Worgen Customization Mega Thread

I’ve posted it a few times in the past but one of the developers said it when asked. I can go find it again if you want.


Got a problem with me making lists of the things I want? I do it fairly often for such requests…

Would you prefer I put it into paragraph form? lol

Personally, I wont be using a tail on this Worgen, but I have several who I think it would work well on. I’d also enjoy to have an upright posture for Worgen… I think it makes them look imposing and cool.

I’m also always interested in WoW doing the actual lore sizes for races such as Worgen and Tauren.

More solid colors are always a plus, and ears on the tops of our head? Seems like a fine option to me. Works really well for female worgen especially.

Meanwhile we didn’t get any meaningful Worgen/Gilnean based jewelry as we just got a copy paste of the human stuff. Not really effort on Blizz’s part. In the same vein worgen in my opinion should get more worgen based options and not be hamstrung on options just because they have a human form. (One not useable in combat mind…)

And of course I also request Hairstyles. Cause we didn’t get many and we have plenty of room for improvement there.


You don’t like my requests thats fine. I’m still going to make em.


If it’s not too much trouble, was it more in a discussion or from a story or something?

It was from a Q&A thing this dev used to do and it matches up to the lore description size as well:

When worgen shapeshift, their bodies swell, growing a third in girth and height.


Females are on average around 8 feet tall, as are males when hunched over.


I think complaining you aren’t given enough customization because you are excluding the human form is always going to result in you guys being unhappy.

If they changed this and it would finally make everyone happy I would be all for it but for years people spammed threads about redoing worgens and when they did people still aren’t happy. Heck I was happier with the old form than the new ‘improved’ one.

I think it is a waste of resources to try to please any group that can never be happy in this game.

spamming hash tags repeatedly isn’t discussion - it is spamming hashtags.

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Sucks to hear that. The old, lumbering run and the flailing casting animation held a special place in my heart, and the way that goggles used to fit my worgen characters was questionably a better fit.

However, I still feel the re-works that worgen received was a long time coming, and I’m still very happy with how they turned out.
The faces and expressions that Worgen are now capable of delights me, I love the new animations and when they restored the backwards trot from the odd, universal backwards bounce thing, I was very happy.

You can please some of the people most of the time, and all of the people none of the time, and by that logic, nothing would ever be done.
I’m still content with how my wolfish characters are in game, but I’m part of the wow playerbase who would be thrilled to see more love for my favourite race, in the form of possible hairstyles, optional tails, muzzle shapes similar to Vulpera.
Are they of critical importance? Probably not. Would they make me happy? Very much so.

You didn’t actually agree if my summary was correct or incorrect, though. I really am trying my best to make sure I properly understand where you’re coming from.

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Wrong. Worgen have the fewest unique customization of any of the primary races. I’m happy that there were changes and the direction they went, but to say we got our fair share is not accurate. Now if you want to say allied races should get more, then you have an argument. They should. And now that we are getting out of the holidays the art team should get back to work on adding them over the next few months.


Gotta be technical to be correct against this one. Don’t give an inch!

This above is a indisputable fact, that even if she disagrees she can’t deny. The Worgen model itself got the least customization options.


I’d imagine they’re referring to humans specifically, but it also had me wondering if they’d not made them that big if they were thinking of actually making Kaldorei worgen, they could be a little larger than the human variants.
Really would like to see them playable at some point. Fur colors and such could be plenty to distinguish them though, I wouldn’t mind if they were all quite large :smiley:

No they were talking about how big Human Worgen get. Honestly I never want to see Kaldorei Worgen cause it would just take away more of any kind of chance for options we would get.

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More seriously. Its just making sure my request is still brought up and gives others the ability to “like” the post if they agree. Its just short form rather than bother to argue against folk whose only real arguments against my requests boil down to “I don’t want that so you shouldn’t either” .

Everything is nicer that way.


Yeah, they were definitely talking about humans. That’s why I was wondering the source, if it was the comic or a Q&A or some such.

I want Kaldorei Worgen pretty bad for my druid.
I’ve always been pretty disappointed they didn’t go all wolf forms for the worgen druids, which they could easily make options for both. No reason it has to take away from anything. It could easily just be an alternate to the human form leaving the main form the very same. Although additional fur colors could be nice as well, even if it was for both.

I get it but honestly Kaldorei Worgen would be the death of Gilneas Worgen. We have been abandoned and neglected for 10 years and a new Worgen option would just see people flock to it. Give Gilneas Worgen options and lore correct size then I would say consider Kaldorei Worgen.


Ah, the old “I just want the devs to focus on more important things”.

Like adding tails or whatever is just gonna tank the next expansion. Because Blizzard is just some indie garage team. Like, if they avoid adding more customizations, the game will be filled with some magical mind-blowing content we’ve never seen before.

I mean, they already wasted their efforts on bringing back all the things people hated about WoD, and Legion so why not waste their time with something someone will definitely enjoy? Like they aren’t gonna do what you want, so why not stop haunting threads like this with your contrarian BS? They don’t need to shave off customization development. They have more than enough resources and manpower to elevate MMORPGs to the next level, but they won’t. So why not give the werewolves some more options?

What do you think is going to happen, really? Like oh well we added floofy tails to the wolf people, so now we can’t have raids for the next expansion, sorry everyone!…Christ…


Well everyone always want more customization for their favourite race, there will never be enough.
Look at the High elves community who want to have blond hairs for their Void elves in order to play the High elves they wanted to play since the begining of WoW.

But in our case, it’s a different problem: Unlike others races, we don’t have jewelries, new hairstyle, tatoos (take a look at our garrison guards), faces (not just the fur) for the worgen form.
Curiously we are in this form 99% of our time, not the human one.

The work on the eyes is half done (oversaturated glowing eyes, some missing feral eyes).
For the human form, it’s just a copy/past of Stormwind human, nothing gilnean specific.

What is requested is simple: Finish the job to be on par with other core races.

For the human form, to remove any Stormwind jewelries and put gilnean ones instead.
Also, to give the waltz danse from Kul tiras: If i remember, the country was a gilnean colony at the start. It make sense to have this danse with a gilnean origin no?

Opening an old wound isn’t it? I’m grateful for the rework, really, but i hate that they make our race cutter instead of more fierce.
My idea of a werewolf is to inspire fear when you look at him, i miss the aggressive eyes and in some degree the perma snarl.
I would have like to have them as a custom option.

Can we boop werewolves ??

Yes if you can reach the nose but don’t come back to the forums if you get bit.


Let me boop and I will give my support to your cause.

Deal ??


I volunteer as triboop.