Worgen Customization Mega Thread

Wildhammer tattoos != Wildhammer dwarves.

However according to lore, Blood Elves do not have blue eyes. They have green and, after Velen cleansed the Sunwell, yellow. They only have blue eyes because blizz compromised. Not because of a lore explanation, but because players wanted it. And now they also have purple eyes because it is interesting.


Seriously lol. That and the finely defined buttcheeks in the drawing. Get outta here.

The customization options themselves I’m alright with though. They did good with this patch but we can always use more.

We have high elves now. It’s alright. You can accept it. It’s not a big deal.


You literally don’t know the lore LOL.

Not all High Elves are with the Silver Covenant. There are several groups that are neutral across Azeroth who live in their own lodges. But he allowed ALL High Elves the opportunity to return to Silvermoon out of kindness. So yes while they said High Elves wouldn’t be playable, there was a lore reason for why they could exist. Again you are just ignoring that.

No duh tattoos aren’t the ACTUAL race, but it is the closest we will get because they aren’t adding a whole other race. Same with the Blue Eyes for Blood Elves and Void Elves. Yeah, it was a compromise but one that is backed by lore.

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The Male Worgen should get a posture fix, and a model without the neck extender. Essentially making a male version of the female form. The Males could be a real boon for the alliance but they honestly are so goofy in stance, in the helm options, and in the god. awful. stealth pose.


Yeah I know that, but that’s what I’m saying. Silver covenant is a example. The high elves out in the northern part of Eastern Kingdom, they are neutral. Why would they suddenly be deeply sided with the horde and start killing Alliance in the name of the horde when all these years they’ve been neutral to both factions? Makes absolutely zero sense and like you’ve also been saying with all these posts, has zero lore explanation what so ever.

Okay and what does this have to do with you? They can rp their character how they want to. You don’t pay for their sub. Why do you keep bringing this point up when there are plenty of people who aren’t even identify themselves as a furry think a worgen should have a tail/rp a worgen with the tail. It have no effect on you whatsoever.

You should be more upset at people playing vampires, blatant Horde characters roaming the streets of Stormwind as if it were ogrimmar, people rp’ing crap that isn’t even in the game (like that kitsune person who uses a worgen proxy), half worgen characters, Highborne Demon Hunters/Druids/Monks (They Do not exist. Highborne is a lifestyle and if you become one of those classes you give up the Highborne ways. You’d be Highborne Descent but not true highborne - but that’s for another debate.) Sethrak/Arakkoa Rp’ers. (Sorry, personal gripe of mine. As much as people RP these on MG I feel they don’t belong in SW so openly. No offense Sethrakk/Birb people.)

Anyways, bottom line, there are way bigger offending things people do on MG you shouldn’t be coddling to others that break lore. Even then, it’s their $15 so they can do whatever they want. So, not to be the b word here but get over it.

Times change as it has been pointed out MANY times. Please keep in mind you’re a huge minority on this thread. I respect you are passionate about the subject but we’re just as passionate for tails. Furries or not.

You’re absolute right here. This is about worgen customization as a whole. Just as people keep bringing up tails, you keep advocating against which is making this into long tail discussions. Everyone is going to keep running in circles about it and it doesn’t help Blizzard keeps doing what they are doing with their worgen products. Unless a developer actually comes out and says they are not giving worgen tails, we’re not going to stop this fight. This is something you just need to agree to disagree on.

This is an easy one. People have been vigorous in their feedback since the alpha models. Truthfully, during Cata alpha/beta, Blizzard didn’t know wtf they were doing as evidence of what happened. Over the years afterwards, worgen players have been -very- vocal about wanting change, especially for the female model, and we’ve gotten ignored this entire time mostly because of the Cata Alpha fiasco. 8.2.5 PTR was lit up with worgen ideas and provided many visuals in which people came together around practically wanting the same things but again, we got ignored.

Look at the Heritage Armor. Not just worgen fans ranted about how awful it is. Again, silence.

Did you even see that graph that just posted with the number of customization possibilities? Allied races beat females and pandaren beat males as a whole. This is Shadowlands where it was -PROMISED- that we would be receiving many new customization options and worgen got jacked, again.

This is why we won’t leave worgen alone. We’re tired of being the neglected stepchild.

Shame I am not even partnered nor get any money from Youtube. LUL It’s not advertising just because I made a visual concept. I don’t even care about my Youtube channel.


That’s actually one thing I didn’t like about the new female model. For some reason they decided to go with making the neck long and extremely thick compared to the previous one. I’m used to it now, but I still miss the previous neck they had honestly.

Make it an option. I’m not saying all or nothing. But let us play the Worgen as we like.


Hate to burst your bubble, but there are furries out there that envision their Worgen as they are, as well as people who are not furries that do imagine their characters with a tail

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That doesn’t matter in the least.

Not all of us are furries. I am not. Still want the tail. Makes sense, isn’t going to break anything.

Not even against lore.

Sorry Ion has generally not said a word and most elf players would heavily disagree with you.

I don’t like the man but don’t give him so much credit.

Go make a thread for nightborne?

Really doesn’t help your issue to complain at worgen players. Lol


This is a ridiculous argument.

You’re being silly now.

Right? So tired of the BS furries are the only ones who want tails.

Go make a pandaren thread. Yelling at worgen players doesn’t do anything.

Omg it’s a worgen fan art!

My stars! clutches pearls

… I like my stealth pose. :rage:


It is advertising how do.you think people get partnered?

From subs x watch time and x views.

You by linking your video is infact self advertising.

You could as I stated delete that and it would be fine.

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They should do nothing.

If you think that the coc is violated flag it.

TBH, Don’t care how you feel about it. I am not demanding anyone to go watch the video in the thread. It’s their choice. shrug

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Also while I’m here.



Idk i’m pretty pleased with my character.

I do wish we had a tail option though but that’s about it.


The first sentence of the thread literally says if you don’t want to watch the video, there are cliff notes that states everything they say. How is that self advertising when they don’t even make money off of this is beyond me.


Insulting people as also against the coc.

Flag it then.

EDIT: Hey he actually did it! Respect.

I macro’d Two Forms to make my stealth in human I hate it so bad

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You wound me.

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