Worgen Customization Mega Thread

You were about to say goodbye bye to the forums for your worthless comment that is getting reported and will lead to a few days ban. Hope that jogs your memory.


This I want most, it would fix several armor transmog options for Worgen.

This here could also be incorporated into multiple races. Like real life human not all people are exactly the same size, I doubt it would be too hard to make certain size customization for many races.


Thanks for understanding

There are only 3 races in the game that aren’t the correct size and I’m ignoring heros/bosses here.

Race 1. Tauren. Lore size 10 feet. Honestly they just wouldn’t fit indoors in alot of wows architecture if they were the correct lore size. They would also obscure even more stuff so while its sad for Tauren players I understand why they are currently 8 feet tall in game.

Race 2. Pandaren Lore size 6 feet. This one was a recent change but Pandaren grew 8 to 9 inches without rhyme or reason at the end of BFA and are almost as tall as the current Worgen model. No idea why just kind of randomly happened.

Race 3. Worgen Lore size 8 feet tall. Current ingame size 6 feet 10 inches. We know from Tauren and Zandi trolls 8 feet player models work so why Worgen aren’t the correct size is quite odd.

Where are you getting those lore sizes from?

I’m going to go with long established lore. Jokes aside its long been known that Tauren are 10 feet in lore. In the RPG books and so on. Same for Pandaren. Worgen lore was confirmed by one of the wow developers as to the correct lore size but they have never been that size in game as well as in written lore that explains how much bigger Worgen get when they change from human to Worgen. If I wasn’t on my cell phone I can link you the links to the exact posts I’m talking about. I’ll do it later if you want as its 3 am here atm.

Worgen received a lot of new options this expansion. My main is a worgen druid and I can now select appearances for my worgen form, my human form and my druid form.

Because worgens have two forms for non druids they can spend just as much time on them as another class and it feels like less.

Why do people want them to spend this much time on character customization. You claim only a small group of people RP, well guess what an even smaller group of people care this much about character customization to this degree.

Tauren could even be construed as even larger than ten feet. With some small effort one could measure the Tauren in the BFA cinematic against the orcs around it.

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You only have so few options in your true Worgen form. Though such customization were indeed pretty enjoyable, the amount of customization given is hardly comparable to the other races.

As for your human form…

I believe this was the first post in the thread? Or did you not read that? Lastly druid forms are also not Worgen customization, that is class customization, does a warrior benefit from the druid customization? Priest? Rogue? One class is not a entire race…

Are you so sure to make such a bold claim? I believe deep down one does indeed care about customization for characters, everyone has a view of what their characters are even if they do not rp.

From everything stated above this is obviously false, races like orcs and dwarves got lots of customizations. Some races were a after thought…


Yes well if you hadn’t noticed I don’t agree with your assessments.

I don’t care if don’t want to consider human form options as part of worgens, they are and consequently, they can’t be ignore in the ‘equal’ treatment as other races assessment.

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Really is that why there is still such discussion? How ironically amusing.

You lack of care does not change such facts that the Worgen model itself has less customization? Or do you deny that?

There is nothing unique to make a Gilneas human though all opinions are that of a Stormwind human. Which us why I have said at least give Worgen human form the waltz dance humans can do to try and make them different from normal stormwind humans. But let’s be honest Blizzard is lazy when it comes to Worgen.

Just going to link this here:


points at Worgen forms


Galeri just a heads up. Worgen got 7 skin colors and 13 eye changes. That was it for our core look. Nothing else at all. Any other customization was just normal stormwind human options for a form most dont use unless they are RPing.

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I don’t know what this has to do with my statement ‘I don’t agree with your assessment’ but looking through this thread a handful of people keep on spam bumping it just to ‘continue’ discussion (and who knows how many are just someone switching characters).

I main a worgen and I love that they separated the customization of the human form from the worgen form. I am actually pretty happy with what we have now and I would very much prefer they spend resources on making actual content.

Ironic you wouldn’t catch that.

Spam? I most assure you I am quite new to this thread. It appears they are people who are rather emotionally invested in this such endeavor. Would you consider the high elf thread spam?

I am happy with what was made but I still do point out the inconsistencies of customization. The Worgen model itself got very few customizations. I believe a company as big and great as blizzard would have no problem creating great content and more customizations…

I have 11 Worgen characters but have only swapped once to show my druid. Most of the posts here are valid discussion of the changes we would like to see added to the characters we play. No one here is just spamming the post to bump it up. For a little but it had fallen off the first page but that’s because it was Christmas time and people are visiting family or busy with jobs. We still want more customization to our core form as 7 fur colors and 13 eyes was nothing compared to what other races got.

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Zandalari are likely shorter in-game than they’re supposed to be too. They’re supposed to stand a head taller than jungle trolls (or at least Vol’jin).

Zandalari at large in Vol’jin: Shadows of the Horde are described to stand “at least a head taller” than a male jungle troll.[2]

8 Foot 6 inches I think is what males are.

That’s what male Darkspear are, but if male Zandalari are a head taller than them they’re closer to 10 feet.

“Then he [Vol’jin] laughed. He was too tall for pandaren armor but too short for Zandalari. He’d dealt with them before. They stood at least a head taller than he did, and twice that if one measured arrogance.”