Worgen Customization Mega Thread

Yes. Many of the things suggested as customizations for worgens in this thread are necessary and are within the scope of realization for worgen.

We will never have Gilneas back for the game’s current narrative and Blizzard’s interests.
So improving the worgen customizations is something necessary to give more value to the worgen race, both for the players and for the alliance itself, which is very discredited after BfA.

P.S.: for some time, due to the attention that Shadowlands demands, things can stand still about the necessary customizations to worgen in the various threads but never abandoned or forgotten.

Not necessarly, we got some hint from the upcomming new book from Golden (if the source is reliable):

This line is particularly interesting:

The Bloodfang worgen are officially allies of the alliance, and now have control over Shadowfang Keep and Fenris Isle

It means that Ivar somehow managed to get the upperhand in the silverpine forest to take back previously lost locations.
It doesn’t means that he managed to have the full control of the forest but it could means that Gilneas is definitly under the Alliance.
Hard to imagine the Bloodfang worgens being able to retake anything if they had the Horde in their back meaning being under a pincer attack.

It’s also means that the Bloodfang worgens are far from being decimated, another good news.

Two other lines are interesting:

The Blight in Undercity is slowly fading, the upper area (the ruins of Lordaeron) can be ventured in if one is quick about it. But it will take a very long time for it all to disperse completely.

Southshore was reclaimed by the Alliance, and is currently being cleaned up and rebuilt

Knowing that:

  • The Blight in Gilneas was a failed version and so less potent.
  • Far more years has past compared to Lordaeron.
  • Southshore was hit by the Blight a little before Gilneas and we see now that’s possible to cleanse it.
  • Varian made it clear that Gilneas will be purified at the end of MoP, so any work has begun long before Southshore.

It seems obvious to me that Gilneas is actually cleanse, except if we have some lines in the book stating otherwise.


Do you guys know if they ever fixed the mechano hog recipe bug?

I race changed to worgen in cata and lost the bike recipe I had as a nelf. I was unable to learn it again due to already having it, but can’t actually make it because they removed it from my list. When I changed to a dwarf it’s still broken.

Also, how do you guys feel about running wild being allowed in the maw?


  • First it make sense as it’s a physical ability of the race, not anything magical or depending of another animal.
  • Second our racials are often considered as trash (which aren’t) so if it’s an advantage for once, it make me happy and maybe it will make the race temporarily more popular.

If it’s the case, maybe it will convince the devs to work more on our customizations options.

And sorry, but i don’t know if your bug is fixed or not, have send a message to a GM?


You need to contact a GM about the recipie issue Duffle. Its why I’m not swapping my professions cause I have some rare patterns. As for Running Wild in the maw. That will only be good till Torghast 8. Honestly I would be upset if they need another Alliance racial.

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What bothers me, is that anything the alliance conquers in warcraft, exists only in lore and never in game, to reflect some progress in the narrative of the faction and its races.


This is the most important thing for me, personally

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It’s the main problem here: Nearly all the Alliance clear victories are in a book or told in an interview by the devs, never in game, unlike the Horde where many of their victories are shown with an impact on the map.
This is one of the reasons these devs are taxed of Horde favoritism.

Ironically, you have to be Horde to see an Alliance victory that impact the map: The Silverpines forest questline.
Yes, the Horde managed to repel the worgens but only in this region: Not only did we saw the Horde being kicked out of Gilneas, but we have the gilnean army still occupying many part of the country and defending the gate.

We don’t see them on the Alliance side sadly while the worgen players are the first concerned.
I guess that they didn’t have the time to implement one, like our old model unfinished.
It will shock some of you but i still like the old one because it felt more savage.

Back to the topic:

  • Lore correct size.
  • Less saturated eyes and add the missing feral ones.
  • Hide the weapon to fight with just the claws.
  • Upright stance for the male.
  • Gilnean jewelries for both the worgen an human form.
  • Tatoos.
  • Different muzzles.
  • Full black fur / any other color.
  • Tail.
  • More wolfish ears.

Worgen size is one of the most simple things Blizzard could do. Lore states they are 8 feet tall so why are Worgen so small Blizzard? You know from Zandi trolls and Tauren that 8 foot player models work so why not start there. I mean you shrunk Night Elves right before SL launched so why not make Worgen the correct size.

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I think the size thing is not ideal. That is one thing that legit could turn off players that have been playing worgen for years, not to mention it wouldn’t work well with the transformation animation. So Keeping them the size they are is better.

That also allows the devs to unhunch worgen, because if they were even bigger unhunching them would become a bigger problem.

Therefore I believe they should remain the same size.

They were supposed to be 8 feet tall so I don’t agree with you at all there. Worgen are Werewolves who should become a monstrous size which effects others opinions of them but right now we are a cute little size that matches the rest of the tall races in the Alliance. So you can have you opinion on it but honestly the devs themselves said females should be 8 feet tall. Why this isn’t ingame makes 0 sence. Honestly find an effect or potion that increases Worgen by 20% and you will see how big Worgen should be (Giant growth is 30% so too big) and you can see the animations work better with Worgen being the correct lore size. The Model was made to be a certain size and has never been it so its always been animated too quickly which makes Worgen movement look odd.


One thing is in-game and another in lore though, tauren would have to be larger as well for example. And even then in cinematics which are meant to be more lore-accurate, Genn doesn’t look that much bigger, so the size thing I’m sure is still not so clear for Blizzard either.

The problem is the animation from going human to worgen would have to be reworked for one, and two players having their character model resized is always bizarre specially when that can be a problem with doors and so on.

I just don’t see blizzard doing it for an established race. Zandalari were different because that was beta.

Tauren in Lore are 10 feet tall and in game they are 8 feet tall so they can fit in the game buildings as the roofs to most indoor areas for small houses are 8 feet 9 inches tall. Clearly this was done so Tauren could fit in smaller buildings. It sucks for people who like Lore but its so people can play without clipping into the top of buildings and fit ingame. You cant go by hero sizes as to how big characters should be as the importance of the character makes them much larger than most. But we know 8 feet tall models work in game as Tauren and Zandi trolls are that size. Infact Zandi trolls are 8 feet 2 inches. The animation would have to be reworked some as Worgen arms appear first before the rest of the model appears at the correct position reguardless of the Worgen models size so they can show up under the player model for an example use a World Shrinker and transform.


Last post before my druid becomes Horde :frowning:

Regardless! Give us more options Blizzard!

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Why are you making your druid a hordie?

u think u have it bad? have u seen Nightborne? and dont get me started on racial lol

Except nightborne are an allied race, miss Panda. I’d like to point out your fem panda still has more customization combinations than both Male and Female Worgen combined.

Allied races are getting their extra customizations later, but as far as the core races getting increased customization, worgen got the short end of the stick. Worgen should have more than pandas given that worgen came out before pandas.

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Bad is the wrong word. We got good things. We were just hoping for more Worgen things.

Wrong thread.

Honestly I have complaints about the Worgen racial Darkflight. I think it should be a heroic leap or rogues grappling hook ability.

We see worgen leaping everywhere in their starting zone… A sprint is… Meh.

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Yeah Albien, I am total in agreement that it should be more like Heroic leap. I mean It doesn’t even have to do damage on impact. Like Highmountain Tauren can literally do a Dragon Charge (PvP Prot Warrior talent) Except instead of knockback it stuns everyone they rush through for what… 1-2 seconds?


I find it difficult for any change in our racials to occur.
I personally would love to be able to jump distances.