Worgen Customization Mega Thread

Wow. I think you’re getting mad here. Apparently Not all of Blizzard agrees with you on the basis of hearthstone cards still having art with worgen tails.

How about you get over it and accept that people want this and your reasons against it are flat out ignorant and stupid.

Also I love how you blatantly ignore my points that calls out your hypocrisy :slight_smile:

Lol I love making you tail people mad and come scrambling to the thread to defend your stance.

I am done for the day LMAO.

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I am starting to feel like the Alliance are pretty demanding and whine a lot more than the Horde.

The amount of views and push on this thread. A long with Blood Elves getting straight up stolen from the Horde. Don’t even want to mention all the push on those threads…

It’s fine to want customization and I don’t doubt worgens are lacking. So hopefully they get added customization but hopefully they don’t forget everyone else.

Kinda like how they only addressed Void Elves for Allied races…

The original vision had a tail rather you like it or not. Official art that was printed in the special edition book.

Both had tails. So yes officially they were supposed to have tails at the start. Sorry if you don’t like it but unless you go back in time and change the concept to Worgen that is what they were supposed to be.

Not what they went with though officially. :man_shrugging:

Worgen don’t have tails. Blizzard chose that route. :clap:

Go back to she who shall not be named’s discord bub. You’re just another immature kid who wants to argue L O L B U T M Y L O R E. When we repeatedly have torn apart your arguments time and time again. I swear people on RP servers seriously have a jagged way of looking at things. I’d know, I main on an RP server and the generally mentality is very, very skewed compared to people on non-rp servers.

Plus, again, I love your hypocrisy and you’re refusal to comment on how you are so adamant about lore that you dare not speak out about the other changes coming to Shadowlands which ARE lore bending.

So pls… spare us. That and with what you just said, you just pretty much admitted to trolling. Also one more thing. This thread is about worgen customization as a whole and not just tails. Stop making it about YOU, you precious, salty, little naysayer!

Good thing your not Blizzard and don’t speak for them. Till they say it officially we will continue to ask and when we get them don’t worry I’ll make sure to post plenty of pictures for you.

Stay mad y’all, Worgen don’t have tails. :grinning:

Grow up dude. O M G T H E Y W A N T M O R E C U S T O M I Z A T I O N. Waaaah

There’s a large portion of players who want it which shows the potential for Blizzard to grow their fanbase. It’s ultimately up to them, and I wouldn’t be surprised if they decide to do it in the future.

Now if you want to resist the transformation, go ahead. Soon enough you will see how wrong you are no-tail.

Personally I believe Worgen should never have tails. It’s nice enough of a transformation to consider them aberrations (which is what they are transformed into) instead of something primal which is the equivalent of Trolls.


Right now you guys are seeing how wrong you are because Worgen have gone through 3 model changes and still been given no tail. Blizzard clearly doesn’t want them to have one.

That’s a good viewpoint, yeah. I’m fine with them either way – they’re still my favorite race on the Alliance side.

As for you, get the gist that I’m just joking around. It seems like you’re the one taking it too seriously!

I thought you were done? LUL Always trying to get the last say in. What a child.

Edit - Lol here comes the response!

Yeah. I’m similar pretty much. It doesn’t bother me if you guys have tails or not.

Thinking about it it might be a huge thing compared to straight backed Orcs. It requires jury rigging the animations all over again and it could be pretty hefty.

Yep cause AAA company’s who come out with models like this are proud to say this was their work:

Give me a break. That model was an abomination of animation and art style. Blizzard made as few characters as they could female Worgen cause they were ashamed of the model and for 10 years we had that model after Blizzard scrapped the original model with almost no time to go before Cataclysm went live.

WAIT WAIT! I can one up ya here!

Calling someone a child is childish in itself. But okay.

Agreed. One of the things I like about no tail on any werewolf is how usually they have a wolf head, wolf like claws, wolf legs and feet. So having a human like torso with no tail makes them feel more balanced as they are supposed to be half-man, half-wolf. Not 75%-wolf and 25%-man hahahaha. Just my thought though.

I am not against tails in franchises that already have tails, for example Elder Scrolls, but with games and media where they don’t have tails I would rather they just stick to that.


Keori please do not post bad images, even if they are comparative. That eye bulge of the chihuahua isn’t healthy. Neither is its eye.

just add saberon instead lol!

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