Worgen Customization Mega Thread

Huh? No one is self advertising here.

She/he linked her YouTube video that she/he made.

That is a form of self advertising due to if people click it they have just watched her video increasing her views. Which in turn could turn into real money.

She is using blizzard to advertise her video instead of sites that allow it.


Umm no she used the video to illustrate her point. She didn’t link her channel directly, nor did she say to watch more of her videos. Just because she is the one who made it doesn’t automatically mean she is advertising.

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There is no lore where they have purple eyes, but there is lore that Elves eyes change colors based on the magic they are around and experience. Green = fel. Blue = arcane. Gold = yellow.


Read the part where it says magic sources change Blood Elf eye colors, such as Valeera getting purple from a trident. The lore is there to explain eye changing colors.

There is no lore to explain Worgen getting tails.

Uh no she did directly link her/his video that she made.

That video is directly linked to her/his youtube channel that is advertsing.

She/he didnt need to link the video she/he could have made the post people that wanted to read it can people that didnt wont instead she/he took advantage of the topic made a video and posted it on the forms.

Once again, you have been arguing this whole time about what races were made with, and saying that changing that was heresy. According to you, Blood Elves were not made with purple eyes, so therefore should never get them.

News flash, by the way: Lore gets re-written or added to all the time. It is fluid and not set in stone. Just because something is, does not mean it must be. Which means that just because Worgen don’t have tails now, that doesn’t mean they never will. Even then, a lore reason is not even needed. It has been publicly stated that lore is not a reason to withhold customizations from player races any more.

Lore. Doesn’t. Matter.


Throwing my support to this thread and the OP again.

Loving it! :heart:



You opinion is invalid then. If lore doesn’t matter we might as well just delete the servers. What is the point of having the game? Why make a story? Lore does matter and they should try to stay as consistent as possible.

Also my argument isn’t JUST they should stay they way they were made, that is unrealistic, that would mean NO customization should be added and that isn’t what I am saying. I am saying that stuff should be added that makes sense within the lore, or has a lore reason.

As it stands there is a lore reason why Blood Elves can have purple eyes. There is no lore reason why worgen can have tails. If they add one, great more power to them, but as it stands nothing supports them having tails.

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The Furry Con feel of a lot of this is a turn off to me, but I mean, whatever, to each their own, but I do agree about the tails. #GiveWorgenTails


Then what is the lore reason behind the eyes for Blood Elves? Blizz has given no “reason” for it other than its a nice addition. What about their blue eyes? They are on record for years saying that it will never happen, yet here we are. No actual reason ever given for it.

This is where you should stop, then. Anything else beyond that is just argument for argument’s sake.

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We are asking for it to be optional not forced on anyone. Blizzard is stating they can add anything for the sake of being nice… rather than lore so why would an optional tail be bad?

But Dardillien now your true colors show by you saying:

Not everyone who wants an optional tail is a furry. My character Asheru is but as I say to people who come to my twitch stream to try and insult me… “So what?”
Am I hurting you by liking a fictional character who just happens to look like a humanoid wolf? No I’m not and I’m not trying to force you to like it either it is simply something we would like to see as an optional choice for customization.


Nearly all races got the bare minimum of “options”. Just enough to be underwhelming but not so little that it’s disappointing. Trolls didn’t even get new dread styles for hairs. Pandaren still have visible model seams on their neck and around their ears. This was really more about just removing eye color from faces, getting an easy PR win by making gender swappable, and putting the Chinese undead model in the game permanently so it’s less work for that company over there. Again, underwhelming but not quite disappointing.

Are you trolling? I just told you the lore reason. Magic affects Thalassian elves eyes… I even posted that link up above. That is the lore reason why they have different colored eyes. Also the blue eyes are supposed to be High Elves, which is available because once the Sunwell was fixed Lor’themar allowed High Elves back into their society to visit the Sunwell. That is why they have blue now. There is lore for it, you are just ignoring it.

LMAO I knew you were a furry. Now don’t get me wrong, liking andromorphic animals is fine, that is whatever, it’s the freaks who get off to that stuff that ruin Worgen and other “furry races”. Those are the ones that have the bad rep on Moonguard and RP having tails and ask for them.


Sargeras player here. No RP player opinion here with any furry agendas. Just your typical Mythic raiding Azeroth’s Champion with a realm first to their name. ;D
Give worgen tails!


A lore possibility is not a reason. High Elves are also not a playable race, so that isn’t the reason for the blue eyes either. Do you want to know the real explanation behind the eye colors? Because its interesting. There doesn’t need to be an explanation.

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xD Yeah sure. Be grateful you actually still got several new additions. Pandaren got a tiny 2.

Nice thread, I support more options, but I swear I puked in my mouth a little bit from that video thumbnail.


:man_facepalming: I am done. Just wow. You asked what the lore reason for having different eye colors were and I gave it to you, and then just ignore it.

Wildhammer Dwarves aren’t playable and yet we get their tattoos. It is customization to allow players to play races they want, such as blue eyes for Blood Elves to play High Elves (who are allowed back in Silvermoon).


don’t really care either way if it gets added, i rarely play anyways so it’s just another customization option i switch to sometimes when i go to barber

but man, i really didn’t want to see drawn worgen cheeks, a little too furry

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Here is a video of Ion just straight up saying light skinned blue eye’d high elves were not gonna be a thing for Alliance, yet oh will you look at that. Months later we got them. And as for the high elves that visited the sunwell. Those are still high elves that are deeply allied to the silver covenant and thus, still allied with the Alliance. Why would a silver covenant high elf just suddenly swap sides to the horde because “sunwell fixed”? No lore explanation what so ever. It’s like I’ve been saying all this time, they don’t care about lore right now, all they care about is more and more options that will please the community.

Also, their eyes wouldn’t have turned blue, it would have turn golden. So yeah, there’s another thing if you’re gonna mention their eyes suddenly changing blue, because that just isn’t the case.

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