Worgen Customization Mega Thread

Never said they will

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Great thread 10/10 i would read it again


Still waiting for wild color and phallus sizes.

-Frostpaw Coldwolf :wolf:

I mean they don’t really need to change that much as is. There are already worgen skeletons in game with tails, see Saurok. They would literally just need to create a few tails with animations, they could quite literally copy and paste the vulpera tail over and stretch it out. It wouldn’t be that difficult. The only thing they’d need to do it what they did with the female pandas. A “Tail” or “No Tail” option. Wallah, ez pz lemon squeezy :smiley:


I still do want to see a bunch of more hairstyles for worgen like in the official artwork that blizzard released back in 2009. Some of those hairstyles were dope, and weren’t just the manes we have right now, but actual hairstyles!

I agree with some people that we would have been better off with the Alpha worgen models from the start, at least it would’ve been a more unique Aesthetic than the traditional werewolf look Blizz decided to go with.

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I really want this to happen.
Azeroth is born and raises and uncorrupts the elemental lords to serve as her generals since it’s her fault they were corrupted.

im still pissed we didn’t get a totally black fur option

im still happy we didn’t get tails, since make no sense


We would have been better sticking with the original Vanilla models, but updated. Those were the most fierce and vicious looking in my opinion. Still the best model we have had.

The Alpha models looked too much like lions, and the current model to me still looks like lions more than wolves and it irritates me. Why are the manes all darker than the rest of the body?? They are wolves not lions, Blizzard!

Although I think the female Worgen alpha face was 10x better than what we got.


I’m happy with the current face. While I did like the alpha faces anything is better than the face we had for 10 years. Some claim Worgen females are Disney princesses right now. I don’t see it. The face to me currently is a good mix of ferocity and yet a kindness that shows a bit of humanity behind that fur covered face.


They are. Not to say they are the worst, but the Alpha model females were the best as far as looks goes. The model they had for 10 years was AWFUL, like an angry Chihuahua…

But now, while I think the faces are way better than they were, they are definitely the most “Disney Princess” looking. They aren’t hideously ugly like the chihuahua faces, but they aren’t vicious and wolf-like looking like the Alpha Cata models either.

There are no words for how badly I want tails for my Worgen. If they can give the Dranaei tail options, Worgen tails should NOT be that big a deal.


Draenei have tails already though, so tail options make sense. Worgen don’t have tails so adding options would mean adding tails out of no where. Which is harder for Blizzard since they have to animate, make the model, etc.

This is possibly the best sales pitch / presentation I’ve seen on the forums

/slow clap


Part of what makes Worgen “cute” is how small they are. We should be a much larger and more imposing race but instead we are the “common Alliance tall race” height. Oddly enough Blizzard made Night Elves smaller than the other tall races… Odd change if you ask me.

Except they don’t? Need I point out the Saurok which use the worgen skeleton WITH A TAIL OPTION. As well as the Saberon. So it’s not like they have to animate them out of nothing, there is already a framework built in. You know this already, but you deliberately misrepresent information and neglect to mention what is already present in game.

Quit being this disingenuous jerkwad that whines about “TaiLz Un WuRgN No GuD! Is BaD! Me No LiKe!” You can dislike the idea, but don’t go throwing out falsehoods like this, my little trolly friend :3


Worgen tails should be fine. To the people in this thread who are saying tails don’t make sense: A lot of customizations were added that weren’t previously there. There was a time when I would’ve been anti-tail camp. But now there’s not really a good excuse not to add them. Give players choice.


Yeah, like I believe it was mentioned that high elves were only fair skinned in the official WoW lore. Which is another term for pale/white/etc. So Blizzard decided to add in darker skin tones for the sake of inclusivity and break their own lore. There really isn’t a good excuse to not add them, as many people are coming at this from a lore perspective, to which I will point out, elves were originally only fair skinned and now they have darker options, why not given wuggin’ tails now cause clearly the lore of races doesn’t matter.

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Firstly, I want to apologize for me flying off the handle the other day on the forums here. I was rude and condescending. In truth, it was just a very bad day (actually a very bad week) for me and I took it out on people I shouldn’t have.

But yeah, catching up on the thread here…

This this this and this. I LOVED the alpha female face. When I saw the reveal of the new worgen at BlizzCon, I was legit mad. For a while there, I was trying to pinpoint why it made me so angry. It was the eyes. They do look like a Disney princess. I know they were more inline with the style of how tauren eyes are but they were dramatically different from what we had on the old model and even further from alpha model.

In fact, in light of this revelation, I took it upon myself to do some photoshopping and pasted the alpha model’s eyes over the new model’s eyes and to be honest, I actually fell in love with the result. In addition, I did drop the ears also so that they had that look as if sitting on top of the head.

Of course the face we got is still better than what we had.

At least we got the feral looking eyes for Shadowlands to help remedy this. I kind of wish they would fix the oversaturated glows. I miss that 8.2.5 eye glow :frowning:


If only Blizzard could take exemple on this.
Your fierce eyes are exactly what i wanted to have for my worgen.

Alas if i remember correctly, in one interview a dev stated that they will not do something that a fan has made (didn’t managed to found the line in wowhead).
Probably because of copyright issu and/or misplaced pride.

They should take another approach on that matter: Doing a contest to see his work ingame with a prize like a special mount and his name in the credits should do.

There is a ton of fans who have ideas and even did models, why not asking them a hand to gain time?


FIX WORGEN EARS AND HELMS! NPC versus PC and why all helms look terrible on worgen.