Worgen Customization Mega Thread

genn may not have a tail but worgen in artwork do

so maybe those worgen are more intune with the curse’s full potential

maybe worgen, through new discovery or unearthed knowledge regarding the lore behind their condition, unlock the curse’s fullness

this could also allow for fuller manes, and just about everything in the video; taller, posture, different snouts and various teeth, tails, colors, fighting with claws…

or they could just give all the customization listed in these threads and in the video, without needing to explain them via a nightwarrior-like scenario

either way, tail options and a few other customizations are needed to complete the worgen models and to make them a player’s own. decorations, jewelery, as well.

Oh, I will. Just as I will continue to RP my chars with tails too :slight_smile:


Of course you do, you are Moonguard LMAO

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You say that as if we’re inferior to WRA. Keep that up, I’ll send my fox on you. :stuck_out_tongue:

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I don’t like the full potential angle, but there are ways they could easily do it. Like some Worgen try to connect back with the Pack form, and that exposure affects them as Worgen and makes them more “lupine” and thus get a tail.

Hell Blizzard could even come out and say some Worgen were feral for longer, and thus their connection to the pack form made them more wolf-like and that is why some have tails I would be cool with that.

Just don’t add tails because some people whine about it.

Another in the long list of alliance getting the shaft by these devs. I don’t think they did anything other than the striped fur. Modifying human customizations doesn’t count as worgen customizations.


People are giving legit reasons to add tails and yet you argue them yourself, say people are whining and doing what many would conciser as troll comments and mocking people for requesting a tail.
Isn’t that what happened with the whole high elf situation? Pretty sure only Void Elves were supposed to get the high elf option till people complained and then decided to give it to horde as well.


Will you pull something like this to justify your lack of argument?
There is no lore saying that my worgen may not have a tail.


The lore you quote so much is changed whenever devs need it.
The lore says that Blovar took the helmet of the Lich King for himself. that’s lore.
Where is the lore within the game that says that worgen has no tail or cannot have?

The werewolf model has been portrayed differently throughout the centuries.

If we were to follow the pattern, as imagined we would still have wolfmen in the media and we would never see something like Howling or van Helsing.

Should the 1941 model be maintained or should the Howling and Vanhellsing model be maintained to the satisfaction of some purist?

I prefer the current models, which can be created because there are resources to make them closer than they should be.
Worgen were unfinished for over 10 years.
Well, now there are the means and resources to make them more complete and better and as they would be an optional cosmetic change, whoever wants to stay with a smooth flank, will not be affected more than me or someone feel affected by upright orcs and not curved as they had been portrayed until recently, before the optional cryopractic was invented.

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Also note that worgen has the upright posture too…


Speaking of posture I got kinda bored I was curious just how tall males are, and is the 8 foot thing a model fail or just an illusion from the hunch. Assuming human males are 6’ pretty close to 8’ actually. The hunch is just THAT BAD!

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Seems many of us got a bit heated tonight.

Let’s remember that, as we push for what we want to see on Worgen, ultimately some will have different opinions.

That is ok.

Blizzard will decide these things, none of us will. We can ask, we can discuss, but none of us will ultimately have any say in what blizzard gives us.

Don’t waste time making enemies of each other. It’s wasted effort.

My opinion anyways.



I’m sure I’m going to regret this, but seeing these two sides constantly go back to the same arguments and going around in circles over and over is just tiring.


Please stop saying that worgen don’t have tails whenever some tail-related thing happens. We know they don’t have tails, that is why we are asking for them.

I also understand your position on not wanting tails unless there’s a logical explanation for them. I myself would prefer tails be introduced with a reason behind them, like a short Night Warrior-esque questline or even just character dialogue. I’m sure many others here would also like a valid reason for them instead of them just popping into existence. However, we would still prefer to see tails and no explanation for them than no tails at all. Plus, there’s always the possible retcon that worgen have had tails this entire time, they’re only just now implementing them.

I know you like worgen as they are and don’t want tails just because people have whined about them. That’s fine. But the new customizations have made people hopeful; the new Hearthstone artworks showing worgen with tails have made people hopeful; Blizzard themselves is looking for what players want to see on their favourite races for new customization options. Plenty of worgen players want tails for their worgen, so that is what they are asking for. You can say you don’t want worgen with tails; that’s fine. But please don’t say we shouldn’t ask for them just because you personally take issues with the idea. If Blizzard doesn’t want worgen to have tails, then we won’t get tails. But if they’re fine with it, the best way for them to know how much people want them is for us to ask for them.

I know your biggest problem with worgen tails is the lore. I also enjoy the lore of WoW and try to follow it as closely as I can. However, I also keep an open mind about new possibilites because, simply put, the lore changes. All the time. I don’t think it’s good to be so stuck on the lore, especially because the lore is taking a backseat to new character options.

For everyone else,

Dardillien does have some good points. Asking for something just because there’s nothing that says it can’t happen isn’t a good reason for it to happen. Having tails connect back to the druid Pack Form and Goldrinn is a good reason; having a tail because there’s no concrete evidence to the contrary is not. It is indisputable fact that worgen have never been shown with a tail in-game or official lore.

I know that artwork showing worgen with tails is often brought up as evidence. However, as Dardillien pointed out, Hearthstone is NOT CANON. It CAN show us things that later become canon, such as the Tortollans and N’Zoth’s appearance, but there are also plenty of other things that do not. The recent upsurge in worgen with tails is certainly exciting: DO use it as a hope that Blizzard is thinking about it and possibly adding the option for tails. DO NOT use it as evidence that’s it’s absolutely happening.

The other artwork that is often cited is the concept art. Yes, it is true: the female worgen had tails in their concept art! But I feel like many of you fail to understand what concept art is. It is a visual CONCEPT of something. Not everything included in concept art is set in stone. If it were, worgen would have also gotten that manbearpig thing as their racial mount, instead of Running Wild / mountain horses. Devs can change their minds about things after the concept art has been created. It is true there’s the possibility that they simply ran out of time to include a tail after they scrapped the alpha model for Cata. But we don’t know that. It is also possible that they had already decided against tails.

To all of you,

Worgen are our favourite race. It is only natural that we feel passionate about them, that we want them to look how we feel they would best look. But please don’t let that passion cloud your judgement. Consider the other side, even if you disagree with it, and stay civil. Don’t immediately ignore someone’s viewpoint because you don’t think they have a solid argument. Try to understand their perspective.

Have a good day.


OMG I love this and everything, have my children whoever you are you magnificent being!


I would also say you should make a greater emphasis on hairstyles as well, since that is most likely the only thing Blizzard would be willing to add out of all of this. Take the artwork you show of the female worgen with tails, the long flowing hair that overlaps parts of their body, like flowing down their back and chest. Maybe create a bigger section devoted to longer/wilder hairstyles.


I mean with all this fine work here, have really no blue posters showed their heads in any of your posts? No official Blizz moderators or anything to check this stuff out. I mean you would think they would want super passionate people helping them give players what they really want. I understand you don’t represent all of the worgen player base, but I’d say the majority (Around 80% at least) Would agree with pretty much everything here as potential customization options.

Blizzard, ya’ll really need to just devote a large section of development to the art team in racial customization.

I appreciate your enthusiasm, but you’re stating this event as if it happened in a vacuum.
There was a positive reaction to the accidental inclusion of a tail. I made a tweet about being excited about the idea of worgen with tails and even got a like from Ms. Golden. (While I still had twitter, that is.)

Things can adapt and change.

No, I don’t think Genn will ever have a tail in game, and yes, the inclusion of the tail in that one scene was a mistake. (Nor would I really want Genn to be tailed, having become accustomed to his in game appearance.)

However! As customisations go, it seems the devs are keen to provide what players are keen for rather than working entirely within lore.
If that means I can choose to customise my worgen toons with a tail, then that’s what I will do, as it’s something I’m keen for.


The easiest solution for Blizzard is to not make it a customization option, instead just make it a unique lootable item which worgens can use to apply a permanent buff that makes a tail appear on our character (use again to remove). Literally a tail we taken off some suitable wolf/worg mob and affixed to ourselves :stuck_out_tongue:

This way Blizzard doesn’t need to change anything with the character creation options or barbershop (however color can be affected by fur option), and by doing it this way, it won’t conflict with past established worgen lore and official artwork if worgens were to suddenly have natural tails. So by making it an accessory/cosmetic item Worgen players can go get if they want it, it won’t have any ret-conning effect on past established worgen lore/art.

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This is singlehandedly the best post in this entire thread. Kudos.


Hearthstone is canon in the sense that it has people playing it in game. So that means there is someone in the Lore that is making the cards. That means there is some unknown person/people that think worgen should have tails

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Okay? And? Just because someone in the game, in lore thinks they should have tails doesn’t mean they will.