Worgen Customization Mega Thread

No it wouldn’t. It looks dumb on Worgen. Look at the Van Helsing Werewolves they look awesome without tails, worgen are the same.

Christie Golden isn’t a dev of the game she is an employee but she has that title because shes a writer. That would be like saying the in game GMs are all devs… And that simply is not the case. Like the comment says It was pointed out that Genn dose not have a tail. Not that the Worgen race can not have a tail. That is all we are saying is take a look at it from both sides. I am more than willing to read and discuss your point of view Dardillien, but for it to truly be a good discussion you have to be willing to do the same.

That is your opinion and once again why we are asking for it to be optional. If you want to be a tailless Worgen then by all means go for it. But the rest of us would like the option to choose.


Your worgen can be tailless if that makes you happy.
I prefer mine to be completed with the addition of a tail as it should have been over 10 years ago, and it wasn’t because it was rushed.

And let people choose just as people can choose to use a hunchback or upright orc or choose what shade of bow your blood elf will use today.

You can choose the default model.
Others prefer the model with luxury accessories.

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But that is what doesn’t make sense to me. Your logic is, “Well it isn’t directly stated in lore that worgen CAN’T have tails.” Yeah… there is nothing in lore that says Draenei can have normal looking legs without hooves yet that would be weird, lore-breaking, and dumb looking. Same with Worgen tails.

Also need I remind you, this is a official trailer from Blizzard, coming in for Hearthstone, which probably had multiple screenings from from both lead devs in world of warcraft and hearthstone to make sure nothing slips by, a 2 minute trailer compared to a entire book where people could have easily missed a mistake or two, yet somehow a tail still manages to slip in to the trailer not once, not twice, but three times?
I still feel like this is Blizzard hinting at worgens getting tails much like they showed us N’zoth before we even knew what they looked like in World of Warcraft.


He’s making a narrative about the Christie Golden post. She never said she went to a dev. A dev could have told her but it’s not public means. We don’t know WHAT the case was with that. It could been an “oopsies, I forgot” type thing where she admitted the mistake after it was pointed out to her thus no dev being involved at all.

What this boils down to is that there is nothing on a public source, from a developer that states a worgen can’t have a tail.

No it wasn’t. Worgen have been in the game since Vanilla WoW! And they were tailless then too.

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Well, you’re here at will.
there are thousands of topics here and I don’t dedicate myself to any of them that offend or bother me.

Worgen were a fairly crappy model back then too. Almost like they were ripped from Warcraft 3…

They also have Dreadlord Jaina and Shadow Warrior Anduin, neither of which are canon or the case in WoW so what’s your point?


That is what you’re doing. Nit picking and choosing.

Nothing in public that says Humans can’t have cat ear either so where are those??? :roll_eyes:

Dances with no tail

Keep on grasping there Dardillien. Just admit defeat already.

Still waiting on that source of a developer btw.

Clearly you haven’t played Warhammer 40k and meet the Felinids. :wink:

Yeah they do, they even have Lightforged Ragnaros. What I’m saying is the hearthstone team doesn’t just make up stuff, they keep in with the lore. What if scenarios if you will, while still sticking to the main universal lore of the game. We see all these hearthstone cards, and yes, we can actually see these as a sort of alternate universe type of deal. So in some universe, which we have all stated multiple times on here, worgens can get a tail, and who knows? Maybe we will finally get that tail in game with how much the Hearthstone team has blessed us with tailed worgens.

Defeat? I have no tail the way Worgen were intended. shakes rear without a tail

Sounds like I am winning here.

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Ahem. Might I remind everyone here… as much as I love this tail debate.

This thread is about worgen customization AS A WHOLE. There is an entire thread dedicated to just tails here:



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For now. 9.1 I can see us getting tails.

Keep dreaming. dances in no tail