Worgen Customization Mega Thread

Hey Keori, I had an idea maybe you could edit in to the post?

Separate fur colors and fur patterns. Worgen could have solid fur colors, but add in different fur patterns as our form of ‘war paint’, see? That alone would allow a wide variety of different worgen customization options then what we currently have, and I don’t think it’d be too hard to give Worgen a solid tone, and overlay with maybe say… 5 different pattern variants for both face and body.

Take example that black/brown/white fur option we have. Reminds me a bit of a border collie in a way. What if you took that and turned it into a pattern, so we could have the solid black fur worgen or slap that fur pattern on. Or put that fur pattern on one of the brown fur worgen skins and make it look like brown fur, white belly. They could literally take dog fur patterns and color schemes and give them to worgen and we’d have such a wide variety of customization options from that alone.

What do you think?


This is my character Asheru. (Also the name of my druid)
I’m sure some of you are going to freak out. That’s cool to each their own but really different artist stylize art different ways. Some have it looking more realistic and some have a bit more animated look. The art in the OP’s thumbnail is simply a Worgen character sitting down just like this picture of Asheru. The art for Worgen varies from:
This is official Art mind you.





All different art but depicting the same race. I’m not going to repost the other art but it too is Worgen art. Styles will always be different from artist to artist. So saying your trying to make the thumb art look sexy… I think there is some other issues going on there if that is the first thing you mind runs to. Anyway please stop derailing the thread as this is about Worgen customization and the options we would like to see like a optional tail, lore correct 8 foot size, solid black color option, better looking glow eyes, males standing upright… ect… If you want to start a new post feel free but lets keep this thread to custom options discussion.




It’s a good suggestion, I do like it though the striped patterns have struck me as really odd. Though If Blizz were to do that, I think they’d use that as sort of a cop-out for other things that players have wanted.

I do know orcs have both tattoos and warpaints. Warpaints is pretty big with the Bloodfangs so that could definitely be a thing as well. Either way, I am all for more options but if it came down to it, I’d keep stripped fur on its current color for the sake of more new stuff if that makes sense.

It is kind of weird seeing all the different body patterns throughout the fur colors though. Some more prominent than others. Also! You should add my btag! Wolfie#1352


Expanding on my fur pattern idea, you could have some worgen with a sort of German Sheperd style fur pattern. It’s just tan with a pattern. Here’s the kicker, It wouldn’t be that hard to do. All they’d have to do is make certain parts of the worgen body be colored differently (They already have different colored worgen fur on the model itself) So you’d select a pattern you like, then the color of the pattern.

For example, say we have a solid black furred worgen. You know those tiger stripe fur tones we got recently, turn those into patterns. Now put the patterns on the black furred worgen, but change the color to say idk… white? White fur option already exists, see. Now you have a black furred worgen with striking white stripes.

Maybe that isn’t your flavor though. Take that one worgen skin tone we had added in that is orange and fades down to black. What if you had a Tan furred worgen that faded down to black, or heck even faded down to grey?

What if you could have spots, or special fur markings on various parts of the body. Again, think like german sheperds, border collies, and more.




Like just look at that for an example, those are wolves with vastly different fur colors and patterns. Now translate that onto worgen forms.






I honestly could not care less. My toon could be a stick figure and it would not change the way i see the game. Barbie dress up is what you’re looking for

This is an amazing thread. I also 100% agree with you.


Thanks @Albien :smiley:

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I really like these ideas. I especially like the hairstyles for male worgen. They don’t really have a hairstyle, more like sideburns lol

I also like the suggestion to improve their posture. It’s always bothered me that they hunch over, and females do not. Either make both hunch, or both stand up.

Also, tails would be fun. It would add a lot of options and new ways to customize your character


Or just allow them to choose either/or Hunched/upright :smiley: Be cool to see both. Then all the Feral worgen RPers can be hunched while us civilized Wuggin’ walk upright. Adjusts monocle and sniffs hautily

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There’s about to be a lot of replies here =D

BIG OLE EDIT Until some sources are found. Standby.

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Amazingly well constructed post, OP!

I also just wanted to say while I personally never had any interest in worgen, seeing that original concept art was awesome and if they looked even remotely close to that badbum, I would play the poop out of one!

So thank you and good luck with your requests!


I checked RedShirtGuys’s twitter, he mentions tails but not in the same manner in the blue post. Thought the layout of the sight was similar to WoWhead and nada. Most likely fake for sure

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Yeah, my excitement got the better of me there. First glance, it looked very legit. Though whoever did this is technically impersonating a GM and that’s not cool at all. I can still remain hopeful!


A shame that would have been an amazing win. lol

Plus it would have meant tails were incoming.


Oh, another option I thought of that I’d like to see: Let us have worgen eyes in human form

I really love the idea of a worgen in human form that has strange eyes, or something that’s just “off” about them that tells you they’re not human like they appear


Aren’t worgens just giant Doggos? They should have a “roll over” or my personal favorite a “play dead “ Option. Maybe a toy we can get called fetch. Throw the bone off a cliff and watch Rex follow it.

That would be really cool and a nice touch! Love this!

Also I love your name! I RP a velf from time you time whose last name is Voidcaller :smiley: