Worgen Customization Mega Thread

And you’re doing the same.

And if nothing is going to change, to ruin your view of what a worgen should be, you have no reason to want someone to give up on something.

Give up? For what? What good would it do to give up?

Cur, buddy, add me! Wolfie#1352

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Arguing against POC skin tones for races in WoW is racist and messed up. Those are lore changes that make people happy and feel more represented in game, of course I am not going to argue against that because those people deserve to be happy and enjoy the game.

There aren’t werewolves in real life with tails who feel shunned and not represented in real life… If you can’t see the difference I don’t know what to tell you.

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Stop bringing real world politics into a fantasy game.

You’re picking and choosing, trying to make bs excuses to justify your own agendas. You’re ignoring lore breaking from one aspect and honing in on another. Double standards here.


What are you talking about… Azshara was a mage, as were the Highborne that were kicked out of Night Elf society. Not all of them went to Eastern Kingdoms and became High Elves. So they existed in lore. Worgen with tails do not because they don’t have tails. dances

Yeah it is, I don’t know why Blizzard made Worgen smaller, they should change it to be correct in lore. And Genn can fight in both forms because he is special. We have seen him fight in both before in the Comics.

I am? I am providing stuff said by Blizzard employees that Worgen don’t have tails…

And I want them to give up because it’s annoying seeing people whine to have tails and ruin worgen.

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Are we forgetting that this is literally a video game about magic and spells and druidism and such. If a mage or a druid wanted to they could literally just magically make a tail appear. If you want to talk about lore, the groundwork for it is already there to dive in to if that’s what it’ll take to get it. Worgens are lacking identity and key features that keep em apart from any other Worgen and looking the same unlike humans and now blood elves and such. Hell regarding the whole new skin colors for void and blood elves, even humans and gnomes if you wanna dig that deep, you can explain it as hey, the barber did what he does best and not only magically changed my gender and skin color, but he also happened to give me a tail as well!

Video game logic people!

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The only thing I know is that worgen looks much better with a tail and that even if it draws worgen for Blizzard, it insists on putting a tail in worgen, because it makes the model better.

It may even be a joke but it just attests that the breed is complete and better visually.

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Still waiting on this source of where a developer actually said that worgen don’t have tails.


That’s true. That could be the reason why Worgen suddenly get tails. It is a dumb reason lol, but I would accept that because it gives us a lore reason why worgen are suddenly running around with tails.

Also, fun fact. Several models use the worgen model and have a tail, Blizzard could have easily added a tail to worgen but didn’t. I think that speaks volumes on their thoughts on the matter.


You mean right there where it says Christie Golden is a Blizzard employee and she said in her tweet that Worgen don’t have tails?

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… and will continue to wait, until Blizzard declares in the lore that it is not possible, because so far, it is just a visual attribute that has not been put in play, like the upright posture of the orcs that came from nowhere.
And it’s not in the lore either.

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That’s not a source. That’s you filling in blanks. You don’t know that she actually went to a dev about it. Again, making a false narrative.

I want something from a developer themselves.

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Her profile says Blizzard Employee…

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She isn’t a developer.

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And that’s the fun thing, a Blizzard dev themselves has not once ever said that worgens don’t have tails. The option for a tail is there, and we’ve even see off of the skeleton models that came with the new worgen models that they are messing around with the idea of giving a tail to worgens.

Meanwhile you have the hearthstone team who work extremely close with the Warcraft team when it comes to making the art and keeping within the lore still handing out art of worgens with tails even to this very day.

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And that can all change, if we convince Aunt Blizzard.

Christie Golden is not a developer. She is an employee. There is nothing from an actual Blizz dev on a public medium stating this fact that worgen don’t have tails.


Meanwhile I will dance while Worgen don’t have tails because they look great without them. dances

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA you’re delusional.

Because even for these people, among many others, worgen is better with a tail.
I think 10 years of neglect and lack of commitment to worgen could start to improve, with a tail being added.

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