Worgen Customization Mega Thread

You are trolling they look nothing like a chihuahua compared to what they used to look like. And as for the rest of your comment you know they got a better posture and breast size reduction so where you think that makes them Jessica Rabbit… No. Everything you said is trolling if you have nothing worth wild to add to the conversation please don’t come in and start for no reason we have enough people as it is we have to deal with already.

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Yeah, so getting mad when that happens to you is totally the next step.


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Mad about what?

They’re trying to dictate responses. They aren’t going to dictate my response. End of story. Get over it.


Its a public forum, you posted publicly, they responded.

You don’t get to post publicly and then dictate how people respond to it.

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No, but I can defend myself when people call me a troll for it. My opinion wasn’t directed at any individual, and I wasn’t attacking anyone. The response to that was personally directed. I can refute that.

I’m sorry you’re not catching on to the difference.


Walks in and drops off a picture

Your trolling the post and I’m done with you.


You came into a thread about Worgen customization and then literally attacked their model…

People responded, you whined about it being your opinion and nothing more cause you’re not here trolling for drama, and they responded.


You can get upset that they return your opinion with their own. They think you’re a troll and just here to cause drama.

You get what you get.


They are not the worgen model. I did not attack them. I think it looks like trash.

I’m not upset at anything. I’m telling them they aren’t going to force me into silence because I have an opinion that’s different than theirs.

They can think whatever they want to think, the moment they accuse me of nonsense is where it ends. They don’t get to just call people trolls just because they don’t like a perfectly valid opinion, at least not without the person defending themselves.

The fact is, they didn’t have to argue with me about it. They could have just let someone state their opinion, disagree with it, and move on. They didn’t, they chose harassment instead.

Worgen Females look like Jessica Rabbit’s chihuahua love child.

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Thank you for all the work that went into this.


lol. See, can’t even come up with a comeback except trying to belittle me. I’ve said time and again I’d like tails, but I’m not especially invested in having them added in. I just don’t like this prick’s “MuH LoReZ. It No WoRk. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. AlSo GiMmE StUfF NoT iN GaMe NaO!”

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Just leaving this here:

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/jiopku/a_representation_of_the_customization_options_for/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


So a while back Ion did a interview, character customization was one of the topics, and this is what he had to say:

I think we are planning on just broadly incorporating the range of character customization options for NPCs as well as players just across the world. I think in some ways, frankly, it’s a bit of a retcon. Like we’re not going to change existing named established characters and make them look different. But walking around Stormwind or around other parts of the world, you will see guards and random civilians that have these looks as if they’ve been there all along.

And we don’t want to, you know, not do the right thing because we feel shackled to a decision that was made creatively in a different era 15 plus years ago

Pretty much if they feel like retconing stuff, they’re fine with it and will just add it in as if it was always there from the begining, which is great to hear not just for us worgens but for a lot of races that would like specific fan favorite options added in but will need some kind of lore explanation to them.

Here’s a link to the interview if you want to check it out. Some interesting things as well outside of character customizations that get brought up.

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That’s really sad to see. If you combine both male and female worgens, we end up losing out to female pandaren. We have the absolute least options out of all the core races and this just shows.


Apparently Human customizations count as worgen customizations to blizzard Rolls eyes

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That graph really is depressing. Honestly, I feel like worgen players just need to flood the forums with posts that include this graph to get some sort of change.

Surely blizzard can’t think just updating our models, and then desyncing the human/worgen forms is enough. SMH, That graph man… Even Gobbos have more customizations than worgen and they were released at the same time as worgen. Hell Pandaren should have less customization then worgen because they were released AFTER WORGEN! WTF? This just keeps making me madder.

I shouldn’t look at that graph, it just… pisses me off.

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this post is amzing and like the tail is one of the main reaso people like vulpera. ik a few worgen mains who swicthed to vulpas just because vulpas had a tail and they felt betrayed that worgen still didnt have tails

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So void elves/blood elves received purple eyes, and this is what the Lead Narrative Designer had to say:

So if it’s a bug, it can make it in as well. No lore needed what so ever, which goes back to that last post I made about Blizzard being fine with retconing and just adding in new stuff if they feel like it would look nice. So give us back that tail hole bug we saw mid way in to beta that will go along with our tails, as well as the different type of dk eyes that were unique to worgens!

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No, nothing is ever enough.

What is that thumbnail image.

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