpera. Just that one.

Plenty of your kind got the teeth and claws of real soldiers.


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Yes!! We need this, as a long time Worgen player, they are by far my favorite race, I also want to add that I think we look way to big for our mounts, mounts need to be bigger like they do with Tauren. I look like a giant on a tiny mount!


Are you saying you don’t like your feet dragging off the ground?

This would also be very welcome as customization options, which allow greater variability in our appearances.

Something that makes worgen more ferocious is always possible.
We need more options that show a more feral view for worgen and less human.

After all what makes gilneas different from stormwind humans, and other human kingdoms, is our feral characteristic.

We are worgen. :wolf:

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Saw this! Had to Share!

I am really hoping we hear something about more character customization from Blizzcon Online in February.