Worgen Customization Mega Thread

Artist here, the focal point isn’t the thighs, but the armor itself. You’re choosing to nitpick on the thighs because for some reason it’s something that you don’t agree with. You go in to wow right now and there are plenty of people running around in transmogs that don’t have legs on, hell look at mine right now in the armory, doesn’t show my sprite darter set, but was definitely going for a leg less transmog to make it look more like a short dress.


It’s on the band on the thigh, if you want to argue semantics.


If you like werwolves name every lycanthropy curse Insert gun pointing meme

What do you mean? Like the different types for different animals or like from each culture across the world?

Its doesn’t go against any lore. You want it to cause you’re scared the angry furries will come and ravish your good looks.

Only thing it goes against is the Devs saying its not their vision of them. Wasn’t their vision for Belfs to have blue eyes either. Things change.

And obligatory, I’m not a furry. I’m just not so hopped up on the furry hate juice that I’d reject a perfectly reasonable optional request. :stuck_out_tongue:

Ok. Won’t do either of them any good to talk to us about it. Go make thread. Request things.

This is amusing to me, but at the same time I agree with him… what do you mean?

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I’m down if you are

He said he was a fan of werewolves

No I get that but same question he posed to you. :stuck_out_tongue:

Also I’m also down if he is.

I’m starting to think people need to look less at tails and more at memes. Memes make everything better

I got a kitty gif.


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This is clearly a druid being tortured and you just outted yourself. One thousand tears Nightmare

They’re on to me! flees

Worgen are worgen. Worgen are not werewolves :roll_eyes: They are based on werewolves but they are not werewolves. Even still.

Plenty of werewolves with tails, we’ve been over this.

And again, this is for Worgen Customization guys :slight_smile: I know tails is included but yeah, let’s try advocating for more ear options, furs, etc etc.


If you want memes, say no more, I’ve got you covered.

Also can we get jewelry for our worgen form like Genn? Give male worgens tooth rings!


Wouldn’t tooth rings rust from all the saliva? Not to mention be a choking hazard when he gets knocked into his human form?. Seems to happen quite often

Blizzard already stated they had no intention of adding more customization for AR for Shadowlands.

They said they had no intention of doing so at the launch of SLs.

Everyone just assumed from the weird way they wrote it, that meant no customization for AR’s in SLs at all.

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Which wouldn’t be fair since Void Elves got stuff. I think they will add more customization with ever 9.x.5 patch. Likely for the races that get their heritage armor in that patch.

You do realize that shadowlands hasn’t even been released yet right?
There are so many other aspects of the xpac I’d rather they focus on than giving me a few new skin tones and hair cuts. :woman_shrugging:t3:

Welp. I ain’t blizzard.

I think this is likely.

While I wouldn’t doubt that they would get more for those races, I expect we’ll see trickles for many races during these patches.

Yeah… Whats the have to do with anything?

You mean because the prepatch released the first wave?


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