Worgen Customization Mega Thread

I am alternating my worgen at the barber.
I will change my warrior a lot but I will be moderate with my rogue and my warlock. I will only change my eyes because those eyes without pupils have always been very monotonous for me. :wolf:

It sure would be nice if we had a solid brown, grey, and black option as well to allow the glowing eyes to pop with those fur colors too… :pensive:


Come on Blizzard you can give us more options…

Hasn’t updated for me yet on any of my toons… but it doesn’t matter. No one would notice. Very little changed for me.

Lets make this happen Blizzard

My entire experience customizing a Worgen has been a nightmare. Got through most of my characters without issue, The Worgen customization is just beyond bugged. Doesnt accept any changes made, will hang on the accept screen without applying changes. Leaving the shop and then returning removes the change hair color option. Customizing my Worgen form changes my human form when it finally does go through, most of the time I can change my Worgen form just fine, but even touching my human form causes the whole thing to break.

Some friend have the same issue so i didn’t even try.

I wonder if this bug was visible on the PTR.

Customized one worgen yesterday with no issues. Another one today and its totally broken. Changing either human or worgen changes the other as if the appearances were still tied. I double checked the one from yesterday and she was still the same thankfully.

Customized 4 worgen yesterday without any issues at all.

It was working earlier, then they did an update around 7ish.

Seems it started then.

Weird because I didn’t get on until 7ish EST and it was fine for me.

Maybe you just weren’t affected.

It’s possible that whatever caused it, I just wasn’t affected until after the small patch.

Hard to tell without access.

I also have been having sever issues with customizing my worgen druid. I select something for her human form and leave with a completely random look. So frustrating

Just posting a reply here so I can come back here after work once I’m on my pc. I’m interested in this topic and want to give it the time it deserves.

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So little has been added for worgen, of what we could have, and yet we have unforeseen problems with customization flaws.
We will have to wait for some time until all Shadowland screws for the worgen are adjusted.

Glad I found this thread, was having issues and was like “not happy” when I decided to hit up the old barbershop and had issues.

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Even with the hotfix, the ability to customize is borked :frowning:

I am happy to see people enjoying the new fur colors running about. I still feel incredibly underwhelmed standing next to night elves and tauren.

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Remove worgen hunchback and I’ll play one


Eye color saturation is quite a bit overdone, like I don’t want them to be dull and lifeless but my worgen also isn’t an RBG Pc part. Tails I could do with or without not a hill I’d want to die upon. The only thing I’d possibly ask for additionally would be fur patterns similar to what Vulpera have.

It’s hard for me to tell. the barber shop (for me at least) seems to be broken whenever i try to use it on my Worgen. It either (A) doesn’t accept some or all of the changes i make to the Worgen Character or (B) It doesn’t accept the changes at all and charges me for all the changes and i pay gold for nothing.