Worgen Customization Mega Thread

8 feet tall Worgen are confirmed lore so explain why we are 6 feet 10 inches tall in game oh lore master and not the correct size?


First, quit with the condescending attitude.

This is only one of MANY. MANY examples that said this. Again, there is nothing in lore that explicitly states that a worgen cannot have a tail. NONE. It’s not lore breaking if there is no lore to begin with.

There is nothing false about this. Most people who play this game are NOT role players. I am not saying that non-rp’ers aren’t excited about this either, what I am saying is is that most people will NEVER even use their human form and hadn’t for the past ten years. It’d be different if worgen had the option to be bale to swap combat between them but that’s a whole issue in itself. In truth, unless you’re a role player, most people who play worgen, don’t use their human forms. No reason to. Why would they?

So please, stop trying to make me out to be a liar. I don’t see you coming up with any facts here, just finger pointing and trying to derail it.

And you show nothing to back up your claims where I have.

No, it’s called organizing things to make them easier to read.

I never once trashed the human customization at all. Now you’re putting words in my mouth which I never said. I fully am happy I can customize my human counterpart. it should have been like that from the beginning. I’ve said this all along.

I never said ONLY roleplayers would care about it. I said that most of the appreciation would come from the roleplay community as this is something that is more up their alley. I know there are plenty of non-rp’ers would enjoy this change as well but I never once excluded them and saying this is ONLY a role player thing.

However it is only a role play aspect because we literally cannot use the form for anything BUT role play… or taking screenshots or whatever. We cannot fight in the form.

You’ve done nothing actually. Just brought toxicity to the thread and made up lies of your own to make you seem important.

yeah, just go away at this point. You clearly are here to get attention and derail this thread with false narratives of your own. Your condescending attitude isn’t worth the frustration. So far as it stands, you are only one in the few who disagree with false narratives of your own.


I liked all of these models.

Why is everything about the alliance canonical, appearing only in books and never in the game? :smirk:

Because they are not alliance races. :unamused:

Just kidding

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We do have one of the devs saying Worgen were 8 feet tall in cannon and that was not in a book. Just never have had it be so in game for some reason.

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I mean, Tauren are canonically taller than ogres and should be 9 ft to 10 ft tall

Its just, well, that’s not how they’re presented ingame because… Well, ask any female tauren who tried to raid Molten Core back in Vanilla what they think about tauren hitboxes

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Literally specified by Christie Golden and one of the other devs on Twitter after the book debacle.

Done and done.

Irrelevant. It was specifically stated they don’t have tails. And yeah, also irrelevant because as you said, it’s not canon. Waste of time to even bring it up.

Old concept are that was trashed and never used. Also irrelevant.

You’re seriously going to try to go with game mechanics as an excuse? ROFLMAO :rofl::rofl:

Sad desperation. Use some logic. LOL

OMG you’re so hilarious! Trying to use old crap that has nothing to do with actual game lore?! LOL…

All of those “examples” are irrelevant. Already proven irrelevant by the game since Vanilla and the statements by Golden and one of the devs.

Yes it IS false. Non roleplayers do run around in human form. Until you give me proof that they don’t— which you can’t— you’re lying and projecting for your own false narrative.

You are lying. You claim people don’t do things because you don’t want them to, since it doesn’t fit your agenda.

You haven’t backed up anything. You’ve given old crap that has no meaning to game lore or what was said after the book debacle.

That says otherwise. :point_up:

LOLWUT? You can use human form for whatever you want outside of combat. Farming for mats, crafting, using the AH, etc. Lots of people do. I’ve watched them on different normal servers for years.

I gave my opinion and fatcs. I don’t need attention. And I’ve been completely on topic. Nothing I’ve said is off topic, considering everything I’ve commented on was done so after quotes by you. More lying to further your agenda. How sad.

Honey, I’m the one who gave facts. You’re the one claiming only a small community care about human form and you want to ignore that Blizz specifically said Worgen don’t have tails. I’m not the one with the false narrative. LOL

This is just another thread where no one with an opposing opinion and facts is allowed to post. You’re no different than the Helf fanbois.

You insulted the roleplay community, insulted those outside of the roleplay community, made up false information, got snarky and tried to kick me out because I don’t agree.

Such hypocrisy. LOL I’ll make sure to stay out of these toxic topics from now on. You’ve done well in proving how much you Worgen Tail fanbois are just as bad as Helfers.

See ya.


Don’t care much.



You missed the part where I told you the info about that so… Not done. Genn Greymane yes dose not have a tail but no where in the history of Worgen have they ever said they can not have a tail. The concept art for Worgen had a tail so… Until Blizzard comes out and say it as an official post there is nothing done about the issue or our requests. Nice try though.


Yes and no Wrenchester you are correct in Lore Tauren are 10 feet tall. Clearly they would not fit in human buildings at that scale so they are scaled down to 8 feet in game so they fit in buildings without having to have a constant ducking animation. I feel bad about it but I understand why they did that. The bigger issue with Worgen is we are too small and seeing as Tauren and Zandi trolls are close to the Worgen size we know they would work in game fine.

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Its basically a prototype of what happened in Wrath. The RPG is sourced from dev documents. Therefore, we can consider the Warcraft RPG to count as a source for late Vanilla/early TBC things. BElves were early TBC

Please provide a source to Blizzard saying “Worgen can never have tails” as 90% of my things about them mentioning worgens are the Garwhal lack of taming thing and then the “These aren’t a playable race” pushback in late Wrath when we datamined the Cata race halloween masks

Please note I will be then countering this with me fishing up the quote from Blizzard about them not concerning about lore in relation to the new customisations, which is why we’re getting Sandfury/Dark Trolls. I also notice you don’t seem to be as worked up about them, despite, y’know, Sandfury in the Horde being a big ol’ lore problem given “Sandfury trolls were so pissed off with the Horde being welcomed into Zandalar they were involved in a bit of a revolution” was an entire zone’s storyline, and that’s before the Zandalari even joined the Horde

Or, y’know. High Elves on the Horde.

Hearthstone isn’t exactly what I’d call “Old concept art that was trashed and never used” and I’d argue ‘relevant’

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So if ogres are to be a playable race, will they be made smaller than they are?
I am sure that people will consider this “compromise”.

Same size as Zandalari should be ideal. Ogres average 8 ft, same as Worgen and Zandalari

She was not a developer. She was a writer at the time when she created Before the Storm. Writers are given the stuff by the developers, it is their job to write the simple narrative. At that time, she has no say in what the developers have as far as lore.

Done and done.

Again, nothing explicitly in lore.

Never used? Cataclysm collector’s edition artbook says otherwise. Oh, shall we talk about the current board game where Genn had a tail? Or perhaps the two hearthstone cards that have worgen with tails?

I am beginning to think you never even read the thread and just want to insert yourself.

The fact that you’re hostile really proves your maturity level. The thing is, you’re sitting here spouting lore yet this person bring up lore and how our models don’t reflect lore is written… so you’re now suddenly against lore?


Except, it’s been written this way in the game itself for over a decade. As I said, there are many examples. You’re just too lazy to look it up yourself. It’s in many official mediums and has been explained through the game itself.

I never said they did not. Please show me where I said that EVERY non-roleplayer in this game doesn’t use this form at all.

You’ve yet to provide anything to back up your statements.

You took it out of context to fix your own agenda. RP communities are the minority in this game and I said LIKELY thus meaning that there is a chance that they would do what is not in the norm. So again, forcing your own narrative here.

Why do I highly doubt this? I am not saying they wouldn’t. But this is talking waaaaaay out of the norm here.

if you don’t need attention then why do you keep replying and inserting yourself like you’re some alpha that knows better? I’ve yet to see you prove how exactly I have lied? LUL

You have given nothing actually. Absolutely nothing.

No there are plenty of people who have disagreed. Difference is, they actually act like an adult and can hold a civil conversation :wink:

Case and point.

This is all your doing actually. You’ve done absolutely nothing here but be hostile to those who actually do provide facts and get salty when proven wrong.

Bai! Won’t miss ya!


Yeah, uhm I’ve seen several threads asking for more allied race options SINCE THEY REALEASED. Maybe you weren’t paying attention. Be thankful you guys got some good options. Some of us got nothing even after repeatedly asking :wink: but sure, Jan.


Ohh, but I am seeing these threads.
There are several of them and all scattered like leaves in the wind and none centralized and with continuity.
And I always see people complaining about what is not present in customizations of their favorite races, in threads dedicated to requests related to other races, as if to say
“I am worse off. You shouldn’t want something for your favorite race before I have something for mine”

Why isn’t there a megatrhead about what Blizzard should do to improve nightbornes?
Why whoever wants something for their favorite race always chooses to refer something in threads that have other races as a subject just to invalidate those requests, like who says we shouldn’t want anything more because they are not being more organized in declaring this to blizzard same extent, rather than creating something for themselves?

Sorry, but if some people do not have the will or courage to organize themselves around common interests, like those who have been doing it for worgen, at least they should not enter these threads to try to invalidate, belittle or diminish the interest and importance of this, because they are not getting attention for which they are not striving to receive what they consider important to themselves in relation to their favorite races.

Sure sure, but what does coming in here and saying anything do to help you?

Go to one of those threads or make your own and request what you’re looking for.



I think some people just don’t have the courage to do certain things and resent people who speak up for something.
Possibly, Blizzard may say no to what we ask for, but at least I am seeing people gathering around something they all want and showing interest in it, on an ongoing basis.

And I’m not going to go into a thread that asks for corrections for nightborne, saying that they shouldn’t ask for it, that they should settle for not receiving anything else or that they should wait in some imaginary line, after worgen and other breeds that are already in the game the longest and has a presumed imaginary prerogative of preferential treatment in receiving updates and improvements.

That would be very immature and selfish.

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Aye. There is no good reason not to ask. Maybe they say no again, maybe not. Honestly I’m going to keep on asking even then. Blizz has changed their mind many times before.


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man if you think worgen got even remotely close to some of the other races that got easily twice if not three times as much customization perhaps you should go and look at the race itself. Btw, human form being separated doesn’t count. All we got were our facial hair separated from the face as a whole which I don’t know why we couldn’t have in the first place. That, maybe 2-4 more fur options or so and the addition of the opposite gender’s eyes, a slight few heterochromic options and a blind option (all of which was added to most of the other races as well) woooooooow amazing, 10/10 fantabulous.

We got nothing compared to other races which got added jewelry, and the fact that the scar-face is locked to certain faces. W h a t are you going on about.

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