Worgen Customization Mega Thread

Also I admire your dedication to pointing out “they put black people in the game, so give me worgen tails.”


It’s funny because they were already in the game so there was precedence for adding those skin tones. There is no precedence for tails.

Now there is a precedence for solid brown, black, and grey fur though… glares at Blizzard give me my solid fur colors please.

Can you just stop? Your opinion is widely known by know, yet you still feel the need to continue shoving it down our throats. Blizzard literally just gave us an example of them ignoring lore and precedent by giving Blood Elves purple eyes, so your argument of “bUt mUh LoRe” is now moot. You (and a few others) are doing nothing but clogging up this thread with non-helpful arguing.

Look in the mirror. The argument for tails is the same, you guys shove it down everyone’s throats.

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Let me refer to this link again, but spin it with tails. ;D

@TheRedShirtGuy Having tails for worgens everywhere was indeed a accident. And in the process of tracking that down, we decided that it would be a nice bonus to throw in the tails for players.

So the Art’s loss is your gain!

If it looks nice, they’ll add it in, lore explanation or not :slight_smile:

Edit: Also, funnily enough, red shirt guy did indeed tweet about the hearthstone tails, yet Blizzard was suspiciously silent with that one compared to red shirts guys previous posts in the past concerning lore explanations or mistakes. I wonder… :thinking:

Don’t care about your furry desires and excuses you will come up with yo get tails. Worgen don’t have them. Them be the facts. Blizzard made it obvious they don’t want them to have tails. :man_shrugging:

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We’re literal talking wolves, no idea what furry desires you get off of just adding in a tail, so sounds like in your head it’s a furry thing when you’re a talking wolf in game just like me. Guess you threw in the furry card and revealed why you actually don’t like the tail idea. Doesn’t have to do with the lore but because it somehow makes them more furry than they already are. Good talk then. :smiley:

Meanwhile you have art from Blizzard themselves both from the wow team and the hearthstone team and the hero of the storm team that have tails on em. It’s not that Blizzard doesn’t want them, it’s that you don’t want them.


No, it is commonly known among the Moonguard community that all the furries RP their characters as having tails. They are freaks. And I am tired of them ruining the Worgen as a race.

They are a reason I don’t want Worgen getting tails but the main reason is I don’t want Blizzard changing the race just because. They have not wanted them to have tails for 15+ years. That is the lore. And people need to stop saying, “But they don’t adhere to lore anyways!” Maybe so but don’t condone that. I would rather them stick to their guns and keep to lore that Worgen don’t have tails just because a vocal minority want them.


You mean the concept art for WoW that wasn’t used? Therefore irrelevant? Hearthstone isn’t canon in anyway and Genn is the only worgen in Heroes of the Storm and he doesn’t have a tail, but that game isn’t canon either.

Yet this is a thread specifically advocating for the tails. If you are so against them, go make your own thread. But your defense against having them is no longer valid, not that it was to begin with.

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Well I’m not from Moon Guard, and I know plenty of people outside of Moon Guard as well that would like to have tails for them not for RP reasons, but for ascetic reasons just like we all want scar, hair styles, separate mane colors from fur color, more ear options and such. It’s not for some furry agenda reason, but simply because it would look cooler, more baest like, more natural. You can’t just base a reason as to not have a certain option just because of a experience you had on a RP server, if that’s the case, throw out all the new cosmetic options in the trash and let’s stick with the original options we had from the beginning.

Ion also mentioned the whole ideal he had when it came to creative differences 15 years ago, and we see that now with all these new options in the game that don’t have any lore explanation to it. “And we don’t want to, you know, not do the right thing because we feel shackled to a decision that was made creatively in a different era 15 plus years ago” -Ion Hazzikostas during this interview

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No it isn’t. There is a whole thread about that. This is for Worgen customization overall. The furry freaks just keep trying to turn it into a tail thread.

If you’re not an orc or elf you can rot for all they care. Ready for years of ion spitting on you and calling you entitled?

I disagree with it being more natural actually because one of my afavorite things about worgen is they looked balanced. (Yes I know males look like they are going to fall over but that is easily fixed with upright posture.) What I mean is, right now Worgen look like they are actually half man, half wolf. They have a wolf head, wolf legs, and wolf claws with a human body. It’s perfectly balanced and I love that. Adding a tail makes them more like 75% wolf and 25% man.

Also I am 95% sure that quote Ion made was why they are adding skin tones and stuff for racial diversity which was long overdue.

I just don’t understand why people can’t leave Worgen alone. If you want to play a werewolf with a tail there are games for that. ESO and any of the Elder Scrolls game. Go play one of those. I am not over on those forums asking the devs to remove tails from them because I want that option. Why? Because they were made with tails and I am fine with that. Worgen were made without tails so I would like them to stay that way.

That’s the whole point of this thread. We’re not looking for people to be forced in to wearing a tail just like us, it’s a option. If you don’t want a tail that’s fine, if you do want a tail that’s also fine. It’s all our own creative differences in the end on how our character looks in the end of the day. The reason why I don’t jump to ESO myself because their werewolf has a tail is because I love this game. I loved it so much I got myself stuck playing a angry chihuahua for almost 10 years. I see all these new ideas that Blizzard is throwing in to the table with the new character options and I think myself man, that could be us worgens with all those fancy new options. Blizzard has time and time again ignored worgens, and they even said it themselves back in Blizzcon when they showed all the new options we would get, if you want something, let us know, speak up, and we’ll listen, and that’s exactly what we’re doing here. We’re being vocal about our opinions much like you are with yours. If we get a tail, then just don’t turn it on, you’re not gonna see every worgen have a tail much like you don’t see every orc running around with a upright option or every undead running around with boneless option.

The comment itself was specifically on Wildhammer dwarves and Sand trolls. He didn’t have to add in the whole comment about the guard changes or the ideas they had 15 years ago. He’s just throwing in his 2 cents in to what him and his team thinks when it comes to new options for the game.


As a Nightborne, I can’t imagine what it must be like to have such pathetic customization options.

Oh. Wait.


Your hang up with what races were made with is now invalid, though. Your entire argument got thrown out the window when blizz added purple eyes for elves yesterday. Previous lore is not a concern with customizations.

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Except that Elves eyes change like they are freaking Eevees. Every form of magic they come across changes their eye color so it isn’t out there to think their eyes can be different shades. That is also a lot more plausible than worgen sprouting a whole freaking appendage out of nowhere. There is lore that magic changes elf eyes so that explains why they can get different colors, there is no lore that worgen have tails.

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Self advertising is against the rules.

There is no lore that Blood Elves have purple eyes. Whether its possible is not the question, according to your ridiculous argument. Its whether they were MADE with them.