Worgen Customization Mega Thread

I have a play dead ability.

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Thank you! :black_heart:

I feel like my name doesn’t apply as much now that shadow isn’t so void themed :sweat_smile:

Eh, ya still got all the tentacles and stuff like that coming out when you pop void form.

I really love shadow priest for this expansion, I just I was more geared on mine so I could actually get in on the broken pvp atm.

I would love it if Worgen could get some actual hair styles. We have so much hair in the mane, let us put it braids or even cut it short if we want.


There was a brief period of time it was like this during a PTR. I think it might have just been DKs. I just remember it being a neat idea and I wasn’t sure if it was a bug or intentional.


When I see the hairstyles that were proposed for the Alpha models and what we could have today, I feel more intensely how far out of date we are in customization possibilities.

Fortunately, it is nothing that cannot be corrected in the future.

Tails, true black color, fur pattern, upright posture, necklaces, earrings, tattoos and other little things suggested in this thread would be very welcome improvements.




Can you imagine what worgen would look like if Blizz would’ve decided to go with the alpha models and then updated em all Hi-res right now?


If they added them as options that’d be nice. I get others liking them but I’m not a super big fan of em myself.

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I mean, I just think Hi-res versions of the Alpha models would look like that official art Keori posted above. The ones blizz themselves released as OFFICIAL worgen art lol.


Okay, I’ll be honest, as much as I would love for having a tail added in… I’d definitely go for a updated high rez version of the alpha model first, tail second. That would be amazing.

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You’re playing a werewolf, like what do you really need to customize? Fur color? Teeth shape?

The first post in this thread has your answers.

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B-but your name is Fluffybuns.


:eyes: :sweat_drops:


While I’m generally pleased with the new worgen model and the new customization options, I am 100% in favor of the things suggested in the OP. :slight_smile:

I also have wanted a fluffy tail forever. Vulpera are adorable with theirs, but wrong faction.


Truuuuuue! I like the way you think.

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Fluffybuns, secret furry confirmed. FBI, Sic this degenerate!


you’ve caught me red handed


Would it be good to include hairpins in the same category of earrings and necklaces?

Some can be very beautiful and enhance the hairstyle.

There is so much work to do on our race, but will they do it? And will they grant our wishes?

I have an awfull memory of our heritage armor, when we asked to have a long coat, with a dark skin and an inquisitor top hat.
Something close to Van helsing in short.

And what we got? A stupid shiny suit and to add insult to injury, it’s just a reskin for most parts not a unique model.
And for the sake to show that’s an armor, they put two cauldrons that doesn’t fit at all.

So yeah, maybe they will give us some of our requests… but in what form? A distorted version?