Worgen Customization Mega Thread

You say that, but i’ve already seen multiple people spazzing out about the lack of customization their favorite races have received, despite the fact that they know blizz said they’d add more. People are kinda jumping the gun.

They added the really long ear option for Worgen and I wonder if that was so people could RP Kaldorei Worgen. With the new starting zone and separation of Human and Worgen form I feel they could easily add Kaldorei Worgen as customization.

I mean there are plenty, the ones in Felwood, the Bloodfang pack, part of the Nightbane too. So they exist in numbers.

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Wait, Aren’t Kaldorei Worgen forbidden? with the only ones that exist being trapped in the dream? or am I missing some lore?

(not being sarcastic, genuinely curious)

Are we to say nothing while we wait and hope Blizzard can read our minds? :stuck_out_tongue:
I haven’t seen anyone seriously demand it right this moment.

Aye I thought about that newer long ear option. And yeah a switchout for the human model to a nelf would be neat.

…mmm… I should make a toon for that now I think on it.

Yeah, should be plenty to justify letting us play em. unless they’re holding them for an AR or something.


The pack form was forbidden and the Worgen curse along with the Scythe of Elune led to the Worgen. To put it very vaguely.

They got out and many of them were killed. Later though the Scythe was used to summon some worgen in Ashenvale and then Duskwood and Silverpine. Which is how the worgen curse got to those places more recently. (And Gilneas)


The Druid pack form was forbidden, but Ralaar Fangfire decided to use it in the War of the Satyr and then with the help of Belysra Starbreeze, using the Scythe of Elune, he tried to gain control of the pack form and got turned into the first Worgen. He and his cult then began biting Night Elves and Malfurion sealed them away in the Emerald Dream.

However, the Scythe of Elune was used a few times to bring Worgen to Azeroth, these being the Kaldorei Worgen, in Felwood, Duskwood, and by Arugal outside of Gilneas. So the majority of the Worgen that attacked Gilneas, the Bloodfang pack, were Kaldorei Worgen following Ralaar Fangfire.


No, of course not. It’s you’re right to ask for what you’re interested in and theres nothing wrong with that. But “asking” isn’t what people have been doing, complaining is. That may sound a tad argumentative but I assure you that that’s the most appropriate term for much of what I’ve seen.

It’s not even been a week since prepatch launch and already there are those that speak up about their disappointment and displeasure. I’m really not trying to brown-nose blizz… They’ve done many things that I don’t agree with, but I do believe in being grateful when you receive a gift, which is exactly what we’ve been given. Unless fans are given Exactly what they asked for, they usually find some kind of error to focus on. It’s just a little tiresome to see, especially when we’ve already been given so much, with the promise of more.

but, at the end of the day, I can’t control how others act.
And, at the end of the day, this is just my personal opinion.

I haven’t seen too much of that myself. I mostly try to keep my worgen customizations discussion in here or the “give worgen tails” threads though… So maybe I’ve just been away from the complainers.

Still I wouldn’t say that’s a major issue in this thread. (maybe one or two here and there of course)

Hey guys I’m back Mass Report Discord strikes again. One day they will learn they cant get rid of me and get over it… Maybe… Anyway back to the issues at hand.

Worgen tails should be an option. It would be simple to add the checkbox that allows you to have or not have said tail. The bones in the model already exist so animation and adding said tail isn’t hard at that point. This is something a vast majority want to see. That is also why we want it to be optional so those who don’t want it don’t have something forced on them.

Next Lore Correct size. With a small hand full of the people who don’t want Worgen to have an optional tail cause its against lore. If you honestly cared and its not just a “I don’t like furrys” then you should be with us in asking for Worgen to be the lore correct 8 feet tall rather than the current ingame size of 6feet 10 inches tall. You don’t get to say no the size is fine cause if your saying no tail for Lore reasons then you should want a Lore correct size.

Solid Black fur color. Nothing much needs to be said here other than it should be added, just like how we got the solid white color.

Optional upright males. See Orcs. :slight_smile:

Wolf like forward facing ears. A simple addition that would give a bit more of a unique look. Some people like the bat/elf ears but more options are always good.

Optional jewelry. Last on the list for me in importance but would be nice to see.

Ok well let see what the Mass Report Discord tries to get me on in this post…


One thing everyone is forgetting is that worgens originated from the Pact Form, a wolf form, there is most definitely a in between phase where they both had a tail, and had that worgen form we know of today without the tail.
At some point, worgens DID have a tail, and you could very easily write it in to the lore on how they get it back, plus more. Here is a example.

After meeting with Goldrinn, worgens finally realized how to truly master their worgen form, being able to:
A. Maintain Human form in combat.
B. Able to maintain certain parts of a worgen in their human form and not have the complete form active, just certain parts.
C. Able to use the true Druid of the Pact form and thus, druids can maintain their wolf form without any repercussions.
D. Able to revert back to the in between point where they did in fact have a tail, or just have a tail in general now that they have complete control over their form.

You have to remember, this is druid magic we’re talking about here, the same druid magic that turns you in to a cat, that has a tail btw, I don’t see druids losing their tail when they go in to cat form. So it’s not impossible at all to think that worgens can get a tail.

Also, if you wanna talk about lore accurate, go look at pandarens. Lore wise and real life wise, only red pandas have a tail. Why do suddenly non red pandas have a tail? If Pandas can suddenly get a tail they didn’t have at all, worgens can easily get a tail they did in fact have at some point.

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Also who’s to say Blizzard isn’t already planning on doing just that, giving us a tail?
If you look at hearthstone, there is in fact a worgen that has a tail. You know, hearthstone? That same game that showed us N’zoth before we even ever saw him in game? Maybe they’re teasing us with showing that worgens with tails are happening. :slight_smile:

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No, no one is forgetting that Worgen originates from the Pack form. No there was never an in between state where they both have a form? What are you talking about? Pack form had a tail, it was a druid form. Worgen have never had a tail. Worgen is a curse that came from the Scythe of Elune being used on Ralaar while in pack form, as soon as the Scythe was used on him it no longer was a druid form, it became a curse. And he did not have a tail.

Stop spreading misinformation.

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Vicious options, various fang/muzzle options, scarring and such would be lovely. By all means I agree with you on a personal level and on an analysis with lore. I am currently glad the females look less like Angry Chihuahua’s with terribly large boob jobs. For that…I am a the very least alright with the current state of things.


Exactly. Doesnt matter. I dont know why he mentioned that.

Worgen would definitely feel complete with tail options!


Let’s just remember that saberons have tails. Sauroks have tails. Sethraks have tails. And they all use the worgen model, meaning that at least today, it is really possible to add a tail, which apparently was not possible due to the lack of time and appropriate resources for something well done.

Is it impossible to make worgen at least as tall as tauren or is this one of the many parts of the lore, conveniently written in clay and not in stone?

I believe this is something that can be fixed.

I would like that.

If tauren can wear necklaces, we must also be able.
We use top hats.

Blizzard should strictly punish those who use the reporting system to silence people on its forum, as if they were some kind of frustrated CM.

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I am all for tails and all but I do have to wonder where you see this? I’ve looked around a fair bit and aside from Hearthstone and the few art mishaps and concept art, I don’t know of any lore indicating that there was an inbetween form.

It was Pack form. Which was more or less a direwolf and the Worgen curse form.

You likely know better than me stumbling around the internet. There any place to easily read the story about that besides buying it?

That would be nice.


On the back of his head =D


That one wins.

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The feral ones we fought in the Island Expeditions were also Kaldorei. You can get a quest item you take back to a druid in moonglade with a bit of text.

At this point we have a “cure” for the condition, Night elves could use the reinforcements, Tyrande has a history of already retrieving locked away dangers when help was needed. There’s plenty of stuff that can be used to make a cool allied race questline for making them playable.

I’d love to see it happen. I’d race change my night elf druid into one pretty damn quick. I’d really like to see all wolf based transformations and maybe even the option to allow regular worgen druids to choose them as options via the barbershop. Regular worgen form should be an option to use in place of an animal form as well.

In the comic even Malfurion spent a bit of time trapped in pack form so understood the dangers.

Easily fixed…in the story Elune gave her blessing, Goldrinn did not. Have him give it this time around, boom…tail. =P

Lore is easily expanded upon, I mean look at the upcoming expansion, it’s a crap ton of expanded lore on what came before, giving it new meaning.

Thought maybe the blizzard site, but it’s a link to amazon. I’d just found it on a comic site to read when I read it.


Uhhh I don’t actually. I have the comic online and could send you the panels showing where Ralaar becomes the first worgen, but I don’t know anywhere you could read it.

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