Worgen Customization Mega Thread

Oh he’s welcome to disagree.

As am I.

It’s not blocked by actual lore though. So compromise is unnecessary.

They have said they don’t see them having tails. If they add them tomorrow, point out to me where in the lore, anywhere, that this would be impossible?

They can change their mind on that decision. They’re hardly stuck by lore.

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You are playing with semantics. As I said earlier in the thread, Blizzard might as well add normal human looking legs for Draenei, there is no lore saying they can’t have those. See how that logic doesn’t hold up? It would be weird if Draenei suddenly got normal legs without any lore justification. (Frankly it would be weird even with one but whatevs LOL)

How is that the same?

It’s a ridiculous comparison.

Is it? So is tails for Worgen who have never been shown to have them in canon lore, same as Draenei with normal looking legs.

You too. it has been said many times that no one is against a lore for a tail. but you seem to be against it even if blizzard does it tomorrow.

Nobody is asking for something if it is incompatible or that changes the species.
And since they are similar to wolves, worgen could have a tail to complement the look.

Even if you don’t like it.

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I am against it if they add it tomorrow without a lore reason. Otherwise they could add them literally in the next 5 minutes and I wouldn’t care.

You might be technically correct by that statement with lore examples, but in this particular instance you are splitting hairs as well. We have never had worgen with tails in-game and the devs did confirm goldie’s interpretation of an added tail to be wrong. Based on all our information they aren’t there. Arguing that ‘they could be there and we just don’t see them’ may be technically true, but there is very little backing that claim.

There is some artwork featuring tails, yes, but as we have seen mistakes can be made especially with a company as large as blizzard. He’s already acknowledged that he would be willing to let worgens have tails with some kind of explanation, so why not compromise and meet half way?

Seriously, people, you don’t have to be 100% on everything.


If blizz adds lore sure.

I will however not see that as needed and no one has thus far given me reason to. There’s no lore against tails to require it.

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Why are you ignoring the Devs, who make lore, saying Worgen don’t have tails? That is the lore against it, along with 15 years of them not having tails… You are the kind of people I was talking about where you seem to not care about lore and just want a tail because you want one. Lore be damned.

It’s not that I don’t care about lore.

I very much do.

You’re reading into devs current intention for a race compared to actual lore that would block it.

We disagree on how we view this.

There isn’t any actual lore against it.

There is current dev vision against it.

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I think Worgen actually made it out pretty good but I’m also all for more customization.

Oh for sure. But mostly it was human form.

We are asking for more for the Worgen part.


You might have been skimped because of just receiving the new models along with Goblins.

Regardless give Worgen moustaches.

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This. Worgen form got screwed. I greatly appreciate Blizzard separating Human and Worgen form, and adding all the human customization as options, but I play worgen to play a worgen. Not a human. It would have been nice seeing more worgen customization.


How much can you vary it and still have it be a wolf?

They could have given us solid fur colors. We got white, but where is brown, grey, black? The original worgen in Classic as well as in the comics have solid fur colors yet we don’t have that option. Also more wolf-like ears instead of the bat-like ears we have now. Just some examples of variation they could have added.


Okay… And I appreciate the effort you put into this video/post… but blizz has already stated that they’ll be adding more customization in the future. Sure, You may not have it now, but You’ll more then likely have it eventually; sooner rather then later. You should also really take into account the chaos that the company is currently in and the amount of work that they already have on their hands (which may even include what you’re asking for).

So… that being said, I feel as though you have a problem with the fact that you don’t have as much as the other races Now, rather then with the lack of something you already know isn’t a closed case. Don’t misunderstand, I can sympathize… Everyone should have the things they want, especially when their peers are receiving the thing they want… But sometimes things just take time. Patience <3

Desiring a tail for worgen is not the same as wanting a human with draenei legs.

To want a worgen that is a representation of Goldrinn to be more like it, is reasonable and has always been something that should be optional for players.

Goldrinn has a tail.
Humans don’t have draenei legs.
And that would not make them look more like a draenei.

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Mmm. I’ll take it.


Scars alone shouldn’t be locked to the one face and a few more skin tones (fur colors) are very much feeling like their missing. Not to mention so many other possibilities.

Maybe even really long ears if someone wanted to RP a nelf Worgen. We supposedly have some in Felwood working alongside us.

I know the Human form would still be a bit odd there but…

I don’t think any of us expect it to just BE HERE NAOW!

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honestly that’d look a lot like traditional satyr… which are creepy af.