Worgen Customization Mega Thread

Been awhile since I threw up my wants here.



Worgen’s race is worgen, not human.

A lot more people care about customization than RP lmao.

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A female Zandalari standing “at least a head taller” than a male jungle troll would make them roughly 9’6" tall, making male Zandalari roughly 10’ tall.

Once again the buildings in WoW are 8 foot 9 inch roofs so anything taller than that would clip into the roof.

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The worgen’s race is both animal and human.

Exactly. And these customizations for humans would be something that we wouldn’t get if worgen didn’t have a second form.
Human customizations for worgen are second-hand.
And in no way reflect the worgen.

That’s why these threads and others related to worgen and other breeds are made.
To signal to Blizzard what they could do to make the breeds mentioned here, and in other threads, more attuned to their players.

And here is a smarter argument to discredit the seriousness of this thread.
It only took 3 years for someone to appear on this forum with something more meaningful than “Ewww, furry” or “I don’t want to”.

A conspiracy theory. It’s to laugh. Here is my conspiracy theory.
That people coming to this thread, opposing the requests of players who really care about better and more representative customizations for worgen, always being the same person :roll_eyes:

Whenever I see this chart, I feel very dissatisfied. Really, disappointed.
And I hope that at some point in the days or months ahead, Blizzard will add something related to the suggestions that are being presented in this thread.

Any animals that hunches forward like that needs a tail for counterbalance. It’s absurd that Blizzard couldn’t add tails to Worgen. Almost as absurd as not adding tails to male Pandaren. But I guess it wouldn’t be a Blizzard game if they didn’t give lopsided consideration to any given thing.

Worgen are already the worst attempt at Werewolves in a game by virtue of them still wearing goofy armor and wielding weapons. A werewolf brandishing a knife is the dumbest thing ever.

I personally believe they could easily add customization by going down the route of choice between more feral or more regal. We may be Worgen which can be violent beasts, but we are also regal Gilneans.

It is an old thread. It is possible I did make a post in here on another account, since my views haven’t changed on this. However, I can guarantee you I am not deliberately spam bumping this thread up which is what some posters on your side have been.

If you want I can illustrate.

I am not really against this either for the record. I just think it is a total waste of resources because people on this type of subject are bottomless pits, they will never be happy.

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A large accusation, do you have proof of such claims?

Human nature is it not?

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I told you I could illustrate.

actually no it isn’t really - some people are actually capable of being happy and content

Do so then.

Not in my experience… Especially in this modern day. But most of the posters above have shown a gratitude for what was given and just for more than the lesser amount that could be given. Look I recognize, sometimes you don’t have time, sometimes you don’t have ideas, but that doesn’t stop future progress.

Wonder if my name is going to pop up in the list.

No you weren’t one of the ones I noticed.

I did notice this one and I will post right now since I have the copy in hand (almost got you confused with them). The others I will look up when I have time and add. I will stop at three with them though.

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What’s the source for the lore height for worgen? I’m curious.

And by the ratio of time spent in human form, that’d work out to be about 0.2% of my playtime as my worgen characters. The customisation options that matter to worgen players are the options that affect worgen form.
When looking at the new variations that nightelves, humans, orcs or dwarves recieved then looking at the form I spend the majority of my time in, I do indeed hope that my favourite race recieves more attention.
The option to customise human form is a welcome novelty, and inheriting the work done on the human models is nice as well, but that isn’t the character I play.

You can’t speak on behalf of all worgen players. That human form is important to me because I can’t stand the new worgen walk which was the result of people complaining they wanted a redo in the first place.

I’ve played the game for over a decade and have definitely been involved with a lot of the community in the past myself. I can definitely say the amount of worgens that play for the worgen form itself is well above the 90% mark. Ever since day one of when worgen released, even up to today, a huge chunk of the worgen player base don’t even realize they have a option to go back to human form.

Let’s be real here for a moment, sure, worgens got all the same option that humans got, but you don’t think they could have taken the time to also at least implement some stuff unique to human worgens? Because all Blizzard did was literally just copy a string of text from the druid customization to enable worgens to customize their human forms separate from their worgen forms. As a result, all worgens got was eye options, and fur color. That’s it. Even worse if you’re a dk like me, all you get is fur color.

The point of this thread is to get WORGEN SPECIFIC OPTIONS. Yes, that even includes the human form as you see in the very first original post in this thread, there’s even one where it calls for EXCLUSIVE TO WORGEN jewelry, something normal humans can’t have, which further distinguishes the difference between regular humans and gilnean humans

Worgens got the absolute least options out of all the mainline races. Even more than half of the allied races got more option then us, so you can see why a lot of us are so vocal about wanting changes.

Also as far as the whole walking animation stuff goes, that’s just more proof how forgetful Blizzard is with us worgens. With the old model, we had two different movement animation aside from RP walk. You had the regular movement speed animation, and you have the fast movement speed animation once you hit 140% movement speed. Blizzard forgot to implement the regular movement speed animation and now we’re just stuck with fast movement speed animation for our normal movement. Fix it Blizzard!

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You seem to be trying to make a point that worgen players ought to be satisfied with the amount of customisation available to them due to the fact that they have customisable human forms/druid forms, and thus any time spent on creating additional options for worgen would be unfair and better off spent developing other assets.
Is that accurate?

Even if you want to put druid forms in as “new customization options” for some reason, they aren’t even new. We didn’t get any new druid form or option or anything, it’s just the same options we’ve had since legion, just now you can pick which one you have at the barber shop instead of in your class hall or using glyphs. :stuck_out_tongue:

Now if you really wanna talk about new druid forms unique to worgens? Give us a wolf form we can replace cat form with. Give us Pact Form like the original pre worgen druids had. Now THAT is something worth talking about that would really show the uniqueness of worgen customization that we could have.