Worgen Customization Mega Thread

aqir egg cluster

wHo tHrEW THaT?

It’s supposed to be a curse because Worgen are highly emotional and really don’t have their rational thinking as much anymore. They are supposed to be rather rash now because Goldrinn’s rage is part of them. Also they run the risk of just getting mad and being forced to change against their will (we sort of see this in-game when we turn into worgen form when entering combat. It’s like high stress situations cause worgen to revert to their worgen form.)

Worgen also have a natural desire to hunt and kill. Every worgen. It is part of who they are now and it is a desire they have to balance out in their life. Could you imagine that? That is pretty annoying and inconvenient as hell, especially if before becoming one you were just an average citizen in Gilneas who never hunted or anything… Again they can’t implement this into the game, but that is part of the worgen curse.

There is plenty that makes it a curse, Blizzard just can’t implement it in game because it would be a hindrance to the player.

P.S. Sorry for the rant!

I still think we should have the ability to hide weapons for transmog.


just be a worgen arms warrior 4head

That’s all cool on paper, however;

Which makes it kind of meaningless because the impact isn’t felt in game in any way, shape, or form beyond the worgen starting zone. Not even in gossip from major lore characters. We’re just told that curse = bad.

Plus, any major hindrances brought by the curse were wiped away by the Ritual of Balance. We see Greymane freely switching forms no matter what, even in high stress situations, even when he’s impaled by an arrow for some reason.

That’s because rule of cool is how Blizzard rolls. Also Genn Greymane is not a good example of Worgen as far as control because this man was bitten by a worgen and fought the transformation and held it off for weeks! Normal people it happens within hours to at most 3 days. So obviously Genn is special even as far as worgen go, also worgen changing back and forth at will is gameplay in my opinion.

I doubt worgen can change back and forth several times without it taking a toll on them.

But yeah, I’d love to see more quests and stuff showing the downsides of being worgen rather than us just being told.

There are only 3 things I really want for my worgen (I know at least one has been listed above).

  1. The ability to hide weapons so I can fight like a true werewolf
  2. The ability to use worgen form as my druid form (it is supposed to be the most powerful druid form)
  3. The ability to set my main form toggle to be human. I know many people are completely against me having this ability (why dont you just play Stormwind human) but I play worgen to be a werewolf. Have you ever seen a werewolf movie where the werewolf is a werewolf most of the time? No. Is Genn even a werewolf most of the time? No. I want to be human until I “wolf out”. TO me this gives it a lot more meaning to be a were wolf.

My personal preference is that they simply admit there’s no downsides and roll with that. Maybe have a new Wolfcult that preaches how good the curse is and seeks to convert others by force or whatever.

Other than that, just anything other than this fence-sitting that Blizzard is doing would be better.

I want more customization to my Worgen and yes that includes the option for a tail. I am very sad at the lack of stuff we got. Sure some people say we get to edit the human look but… Ill be honest Two Forms isn’t even no my bar. I could care less what my human form looks like. And I agree with Dardillien we get told in the Worgen HA quest… We should be ashamed for being cursed… Instead of being proud that we took one of our greatest downfalls and made it into one of our greatest strengths. Also can we get a lore correct 8 foot size. Worgen are far too small and that helps them look cute rather than a hulking monster of a creature.

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Better yet, just add a height slider already.

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What about tiny worgen though? OwO

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yes please uwu

They are confirmed in dev official lore to be 8 feet tall.

There’s no issue in making that flexible, is there? Sure eight feet can be the default, but why not have lesser or greater stature be an option?

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So I didnt for the first few years. Now its ALWAYS there. I am sad the add-on got broken that let me chose to go back to human when out of combat.

Yeah, I am kinda like the Alliance Warlocks that do not summon their demons in cities - they were supposed to stay hidden. I like that kinda of light RP thing that I just do for myself

The reason I play Worgen is not to be human. To be something more. If I wanted to be human I would just make a Stormwind Human.

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My greatest dream!

Yes yes go on…

I like it…


This character actively fights his transformations and tries his hardest not to go to Worgen form.

I like the duality and the struggle of trying to stay human.

I agree. Let 8 feet be the standard but all species have variance.

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let me fix that for ya


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