Okay and what does this have to do with you? They can rp their character how they want to. You don’t pay for their sub. Why do you keep bringing this point up when there are plenty of people who aren’t even identify themselves as a furry think a worgen should have a tail/rp a worgen with the tail. It have no effect on you whatsoever.
You should be more upset at people playing vampires, blatant Horde characters roaming the streets of Stormwind as if it were ogrimmar, people rp’ing crap that isn’t even in the game (like that kitsune person who uses a worgen proxy), half worgen characters, Highborne Demon Hunters/Druids/Monks (They Do not exist. Highborne is a lifestyle and if you become one of those classes you give up the Highborne ways. You’d be Highborne Descent but not true highborne - but that’s for another debate.) Sethrak/Arakkoa Rp’ers. (Sorry, personal gripe of mine. As much as people RP these on MG I feel they don’t belong in SW so openly. No offense Sethrakk/Birb people.)
Anyways, bottom line, there are way bigger offending things people do on MG you shouldn’t be coddling to others that break lore. Even then, it’s their $15 so they can do whatever they want. So, not to be the b word here but get over it.
Times change as it has been pointed out MANY times. Please keep in mind you’re a huge minority on this thread. I respect you are passionate about the subject but we’re just as passionate for tails. Furries or not.
You’re absolute right here. This is about worgen customization as a whole. Just as people keep bringing up tails, you keep advocating against which is making this into long tail discussions. Everyone is going to keep running in circles about it and it doesn’t help Blizzard keeps doing what they are doing with their worgen products. Unless a developer actually comes out and says they are not giving worgen tails, we’re not going to stop this fight. This is something you just need to agree to disagree on.
This is an easy one. People have been vigorous in their feedback since the alpha models. Truthfully, during Cata alpha/beta, Blizzard didn’t know wtf they were doing as evidence of what happened. Over the years afterwards, worgen players have been -very- vocal about wanting change, especially for the female model, and we’ve gotten ignored this entire time mostly because of the Cata Alpha fiasco. 8.2.5 PTR was lit up with worgen ideas and provided many visuals in which people came together around practically wanting the same things but again, we got ignored.
Look at the Heritage Armor. Not just worgen fans ranted about how awful it is. Again, silence.
Did you even see that graph that just posted with the number of customization possibilities? Allied races beat females and pandaren beat males as a whole. This is Shadowlands where it was -PROMISED- that we would be receiving many new customization options and worgen got jacked, again.
This is why we won’t leave worgen alone. We’re tired of being the neglected stepchild.
Shame I am not even partnered nor get any money from Youtube. LUL It’s not advertising just because I made a visual concept. I don’t even care about my Youtube channel.